PPV definition
Examples of PPV in a sentence
PPV is defined as the maximum instantaneous positive or negative peak of a vibration signal.
These may be expressed in terms of ‘peak’ velocity or ‘rms’ velocity.The former is the maximum instantaneous velocity, without any averaging, and is sometimes referred to as ‘peak particle velocity’, or PPV.
Although PPV is appropriate for evaluating the potential for building damage, it is not always suitable for evaluating human response.
If not otherwise specified, a maximum allowable PPV in accordance with the United States Bureau of Mines (USBM) Vibration Criteria (Figure 1) shall be observed at all structures.• The location of seismograph(s) placements, as directed by the Contractor’s Professional Engineer.
A record of the time of day at each depth interval, included on the pile driving records, would be required to correlate to a time-based readout of PPV).