Public practice of geology means the performance of geological service or work such as consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, mapping, and inspection of geological work in which the performance is related to public welfare or safeguarding of life, health, property, and the environ- ment, except as specifically exempted by this Act. A person shall be construed to practice publicly or offer to practice publicly geology who practices any branch of the profession of geology; or who by verbal claim, sign, advertisement, letterhead, card, or who in any other way represents him- self to be a geologist; or who through the use of some other title implies that he is a geologist; or who represents that he is registered under this Act; or who holds himself out as able to perform or who does perform any goelogical services or work recognized as geology.
Public practice of geology means any professional service, work, or activity and its performance requiring formal geological education, training, experience and the understanding and application of special knowledge of the mathematical, physical, and geological sciences as may be related to those services including, but not limited to, consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, interpretation, remediation, expert technical testimony, planning the use of land and water, protection of groundwater to ensure adequate quality and quantity for present and future generations; prevention and remediation of contamination of the earth, earth materials and water from improper disposal or accidental spills; determination of the suitability and risks in containment and disposal of wastes and hazardous materials including but not limited to landfills, storage tanks, and injection wells; development and implementation of subsurface site investigation work plans associated with solid and hazardous waste sites, underground and aboveground storage tank sites, environmental site assessments, comprehensive site assessments, etc.; design and installation of groundwater monitoring systems, interpretation of groundwater data, interpretation of subsurface data collected during environmental site assessments or comprehensive site assessments; determination of aquifer flow characteristics (i.e pump test, slug test etc.); interpretations of surface and borehole geophysical surveys; sighting of boreholes, depth of wells to be drilled, depth of casing and grouting requirements for the construction of monitoring wells or other borings into the earth that may affect one or more aquifers, or other geologic phenomena; geologic surveying and mapping including making measurements and gathering data related to the physical features of the earth including subsurface data including the depiction of such information into geologic graphics, data, maps, plans, reports, descriptions, or projects and including preparing, creating, and/or modifying computerized, electronic data related to the activities contained within this section; inspection of geological or related work any of which includes or embraces any services, activities, or work public or private, which may be adversely or otherwise be affected or influenced by geological processes including but not limited to utilities, projects, communication systems, transportation systems or any other anthropogenic features, and insofar as they involve protecting and s...
Public practice of geology means the performance for others of geological
More Definitions of Public practice of geology
Public practice of geology means the performance for others of geological service or work in the nature of work or consultation, investigation, surveys, evaluations, planning, mapping and inspection of geological work, in which the performance is related to the public welfare of safeguarding of life, health, property and the environment, except as specifically exempted by this Chapter. The definition shall not include or allow the practice of engineering as defined in Chapter 89C of the North Carolina General Statutes.
Public practice of geology means the performance for another of geological service or work, such as consultation, investigation, surveys, evaluation, planning, mapping and inspection of geological work, that is related to public welfare or safeguarding of life, health, property and the environment, except as specifically exempted by ORS 672.505 to 672.705.
Public practice of geology means the performance of service to the public in connection with the geological description, location, or evaluation of earth materials, liquids, and gases and the natural processes acting upon them.
Public practice of geology means the performance for others of geological service or work in the nature of work or consultation, investigation, surveys, evaluations, planning, mapping and inspection of geological work, in which the
Public practice of geology means the performance for others of geological service or work in the nature of work or consultation, investigation, surveys, evaluations, planning, mapping and inspection of geological work, in which the performance is related to the public welfare of safeguarding of life, health, property and the environment, except as specifically exempted by this Chapter. The definition shall not include or allow the practice of engineering as defined in Chapter 89C of the North Carolina General Statutes. Geology" means the science dealing with the earth and its history; investigation, prediction and location of the materials and structures which compose it; the natural processes that cause change in the earth; and the applied science of utilizing knowledge of the earth and its constituent rocks, minerals, liquids, gases and other materials for the benefit of mankind. This definition shall not include any of the following: