School Year Employee definition

School Year Employee means any Employee who is regularly scheduled to work during the normal school year.
School Year Employee. Means an employee occupying a School Year Position. A School Year Employee may be a Permanent Employee, Temporary Employee or Term Employee. School Year Employees will be subject to lay-off for the summer school break periods and must use their vacation during the ten (10) month working period. These employees are encouraged to schedule vacation during the winter and spring school breaks. If vacation is not scheduled during the winter and spring school breaks, these employees will be laid off during those break periods. School Year Employees will have no entitlement to displace another employee when laid off during the winter, spring and summer breaks.
School Year Employee. An Employee employed for the traditional school year months which exclude the period of school summer break.

Examples of School Year Employee in a sentence

  • School Year Employee Holidays The Board of Education will pay for the following holidays.

  • Regular Part-time School Year Employee: A regular part-time school year employee is defined as a professional educator who is scheduled to work less than 7 hours per day on a regular basis for at least a 180-day school year, or works less than the 180-day school year.

  • Regular Part-time School Year Employee: A regular part-time school year employee is defined as a support staff who is scheduled to work less than 7 hours per day on a regular basis for at least a 180-day school year, or works less than the 180-day school year.

  • Regular Full-time School Year Employee: A regular full-time school year employee is defined as a support staff who is scheduled to work at least 7 hours per day on a regular basis for at least a 180- day school year.

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  • Regular Full-time School Year Employee: A regular full-time school year employee is defined as a professional educator who is scheduled to work at least 7 hours per day on a regular basis for at least a 180-day school year.

  • School Year Employee 12 sick days per year, of these 12 days, 3 may be used as (Full Time): personal days.


  • School Year Employee Accumulated sick leave is calculated at the beginning of each school year with new days added on September 1.

  • School Year Employee: A school year employee is defined as a full-time (40 hours) or part-time employee who is scheduled to work either the regular school year or an extended school year.Cardinal Kids Club (CKC) Employee: A Cardinal Kids Club (CKC) employee is defined as a full-time (40 hours) or part-time employee who is scheduled to work all twelve (12) months of the year but excluding some regular school vacation periods.

More Definitions of School Year Employee

School Year Employee means and refer to an employee whose bargaining unit position generally coincides with the school calendar and who is, therefore, regularly scheduled to work on school days when students are in attendance, but who is not employed on a twelve (12) month basis within the bargaining unit.
School Year Employee means an employee who works 170 days but less than 207 days per fiscal year.
School Year Employee. A school year employee is one regularly scheduled to work six (6) or more hours per day during the school year (September through June), and bus drivers regularly scheduled to drive two (2) or more round-trips per day during the school year. Part-time Employees: A part-time employee is one who is scheduled to work less than six (6) hours per day and/or less than five (5) days per week.
School Year Employee means an employee whose normal work year is 182 days, exclusive of vacation and holidays.
School Year Employee means an employee whose are required for the period of the year during which the schools are open for their regular term. The period of time not worked by a school year employee shall not be considered a lay- off. A school year employee shall be considered on during period in which the services are not required. While on Status" a school year employee shall retain previously accumulated sick leave and vacation credits but shall not accrue additional credits. 'Part- time Employee" an employee employed on a continuous basis and who works less than the normal hours of work. .os "Term Employee* i s an employee whose services are required for a specified period of more than six continuous months. An employee shall be on probation the date of 'appointment as an employee for a period of months. An employee may be terminated by the Employer at any time the probationary upon provision of two weeks notice i n writing or salary i n lieu thereof. where appropriate, Includes Board of Management, the Minister of Education and Boards of School Trustees.

Related to School Year Employee

  • School employee means (1) a teacher, substitute teacher, school administrator, school superintendent, guidance counselor, psychologist, social worker, nurse, physician, school paraprofessional or coach employed by a local or regional board of education or working in a public elementary, middle or high school; or (2) any other individual who, in the performance of his or her duties, has regular contact with students and who provides services to or on behalf of students enrolled in a public elementary, middle or high school, pursuant to a contract with the local or regional board of education.

  • Service employee, means any person engaged in the performance of this contract other than any person employed in a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional capacity, as these terms are defined in Part 541 of Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, as revised. It includes all such persons regardless of any contractual relationship that may be alleged to exist between a Contractor or subcontractor and such persons.

  • Regular Employee is one who is hired to work on a full-time or part-time basis on regularly scheduled shifts of a continuing nature;

  • School employer means a board of school directors, the

  • Designated Employee means an employee who has been designated by the school to receive complaints of hazing, harassment and bullying pursuant to subdivision 16 V.S.A. 570a(a)(7). The designated employees for each school building are identified in Appendix A of this policy.

  • Ongoing employee means an employee who has been employed for at least one complete standard measurement period.

  • Senior Employee means a person having supervisory responsibility for at least ten (10) employees, and “founded allegation” shall include, but not be limited to a finding by an internal investigative process, an arbitrator or mediator, a governmental entity or tribunal authorized to investigate claims of sexual harassment, or a court of competent jurisdiction.

  • Public employee means an individual holding a position by appointment or employment in the government of this state, in the government of 1 or more of the political subdivisions of this state, in the public school service, in a public or special district, in the service of an authority, commission, or board, or in any other branch of the public service, subject to the following exceptions:

  • Contractor employee means prime Contractor and subcontractor employees who require agency access to perform work under a CMS contract.

  • Newly hired employee or “New Hire” means any employee, whether permanent, full-time, or part-time, hired by the Office and who is still employed as of the date of new employee orientation. It also includes all employees who are or have been previously employed by the Office and whose current position has placed them in the bargaining unit represented by CSEA. For those latter employees, for purposes of this article only, the “date of hire” is the date upon which the employees’ employment status changed as such that the employee was placed in the CSEA unit.

  • School year means the period beginning July 1 and ending June 30 next following.

  • Qualifying Employee means any employee of Managing Agent or Parent or any of their respective subsidiaries who is and has been an employee of Managing Agent or Parent or any of their respective subsidiaries for at least thirty-six (36) months.

  • Male employee means an employed male who is caring for a child borne of his spouse or a child placed with the employee for adoption purposes.

  • Non-Key Employee means any Employee who is not a Key Employee.

  • Retained Employee does not include any individual who has a direct or an indirect ownership interest of at least five percent (5%) in the profits, equity, capital, or value of the Taxpayer, or a child, grandchild, parent, or spouse, other than a spouse who is legally separated from the individual, of any individual who has direct or indirect ownership interest of at least five percent (5%) of the profits, equity, capital or value of the Company.

  • Transferred Employee has the meaning set forth in Section 6.01(a).

  • Current Employee has the meaning set forth in Section 7.8(a).

  • Junior Employee means an employee under the age of nineteen years, who is in receipt of less than the prescribed adult rate of wage.

  • Active Employee means a contributing member of the TRS who is employed by a public school and is not entitled to coverage under a plan provided under Insurance Code Chapter 1551 (Texas Em- ployees Group Benefits Act) or 1601 (State University Employees Uniform Insurance Benefits Act).

  • Probationary Employee means a person who is employed but who has worked less than the prescribed probationary period.

  • Company Employee means an employee of the Company or an employee of a Subsidiary of the Company, if any.

  • Hired Employee has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.6.

  • Affiliated employee means any individual employed by a recipient who receives compensation directly from government assistance or a contract with the District of Columbia government, including any employee of a contractor or subcontractor of a recipient who performs services pursuant to government assistance or a contract. The term “affiliated employee” does not include those individuals who perform only intermittent or incidental services with respect to the government assistance or contract, or who are otherwise employed by the contractor, recipient or subcontractor.

  • Supervisory employee means an employee, regardless of job description, having authority in the interest of the employer to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, or discipline other employees, or the responsibility to assign work to and direct them, or to adjust their grievances, or effectively recommend that action, if, in connection with the foregoing functions, the exercise of that authority is not of a merely routine or clerical nature, but requires the use of independent judgment.

  • Part-time employee means an employee who is normally required to work less than the basic hours of work.

  • Former Employee means an individual who has severed employment with the Employer or an Affiliated Employer.