DEFINITIONS Cláusulas de Ejemplo

DEFINITIONS. 1.1. The definitions used in the Loan Agreement shall have meanings as defined in the Terms of Use.
DEFINITIONS. When the first letter of the terms used in these General Terms and Conditions of Use take a capital letter, regardless of whether they are in singular or plural form, they are taken to mean the following: • Beneficiary: legal or moral entity appointed by the Account Holder as the recipient of a transfer originating from their Payment Account. The Beneficiary must have an account opened with a third-party payment services provider. The Beneficiary may be the Account Holder. • Framework Agreement: a payment services Framework Agreement as defined in article L.314-12 of the French Monetary and Financial code, concluded between LEMON WAY and the Account Holder, comprising these General Terms and Conditions of Use and the pricing conditions included in Appendix A. • Payment Account: an account opened with LEMON WAY in order to record ingoing and outgoing payment Transactions, the fees owed by the Account Holder and any chargebacks related to these Transactions, as well as to settle said amounts on the date of their recording in order to produce a net balance. • Payment Transaction: an action involving the wiring, transfer or withdrawal of funds from or to a Payment Account, regardless of any underlying obligation between the payer and the Beneficiary. • Payment Order: approval from the Account Holder granted in accordance with the customised plan and procedures agreed between the Account Holder and LEMON WAY, in order to authorise a payment Transaction. • Partner: a trading company operating from the Partner Website, appointed as an agent by LEMON WAY. • Provision: amount available as credit on a Payment Account that may be allocated to the execution of future payment Transactions, as determined by LEMON WAY after taking into account pending payment Transactions and blocked fund amounts, set out in article 5. • Third-party payment services provider: a payment services provider, approved by a competent authority within the European Economic Area, that has opened a bank or Payment Account for the Account Holder. • Payment Services: services provided by LEMON WAY under the Framework Agreement, including the execution of transfers and the acquisition of payment orders by card and bank transfer, as well as the cashing of cheques.
DEFINITIONS. Nosotros", "Nos" y "Nuestro(a)" se refiere al Proveedor de este Plan de Protección, SquareTrade, Inc., con dirección en 000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Suite 400, San Xxxxxxxxx, CA 94107 y número de teléfono: 0-000-000-0000.
DEFINITIONS. 1.1. En el Contrato, incluidos sus Anexos, las siguientes palabras tendrán, a menos que el contexto requiera claramente lo contrario, los siguientes significados: «Correo Electrónico» «Correo Masivo» «Horario Laboral Habitual» es todo mensaje SMTP enviado o recibido a través del Servicio; es un grupo de más de cinco mil (5.000) mensajes electrónicos con un contexto esencialmente similar enviados o recibidos en una única operación o en una serie de operaciones relacionadas entre sí; es el horario comprendido entre las 08.30 y 17.30 horas xxx Xxxxx Unido, de lunes a viernes, sin contar los días festivos reconocidos en Inglaterra; «Miembro» se refiere al Cliente y a las organizaciones con las que el Cliente crea redes cifradas mediante el uso del Servicio de Cifrado de Límites; «Paquete de Servicios Indisociable» es un paquete de Servicios tal y como se establece en el Apartado B, «Servicio y Costes», que está sujeto a las disposiciones de la Cláusula 4.7; «Proxy Abierto» alude a un servidor proxy configurado de tal manera que permite a terceros desconocidos o desautorizados a acceder, guardar o reenviar DNS, páginas web u otros datos; «Retransmisión Abierta» «Spam (correo basura)» es un servidor de correo electrónico configurado para recibir mensajes electrónicos de un tercero desconocido o no autorizado y reenviar dicho mensaje a uno o varios destinatarios que no son usuarios del sistema de correo electrónico al que está conectado dicho servidor de correo electrónico. Retransmisión Abierta también puede nombrarse como «retransmisión de spam» o «retransmisión pública»”; es el correo electrónico comercial no solicitado; «Torre» es un clúster de servidores de correo electrónico de carga equilibrada;
DEFINITIONS. 1.1 For the purposes of these General Terms & Conditions of Purchase of Capital Goods and Services, the termsindicated in this section, whenever capitalized, will have the meaning given below: a. Capital Goods: any good that can be the object of an Order, including but not limited to machines, premises, trucks, spare parts, auxiliary materials,tools, equipment and civil engineering work. b. End Customer: means the Company that has contracted the Services of SESÉ GROUP. In orderto provide the Services, SESÉ GROUP will use the Supplies, total, partial, directly or indirectly. c. General Terms & Conditions of Purchase of Capital Goods and Services or Capital Good and Services GTC: means the General Terms & Conditions of Purchase of Capital Goods and Ser-vices set out in this document. d. Specific Terms & Conditions: means thosecontractual terms and conditions other than the General Terms & Conditions of Purchase of capitaland service goods that are indicated in an Order or Contract. e. Contract: means any purchase contract or provi-sion of Capital Goods or Services contract that is concluded between SESÉ GROUP and the Supplierafter acceptance by the Supplier of the Order sentby SESÉ GROUP. f. Contract Documentation: means the General Conditions of Purchase for Capital Goods and Services and, where applicable, the Special Conditions, the Logistics Specifications and the Supplier Qualification Manual. g. Warranty: means the warranty given by the Sup-plier in accordance with the terms of clause 18. x. XXXX GROUP: means any company belonging to the SESÉ business group. i. Supplier quality manual: means the supplierquality manual of SESÉ GROUP. j. Party/parties: means SESÉ GROUP and the Supplier. k. Order: means any communication sent by SESÉ GROUP to the Supplier informing about the terms of purchase of the Supplies. l. Blanket Order: means any Order including suc-cessive deliveries linked to a Delivery Schedule m. CAE Platform: means the application developed by GRUPO SESÉ or a third party to host and verify the documentation necessary for the coordination of business activities. n. Logistic Tender: means the logistic tender of SESÉ GROUP. o. Delivery Schedule: means the document sent by SESÉ GROUP to the Supplier indicating the deadlines for delivery of the Supplies that must bemet by the Supplier under a Blanket Order, of which it will form part.
DEFINITIONS. The terms defined below must be interpreted pursuant the meaning assigned hereto, whether in plural or singular form, as follows: "The Call". It refers to the Call for the “ready to build –RTB” development of photovoltaic solar generation parks for attention to special areas led by Air-e. irbuatcoltv“roidldCoeprysn
DEFINITIONS. As used in this Annex “B”, the following capitalized words and phrases shall have the meanings set forth below: “Beneficiary” means THE ASSIGNOR, any successor and any assignee of all or of any portion of the Royalty. “Contract” means the Assigment Rights Agreement which this document is attached as Annex “B”. “Mineral Price Quotation” for gold on any particular London Business Day, means the daily afternoon fix (closing price) on the London Bullion Market Association (commonly referred to as the “second London fixing,” the “London Closing” the “London fixing p.m.”) for gold on that London Business Day, as published by Metals Week, The Wall Street Journal or other publication of comparable reliability; and for any other mineral other than gold on any Comex Business Day, means the price of such mineral quoted at the close of business on such day by the New York Commodity Exchange. If publication of the Mineral Price Quotation or trading on the London Bullion Market Association or New York Commodity Exchange shall be discontinued, the Payor shall select and utilize a comparable commodity quotation, reasonably acceptable to the Beneficiary, for purposes of calculating the Royalty. The Mineral Price Quotation for gold shall be for x xxxx ounce of gold of .995 minimum fineness. “Deductions” shall have the meaning assigned thereto within the definition of Net Smelter Returns set forth below in this Section 1. “Comex Business Day” means any day on which the New York Commodity Exchange is open for the sale and trading of commodities. “London Business Day” means any day on which the London Bullion Market Association is open for the sale and trading of commodities. “Payor’s Affiliate” means (a) any person or entity owning shares of stock or other form of participating interest in the capital stock of Payor, and (b) any person or entity owned or controlled by any person or entity described in the preceding clause (a). “Net Smelter Returns” attributable to any particular Calendar Quarter, means the Stipulated Value for that Calendar Quarter of all Minerals that are credited to the account of Payor by a smelter, refiner or other bona fide first hand purchaser during that Calendar Quarter, less the following costs and expenses (“Deductions”): (i) all charges and costs, if any, for loading and transporting Minerals (with respect to which the Royalty is paid) to a smelter, refiner, or first hand purchaser, together with all costs of insuring such Minerals in transit; (ii)...
DEFINITIONS a. Well Out of Control:
DEFINITIONS. 1.1 For the purposes of these General Purchase Conditions, the terms related in this sec- tion, whenever capitalized, shall have the meaning that is attributed to them below: a. Quality Agreement: means the agree- ment signed by CEFA/MRA with the Supplier for quality management during the validity of the Contract. b. Mold Transfer Agreement: means the agreement that, where appropriate, may be signed for the transfer of the molds necessary for the production ob- ject of the Order. c. Final Client: means the "original equip- ment manufacturer" (OEM) or manufacturer, which has selected CEFA /MRA as a Supplier for a specific project. d. General Purchase Conditions: means the General Conditions of Purchase ob- ject of this document. e. Particular Conditions: means those contractual terms and conditions that differ from the General Purchase Condi- tions and appear in an Order or Contract. f. Contract: means any contract for the sale or supply of goods or provision of services by CEFA/MRA and the Supplier upon acceptance by the Supplier of the Order or the Supply Plan submitted by CEFA/MRA. g. Documentation of the Contract: means the General Purchase Conditions, the Particular Conditions (when any), the Supplier Requirements Manual, the Quality Agreement and, if applicable, the Mold Transfer Agreement. In the case of successive orders to the same Supplier, the Documentation of the Con- tract will be included by reference and will be part of all the orders and of the Contract. h. CEFA/MRA: means any company be- longing to the CEFA business group. i. Manual de Requisitos para Pro- veedores: significa el manual de requisitos para proveedores de CEFA/MRA que regula (i) el procedi- miento y métodos de planificación de calidad; (ii) las actividades antes del comienzo de la serie y (iii) las medi- das de aseguramiento de la calidad que acompañan a la serie. j. Parte/s: significa CEFA/MRA y el Proveedor.