Name Clauses Exemplaires

Name. The name of the Company is: In all acts and documents emanating from the Company, the company name must be immediately preceded or followed by the words "limited liability company" or the initials "SARL" and the statement of the amount of share capital.
Name. The name of the Company shall be: All instruments and documents issued by the Company for the attention of third parties, in particular, letters, invoices, notices and various publications, shall state the corporate name immediately preceded or followed by the clearly written words “société par actions simplifiée” or by the initials “SAS” and by the amount of share capital, as well as the place and number of registration of the Company with the Trade and Companies Registry.
Name. Make complete sentences
Name. This Corporation shall bear the name < MONT O'BRIEN ASSOCIATION >. Its French translation is < ASSOCIATION DU MONT O'BRIEN >. In these by- laws, the term < Association > refers to the Mont O'Brien Association.
Name. The La Volière – LRDA association designates an organization that offers professional training as part of its activities, whose head office is located at Xxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx, 0 xxx xxxxxx Xxxxxx xx Xxx 44600 Saint-Nazaire / Address of the premises: 00 xxx xx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000 Xxxxx- Xxxxxxx. Siret 528 747 033 00025 - APE 9001 Z La Volière – LRDA sets up and provides professional training at La Volière (Saint-Nazaire) and throughout the national and international territory, alone or in partnership. In the following paragraphs, it is agreed to designate by: - client: any natural or legal person who registers or places an order for training with the association La Volière – LRDA - trainee: the natural person who participates in training. - CGV: the general conditions of sale, detailed below. - Funding bodies for continuing vocational training: approved skill operators responsible for collecting and managing the training effort of companies (OPCO), Pole Emploi, Employers, etc. Purpose and scope These General Conditions of Sale determine the conditions applicable to the training services provided by the association La Volière – LRDA on behalf of a client. Any training order with the association implies the customer's unreserved acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. These conditions prevail over any other document of the customer, in particular over any general conditions of purchase.
Name. The name of the private limited liability company is “JBS Holding Luxembourg S.à r.l.” (the “Company”). The Company is a private limited liability company (société à responsabilité limitée) governed by the laws of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg and, in particular, the amended and consolidated law of August 10, 1915 on commercial companies (the “Law”), and these articles of association (the “Articles”).
Name. There is formed a private limited liability company (société à responsabilité limité) under the name "Beverage Packaging Holdings (Luxembourg) VI S.à.r.l." (hereafter the Company), which will be governed by the laws of Luxembourg, in particular by the law dated August 10, 1915, on commercial companies, as amended (hereafter the Law), as well as by the present articles of association (hereafter the Articles).
Name. The name of the company is “Pacific Drilling S.A.” (the “Company”). The Company is a public company limited by shares (société anonyme) governed by the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, in particular the law of August 10, 1915, on commercial companies, as amended (the “Law”), and these articles of incorporation (the “Articles”).

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  • Animaux Le présent contrat précise si le locataire peut ou non séjourner en compagnie d'un animal domestique. En cas de non respect de cette clause par le locataire, le propriétaire peut refuser le séjour. Dans ce cas, aucun remboursement ne sera effectué.

  • ATTENTION Les montants de prise en charge garantis s’entendent TTC.