Purpose and scope Clauses Exemplaires

Purpose and scope. The purpose of these standard contractual clauses is to ensure compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) for the transfer of personal data to a third country.
Purpose and scope. Each PP undertakes during the implementation of the Micro Project to carry out its part of the Micro Project (as specified on the Application Form) in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and of the Grant Offer Letter, in cooperation with the other PPs. The performance of the Micro Project will be shared between the PPs according to the tasks and budget set out in the Application Form or as the Application Form as approved or as subsequently amended with the written Agreement of the MA. The Grant Offer Letter takes precedence over this Agreement. This means that where any requirement of the Grant Offer Letter in respect of the Micro Project conflicts with any provision of this Partnership Agreement, each PP is under an obligation to ensure that the LP is able to first comply with the relevant obligation in the Grant Offer Letter. Article 1:
Purpose and scope. The purpose of these general conditions is to govern the contractual relationship between a principal and Militzer & Münch France S.A as a «Transport and/or Logistics Operator» (L.T.O) hereinafter referred to as M&M, for any commitment or operation whatsoever in connection with the physical movement, by any means of transport, and/or the physical or legal management of stocks and flows of any goods, whether packaged or not, from any source and for any destination and/or in connection with the management of any flow of information, whether material or dematerialised in exchange for a freely agreed price ensuring fair compensation for the services performed, both domestically and internationally. These terms are reviewable at any time and without prior notice. Any undertaking or transaction with “M&M” constitutes unreserved acceptance by the instructing party of the terms set forth below. No specific term or other general term of the instructing party shall prevail over these terms, unless as otherwise formally accepted by the M&M. The definitions of the terms and concepts used in these general terms and conditions are those of the laws and standard contracts, where they exist, in force in France.
Purpose and scope. The purpose of the General Terms and Conditions is to govern the contractual relations between an Instructing Party and a “Transportation and/or Logistics Operator”, hereinafter referred to as the T.L.O., with regards to any undertaking or transaction pertaining to the physical movement by any means of transportation, and/or to the physical or legal management of storage and flow of goods whether packaged or not, of any origin and transported to any destination, and/or pertaining to the management of any flow of electronic or hardcopy information. The terms and notions used in the French version of these General Terms and Conditions are defined as per French standard regulatory agreements in force. The General Terms and Conditions prevail over any other general or special term and condition issued by the Instructing Party.
Purpose and scope. The purpose of these terms is to set forth the terms of performance by a “Transport and / or Logistics Operator”, hereinafter referred to as the T.L.O in any capacity (airfreight forwarder ,shipping agent, freight forwarder “commissionnaire de transport”, freight broker, warehouse keeper, agent, handler, accredited or non customs broker “commissionnaire en Douane agréé ou non”, forwarding agent, carrier, etc.), of services and activities pertaining to the physical movement of shipments and/or to the management of flows of goods, whether packed or not, of all kinds, of all origins, to all destinations, in exchange for a freely agreed price ensuring fair compensation for the services performed, both domestically and internationally. Any undertaking or transaction with “the Transport and / or Logistics Operator” constitutes unreserved acceptance by the instructing party of the terms set forth below. Whatever the carriage method used, these terms shall govern the relationship between the instructing party and “the Transport and / or Logistics Operator”.
Purpose and scope. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall govern the sales of goods or products or the provision of services by the Vendor to the Customer by the following distribution and marketing channels, namely: (i) Means of a direct sale; or (ii) Means of ordering directly from the Vendor; These General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be sent or provided on request to each Customer. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available on the Vendor's website following the link below: xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- generalsalesconditions.pdf Any purchase or order of goods, products or services shall constitute the acceptance without reservation by the Customer of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and its full and unrestricted accession hereto. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall apply to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions and in particular the general terms and conditions of the Customer (for example,
Purpose and scope. 1.1 Each PP undertakes during the implementation of the Project to carry out its part of the Project (as specified on the Application Form) in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and of the Grant Offer Letter, in cooperation with the other PPs. 1.2 The performance of the Project will be shared between the PPs according to the tasks and budget set out in the Application Form or as the Application Form as approved or as subsequently amended with the written Agreement of the MA. 1.3 The Grant Offer Letter takes precedence over this Agreement. This means that where any requirement of the Grant Offer Letter in respect of the Project conflicts with any provision of this Partnership Agreement, each PP is under an obligation to ensure that the LP is able to first comply with the relevant obligation in the Grant Offer Letter. Article 1:
Purpose and scope. These terms and conditions of sales are applicable to all quotes and contracts concluded by Univ. Eiffel - ESIEE Paris for cleanroom access and the use of the equipment therein, except for special agreements derogating from them completely or partially by written agreement. With this sole reservation, any order or acceptance of a quote implies for the customer the full acceptance of these terms and conditions prevailing over any other document of the customer and, in particular, over his/her general conditions of purchase, except express and prior derogatory agreement from our company. These Sales Terms & Conditions are not applicable to services performed by Univ Eiffel - ESIEE Paris staff (limited-access equipment in Annex 4 and subcontracting), for which Sales Terms & Conditions for cleanroom services apply.
Purpose and scope. The purpose of these general conditions is to govern the contractual relationship between a principal and a «Transport and/or Logistics Operator». This term refers to carriers, freight forwarders, registered customs representatives, warehousekeepers, handlers and their substitutes, hereinafter referred to as the TLO for any commitment or operation whatsoever in connection with the physical movement, by any means of transport, and/or the physical or legal management of stocks and flows of any goods, whether packaged or not, from any source and for any destination and/or in connection with the management of any flow of information, whether material or dematerialised. The definitions of the terms and concepts used in these general terms and conditions are those of the laws and standard contracts, where they exist, in force in France. The «Parties» refer to both the TLO and the principal.

Related to Purpose and scope

  • Conditions particulières Les parties conviennent, en outre, que :………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

  • PREAMBULE Par l’intermédiaire de la PLATEFORME accessible à l’adresse xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xx/, OpenDataSoft met à disposition un service en mode SaaS ouvrant de nombreux usages : portails Open Data, référentiels de données internes, plateforme pour les villes intelligentes, places de marchés de jeux de données… Ce service permet : • la transformation et la publication de jeux de données pour les gestionnaires métiers. • l’exploration et la visualisation de données pour les utilisateurs. • la réutilisation des données via des APIs simples et puissantes pour les développeurs. Ces Conditions Générales d’Utilisation s’adressent à vous, en votre qualité d’utilisateur du DOMAINE accessible à l’adresse xxxxx://xxxx.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx.xx, édité par Toulouse Metropole (ci-après la Société), et ont pour objectif de vous informer de vos droits et obligations dans le cadre de l’utilisation des différentes fonctionnalités proposées via le DOMAINE. Important AINSI, TOUTE UTILISATION EFFECTUEE A QUEL QUE TITRE QUE CE SOIT, DU PRESENT DOMAINE IMPLIQUE OBLIGATOIREMENT L'ACCEPTATION SANS RESERVE, PAR L’UTILISATEUR, DES PRESENTES CONDITIONS GENERALES D’UTILISATION (CGU).

  • Responsabilité du Client En complément des dispositions relatives à la responsabilité figurant aux différents articles des Conditions contractuelles, il est précisé que Vous êtes seul(e) responsable de tout préjudice direct entrainant un dommage corporel, matériel ou immatériel, causé aux tiers ou à Nordnet, à ses représentants, ses administrateurs, ses préposés, qui résulterait d’un manquement à vos obligations contractuelles ou légales. Vous vous engagez à répondre auprès de ces personnes de toutes les conséquences dommageables et également, et de façon non limitative, en cas de plainte, action, mise en cause ou encore mise en responsabilité, devant quelque juridiction que ce soit, qui pourraient résulter de ces manquements.

  • MODIFICATION DU CONTRAT Pour permettre aux signataires du présent contrat de disposer d’une vision programmatique et budgétaire stable pendant la durée de la contractualisation, le plan d’actions pluriannuel du territoire présenté en annexe pourra faire l’objet d’une actualisation par le Comité de pilotage, sous réserve de s’inscrire en cohérence avec la présente stratégie. Dans l’hypothèse où des changements seraient apportés au statut juridique des signataires de la présente convention (création de PETR, fusion d’EPCI…), la nouvelle entité juridique sera substituée de plein droit à l’ancienne structure signataire. Les cocontractants sont informés de la substitution de personne morale par la nouvelle entité juridique.

  • CONDITIONS D’ADMISSION 2.1 Cas général : envois standards sans supplément tarifaire permettant un traitement industrialisé optimal Poids

  • Cas particuliers Le nombre de locataires ne peut être supérieur à la capacité d'accueil maximum indiquée sur le catalogue ou l'état descriptif. A titre exceptionnel et sous réserve de l'accord du propriétaire, il pourra être dérogé à cette règle. Dans ce cas, le propriétaire sera en droit de percevoir une majoration de prix qui devra être préalablement communiquée au locataire et consignée sur le contrat de location.

  • CONDITIONS TARIFAIRES Le Service est fourni gratuitement par l’Emetteur. Toutefois, le Service est lié à la détention d’une Carte soumise à cotisation, dans le cadre du Contrat Carte conclu entre l’Emetteur et l’Utilisateur. La tarification applicable à la Carte ainsi qu’aux opérations de paiement par Xxxxx demeure celle fixée et notifiée par l’Emetteur au Titulaire de la Carte et/ou du compte sur lequel fonctionne la Carte dans le cadre du Contrat Carte. L’Utilisateur reconnaît avoir été informé que les coûts de connexion à un réseau Wifi, à un réseau de type 3G, 4G, 5G ou tout autre réseau similaire demeurent à sa charge.

  • Contenu Partie I - Conditions Générales 7

  • Conclusion du contrat La réservation devient effective dès lors que le locataire aura fait parvenir au propriétaire un acompte de 25 % du montant total de la location et un exemplaire du contrat signé avant la date indiquée au recto. Un deuxième exemplaire est à conserver par le locataire. La location conclue entre les parties au présent acte ne peut en aucun cas bénéficier même partiellement à des tiers, personnes physiques ou morales, sauf accord écrit du propriétaire. Toute infraction à ce dernier alinéa serait susceptible d'entraîner la résiliation immédiate de la location aux torts du locataire, le produit de la location restant définitivement acquis au propriétaire.

  • Divulgation relative aux Signatures et aux Dossiers électroniques Accepté: 11/09/2023 11:44:26 ID: 64e4aa10-79b6-4597-b7f3-48708dbd9260