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Kata Kunci Klausul Contoh

Kata KunciXxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, Perjanjian, Perluasan Sawah The government in implementing development is not able to do it alone, all aspects of the parties including the parties of state institutions are involved thoroughly to support their policies. Procurement of government goods / services (hereinafter referred to as procurement of goods / services) is a very important activity in realizing development. Procurement of goods and services is made to meet the needs of companies or government agencies for goods and / or services that can support their performance and performance. The procurement of goods and services belonging to the region is one of the government activities that are prone to irregularities, the elements of the state security apparatus, in this case the Indonesian National Army (hereinafter referred to as the TNI) are also involved. Issues raised in this study 1) What are the stages of agreement between the providers of construction services between the parties in the agreement, 2) What are the procedures for the expansion of fields that are regulated in the agreement,
Kata Kunci. Pemastian kondisi persyaratan teknis, Indikasi validasi, Sistem kemudi.
Kata Kunci. Perjanjian, Kredit, JaminanFidusia, KAGUM Keywords: Agreement, Credit, FiduciaryAssurance, KAGUM
Kata Kunci. Net Profit Margin (NPM), Total Assets Turnover (TATO), dan Return On Invesment (ROI) Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh dunia perbankan mengalami persaingan yang semakin ketat karena perekonomian yang semakin terbuka. Bank Indonesia melakukan konsolidasi terhadap industri perbankan Indonesia dengan tujuan meningatkan ketahanan dan kesehatan dalam waktu yang lama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja keuangan Bank Muamalat Indonesia dengan menggunakan metode Du Pont System periode 2019-2021. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah laporan keuangan tahunan Bank Muamalat Indonesia dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan data yang digunkan merupakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan kinerja Bank Muamalat Indonesia yang tengah mengalmi masalah pada kondisi keuangan pada masa pandemi Covid-19 hingga diisukan terancam bangkrut. Penilaian kinerja keuangan dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisis laporan keuangan menggunakan metode Du Pont System. Melalui metode Du Pont System dapat dilihat dari 3 aspek yaitu Net Profit Margin (NPM), Total Assets Turnover (TATO), dan Return On Investen (ROI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja keuangan Bank Muamalat Indonesia dalam menghasilkan keuntungan bersih dari total harta perusahaan kurang efisien.
Kata Kunci. Kredit Pemilikan Rumah This study was conducted to provide an overview and explanation as well as knowledge of the existence of two security institutions in the provision of credit agreements in the framework of the implementation of the Secondary Mortgage Facility (SMF). And to determine the mechanism for the implementation of credit mortgage financing in the framework of the implementation of the Secondary Mortgage Facility (SMF). The theory used in this research is the theory of agreement. In terms of jurisdiction, giving Suprime mortgage (housing loans with low quality) or mortgages by banks is an area of civil law. Among consumers who got Suprime mortgage or home loan borrowers with banks providing credit facilities basically created a treaty. The method used is qualitative method, so that research results will form a descriptive analysis by describing the agreement to extend the loan for mortgage financing from PT. Secondary Mortgage Facility (SMF) to the Issuer Housing Credit. Results of this study was formulated that the existence of two security institutions in this Loan Agreement that guarantees the security rights and fiduciary does not affect the execution if the debtor defaults, because basically both institutions as such is an agreement accesoir for different principal agreement. Security rights over the object mortgage (KPR) is an agreement accesoir from contracts for mortgage (KPR) between the Issuer Credit (mortgages) with the customer loans (mortgages), whereas fiduciary an agreement accesoir of Agreement Lending between PT. SMF (Secondary Mortgage Facility) and Issuer Credit (KPR). Suggestions submitted is Publisher of Credit (mortgages) as debtors of PT. SMF (Secondary Mortgage Facility) is required to anticipate the risk of bad debts in the distribution of mortgage (mortgage) on the principle of credit analysis one is 5 C, ie, character, capital, capacity, condition of economics, collateral. Keywords: Housing Loan
Kata Kunci. Elektronik, Kinerja, Penyadapan, Sistem, Komitmen
Kata Kunci. ABSTRACT
Kata Kunci. Perjanjian Nominee, Penyelundupan Hukum Dan Keabsahaan Akta.
Kata Kunci. Regulasi; Perlindungan; Perjanjian Waralaba
Kata Kunci. LAKIN, Xxxxxxx, Capaian Kinerja.