ORDERS Clausole campione

ORDERS. All orders shall be in written form and shall show the following information:
ORDERS. The Order comes into effect, i.e. a contract is concluded, when the Buyer receives the Seller’s confirmation and acceptance of it without modifications or reservations, with such written confirmation and acceptance to be given within seven (7) days of receipt of the Order. In absence of acknowledgment by such deadline, and so if the Order is not rejected in writing within that term, it is considered to have been tacitly accepted by the Supplier, and the contract comes into effect. Unless expressly approved in writing by the Buyer, any differences or modifications set forth in the order confirmation as compared with the wording of the Order will not be considered valid. The Buyer reserves the right to modify its Order with reasonable notice prior to commencement of the supply.
ORDERS. 2.1. Products and/or the Services Contratto sono quelli definiti nell’Ordine. 2.2. Ogni Ordine includerà le Specifiche e un riferimento alle policy implementate in FOMAS di volta in volta eventualmente applicabili, che il Fornitore si impegna sin da ora a rispettare. 2.3. Gli Ordini saranno effettivi e vincolanti per le Parti solo se formalizzati per iscritto. La ricezione da parte di FOMAS dell’Ordine controfirmato per accettazione dal Fornitore costituisce il momento in cui effettivamente si perfeziona il Contratto tra le Parti. 2.4. Il Fornitore esaminerà ogni Ordine una volta ricevuto e informerà FOMAS di qualsiasi errore o discrepanza entro e non oltre i successivi 5 (cinque) giorni included in the Agreement are those indicated in the Order. 2.2. Each Order shall include the Specifications and a reference to the quality policy/ies implemented at FOMAS applicable from time to time (if any), that the Supplier hereby undertakes to comply with. 2.3. Orders shall be effective and binding on the Parties only if formalized in writing. The receipt by FOMAS of the Order countersigned by the Supplier for acceptance is the moment when the Agreement is actually entered into by and between the Parties. 2.4. Supplier shall examine each Order upon receipt and shall notify FOMAS about any error or inconsistency detected thereto by and no later than following 5
ORDERS. 1)Orders should always be placed with Slanzi Oleodinamica S.r.l. in writing: Orders should contain: full name and address of the customer, order number, date of issue, reference number of any Slanzi Oleodinamica S.r.l. quotation received, exact name of the item or items ordered, delivery date requested, destination of material and carrier.
ORDERS. 2.1. Any offer by the Seller remains valid for a limited period of 30 days or for the different period indicated in the offer. 2.2. Orders must be made in writing and must be sent to the Seller. All Orders made by telephone (and all changes of Orders already sent) must be confirmed in writing, even just by e-mail. 2.3. All Orders sent by the Purchaser will be binding for the Seller only when accepted by the latter with the Order Confirmation. 2.4. The Order Confirmations are conditional upon the factors indicated below which are beyond the Seller’s control: 2.4.1. the availability of raw materials and/or 2.4.2. the production yield. 2.5. Ove l’Acquirente non contesti la Conferma d’Ordine per iscritto entro 3 giorni dal ricevimento, le presenti Condizioni si intenderanno implicitamente accettate. 2.6. L’Acquirente può richiedere cambiamenti della data o del luogo di consegna di tutti o parte degli Ordini entro e non oltre la settimana antecedente la data di consegna. In tal caso l’Acquirente sarà tenuto a pagare un adeguato addebito per la ridefinizione dei tempi di consegna - la cui determinazione spetta al Venditore - così che il Venditore si possa rivalere di tutte le spese sostenute per la ridefinizione dei tempi di consegna. L’annullamento parziale o totale di un Ordine non può essere valido senza il consenso scritto del Venditore e sarà accettato solo se l’Acquirente riconoscerà un indennizzo per tutte le spese sostenute dal Venditore stesso. 2.7. Le caratteristiche tecniche dei Prodotti sono indicate nelle specifiche di vendita (c.d. Selling Specifications) come approvate dall’Acquirente e richiamate nella Conferma d’Ordine e ogni eventuale informazione o dato relativi a caratteristiche tecniche, specifiche o caratteristiche dei Prodotti contenute nelle schede tecniche, dépliant o brochure, listino, catalogo o documento simile non saranno vincolanti per il Venditore avendo unicamente una natura informativa. 2.8. Il Venditore si riserva il diritto di apportare miglioramenti o modifiche non essen- ziali ad ogni parte dei Prodotti che non influenzino le Selling Specifications. Il Ven- ditore non sarà responsabile per eventuali perdite o danni causati da o derivanti da detti miglioramenti o modifiche non essenziali.
ORDERS. Each order following an offer must be received by Microplan® by the deadline indicated on the offer itself. After this deadline, Microplan® has the right to consider the offer no longer valid and update prices or conditions. All orders must be received with the precise indications of quantities, items and drawing numbers for special items, complete with index revision updated to the version to be produced. Orders represent a commitment for the Customer and become a commitment for Microplan® after order confirmation. The order is considered implicitly accepted by the customer if the order confirmation is not contested within 10 (ten) days from the issue. Any changes or cancellations of already submitted orders must always be requested by the Customer in written form and must be assessed and accepted by Microplan®, which reserves the right – in case of special supplies, according to customer’s drawing or non-standard (not included in the Catalogue) – to quantify the extent of the work already performed up to the time of the cancellation receipt. Microplan® also reserves the right, in order to improve performance and quality, to provide standard catalogue products with aesthetic and / or technical features other than those indicated on the documentation, provided that functional characteristics are not changed.
ORDERS. Only written order shall be accepted. Orders taken on the phone will be considered valid at the conditions granted by the company.
ORDERS. Orders placed directly to the seller or through his agents or representatives shall not become final and binding until they are confirmed in writing by the seller. These G.C.S., the order accepted by the seller in writing and any document issued by the seller relating to the subject of the order shall constitute the contract. Any modification or cancellation of the order requested by the buyer shall be subject to the seller’s express agreement. Any such request by the buyer may only be taken into consideration if it reaches the seller no later than seven (7) days before shipment of the goods. After this period, the order will be deemed valid and will have to be paid by the buyer.
ORDERS. Orders will only be accepted by Ac Rolcar S.r.l. if the customer has agreed to these general terms of sale in their entirety. The sales contract is subject to these general terms of sale, which form an integral and substantial part of the sales contract, even where not expressly referred to in the order confirmation. Back orders are always maintained, unless other provisions are agreed. Back orders will be forwarded as soon as they are available at the same price and delivery conditions as in the original order, unless other arrangements are agreed.
ORDERS. The Supplier shall confirm orders in writing within 3 days after receipt of the order, stating prices and dates of delivery. If the Supplier did not confirm the order within the abovementioned period, Vishay reserves the right to cancel the order without incurring any costs. Oral agreements shall only be valid if confirmed in writing by Vishay. Written form shall also include confirmations sent by data transfer or fax.