A D.E.C Sample Clauses

A D.E.C. E. who applies for a leave and is granted a leave shall have the option of withdrawing from the Plan at any time prior to the leave, up to and including March 1 of the year in which the leave is to commence.
A D.E.C. E. shall continue to accrue seniority and working experience during an extended parental leave up to a maximum of one (1) year. (1) Unpaid Day Leave of Absence
A D.E.C. E. returning to duty after leave shall be returned to their previous school subject to the provisions of the Administrative Procedure for the Surplus,
A D.E.C. E. returning from a pregnancy leave or parental leave shall have the right to be assigned to the same position in the same location, if it exists. For the purpose of this Article, the term position means the same assignment in the same school, if it exists.
A D.E.C. E. shall be recognized as having a full year of experience for each year of work as a D.E.C.E. in another school board in Ontario. A D.E.C.E. shall be recognized as having a half year of experience for every year of work as an Early Childhood Educator in a licensed childcare facility, excluding home based daycares. For clarity, a year of work is defined as per article 5.02.
A D.E.C. E. who is provided with notice of lay-off may choose to displace the least senior D.E.C.E. This is subject to the following conditions: (a) A D.E.C.E. who receives a notice of lay off may exercise their rights in accordance with the guidelines outlined below in the following order: (i) A D.E.C.E. shall displace the least senior D.E.C.E. (subject to qualifications) with the same number of hours of work; (ii) Where there are no less senior D.E.C.E.s with the same number of hours of work to displace, the D.E.C.E. may displace the least senior D.E.C.E. (subject to qualifications) with fewer hours of work; (iii) Any D.E.C.E. with seniority that has been displaced in this process will be given a notice of lay off. (b) If a D.E.C.E. chooses not to displace a less senior D.E.C.E. with fewer hours of work, the D.E.C.E shall be placed on the recall list.
A D.E.C. E. declared surplus to a school in the Spring Staffing Process shall be notified by the Principal. This notification shall be provided within one week following receipt by the Principal of the staffing allocation for the next school year. Where a
A D.E.C. E. shall be entitled to provide a statement for inclusion in his/her personnel file, in cases dealing with disagreement and information contained within the personnel file.
A D.E.C. E. must give the Board at least two (2) weeks written notice of the date the pregnancy leave is to begin and a certificate from a legally qualified medical practitioner stating the expected birth date.
A D.E.C. E. may be granted a leave of absence for reasons noted below, and subject to the approval of the appropriate supervisor, for a total maximum of four (4) days in one school year. Such leave will be without loss of salary. (a) university graduation exercise (including graduation from a two (2) or three (3) year college program) for D.E.C.E. or members of immediate family; (b) funeral of a close friend or of a relative other than those qualifying for Bereavement leave (c) sudden illness of family member; (d) taking family member to doctor or hospital; (e) appointment with lawyer or other professional which cannot be arranged outside working hours; (f) household emergencies; (g) marriage of a family member; (h) transportation emergencies; and (i) other family responsibilities such as the need to make unexpected alternative care arrangements and attendance at child's school.