Accessibility Standards. Provider shall provide for timely access for Covered Person appointments in accordance with the appointment availability requirements established under the State Contract, as further described in the applicable provider manual.
Accessibility Standards. Provider shall comply with applicable access requirements, including but not limited to appointments and wait times, established under the CRA, as further described in the Provider Manual.
Accessibility Standards. Contractor shall comply with and all Services provided under the Contract shall be in compliance with all applicable provisions of §§00-00-000, et seq., C.R.S., and the Accessibility Standards for Individuals with a Disability, as established by the State of Colorado Governor’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) pursuant to Section §24- 85-103 (2.5), C.R.S. Contractor shall also comply with all State of Colorado technology standards related to technology accessibility and with Level AA of the most current version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), incorporated in the State of Colorado technology standards. Contractor shall indemnify, save, and hold harmless the District against any and all Claims that result from, arise in connection with, or are related to Contractor’s failure to comply with §§00-00-000, et seq., C.R.S., or the Accessibility Standards for Individuals with a Disability as established by OIT pursuant to Section §00-00-000 (2.5), C.R.S.
Accessibility Standards. You agree to comply with the accessibility standards to arrange for call coverage or other back-up to provide service, as stated in the applicable Site of Service Exhibit attached hereto.
Accessibility Standards. Provider shall provide for timely access to Covered Person appointments in accordance with the appointment availability requirements established under the State Contract and shall offer hours of operation that are no less than the hours of operation offered to commercial or non-Medicaid/CHIP members or comparable to Medicaid fee-for- service beneficiaries if Provider serves only Medicaid beneficiaries.
Accessibility Standards. Provider shall provide for timely access to Covered Person appointments in accordance with the appointment availability requirements established under the State Contract and shall offer hours of operation that are no less than the hours of operation offered to commercial or non-Medicaid/CHIP members or comparable to Medicaid fee-for- service beneficiaries if Provider serves only Medicaid beneficiaries. As applicable, Provider will make Covered Services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week when medically necessary.
Accessibility Standards. Except for designs, plans, layouts, maps and similar documents, Contractor agrees to comply with the State of Minnesota’s Accessibility Standard (xxxxx:// for all deliverables under this agreement. The State of Minnesota’s Accessibility Standards entail, in part, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (Level AA) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended. Contractor’s compliance with the State of Minnesota’s Accessibility Standard includes, but is not limited to, the specific requirements as follows: All videos must include closed captions, audio descriptions and a link to a complete transcript; All documents, presentations, spreadsheets and other material must be provided in an accessible format. In addition, Contractor will provide native files in an editable format. Acceptable formats include InDesign, Word and Excel; and All materials intended for downloading and printing such as promotional brochures, must be labeled as such and the content must additionally be provided in an accessible format. [THE FOLLOWING SECTION IS REQUIRED FOR ANY CONTRACT WITH A DBE, TGB AND/OR A VETERAN-OWNED GOAL, WHETHER RGN OR A PERCENTAGE, DELETE IF NOT NEEDED.] Contractor Payment Form Requirement. Contractors making payments to subcontractors, regardless of their tier or [Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) [or] Targeted Group Business (TGB)/Veteran-Owned business] status, are required to complete Exhibit X, the “Contractor Payment Form”, and submit it to State’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) until final payment is made. Contractor must include payments to subcontractors, service providers, sub-consultants and independent contractors. Failure to comply with this form and Minnesota’s prompt payment law may cause progress payments to Contractor to be withheld. Contractor must submit one copy of this form to State’s OCR and one to State’s Project Manager, no later than 10 days after receiving a payment from State. [THE FOLLOWING SECTION IS OPTIONAL AND SHOULD BE DELETED WHEN NOT NEEDED. IT IS NEEDED ONLY WHEN PAYING A NON-RESIDENT “ENTERTAINER” [INCLUDING MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKERS] $2,000 OR MORE. A NON-RESIDENT MEANS A PERSON WHO IS NOT A RESIDENT OF MINNESOTA OR A “RECIPROCITY STATE” (NORTH DAKOTA, WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN). CONTACT CONTRACT MANAGEMENT TO DETERMINE IF THIS REQUIREMENT APPLIES TO YOUR AGREEMENT.] Entertainers Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §290.9201, State is required to withhold ...
Accessibility Standards. Provider shall provide for timely access for Covered Person appointments in accordance with the appointment availability requirements established under the State Contract, as further described in the applicable provider manual. Additionally, Provider agrees not to create barriers to access care by imposing requirements on Covered Persons that are inconsistent with the provision of medically necessary and covered Medicaid services. Provider agrees to abide by the terms of the Medicaid contract for the timely provision of emergency and urgent care. Where applicable, the Provider agrees to follow those procedures for handling urgent and emergency care cases stipulated in any required hospital/emergency department Memorandums of Understanding signed by United in accordance with the State Contract.
Accessibility Standards. Contractor acknowledges and is fully aware that the Lead State (Executive branch state agencies) has developed IT Accessibility Standard effective September 1, 2010. The standard entails, in part, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and Section 508 which can be viewed at: xxxxx:// The Standards apply to web sites, software applications, electronic reports and output documentation, training delivered in electronic formats (including, but not limited to, documents, videos, and webinars), among others. As upgrades are made to the software, products, or subscriptions available through this Contract, the Contractor agrees to develop functionality which supports accessibility. If any issues arise due to nonconformance with the above-mentioned accessibility Standards, the Contractor agrees to provide alternative solutions upon request at no additional charge to the State. When updates or upgrades are made to the products or services available through this Contract, the Contractor agrees to document how the changes will impact or improve the product’s or service’s accessibility and usability. This documentation, upon request, must be provided to the Lead State in advance of the change, occurring within an agreed upon timeframe sufficient for the state to review the changes and either approve them or request a remediation plan from the Contractor. Contractor warrants that its Products comply with the above-mentioned accessibility Standards and agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Lead State against any claims related to non-compliance of Contractor’s Product with the above-mentioned accessibility Standards. If agreed-upon updates fail to improve the product or service’s accessibility or usability as planned, the failure to comply with this requirement may be cause for contract cancellation or for the Lead State to consider the Contractor in default.
Accessibility Standards. Provider shall provide for timely access for Covered Person appointments in accordance with the appointment availability and wait time standard requirements established under the State Contract, as further described in the applicable provider manual. Provider also agrees to report accurately the information required for the Carrier’s provider directory and any changes thereto. Carrier shall regularly monitor Provider’s compliance with timely access and wait time standards and Provider shall implement appropriate corrective action in the event Provider fails to comply with the appointment wait time requirements under the State Contract.