Accrued Days. The district office will keep a list of contributors and days accrued in the sick leave bank. This information will be available to the committee upon request.
Accrued Days. Each ancillary staff/teacher shall be granted thirteen (13) leave days at the start of each school year or pro-rated at 1.3 days per month for ancillary staff/teachers starting after October 1 of any given year. Leave days shall not accrue while an ancillary staff/teacher is on leave under any provision of this section. All leave and accumulated accrued leave days shall discontinue upon termination of employment. If an ancillary staff/teacher has five or fewer absences (District approved professional development, jury duty, and association leave are exceptions) then one additional accrued day will be added at the conclusion of the school year.
Accrued Days. Each teacher shall be granted fifteen (15) leave days at the start of each school year or pro-rated at 1.5 days per month for teachers starting after October 1 of any given year. Leave days shall not accrue while a teacher is on leave under any provision of this section. All leave and accumulated accrued leave days shall discontinue upon termination of employment.
Accrued Days. An employee who has accumulated more than one (1) personal day may not use more than one (1) day at a time without prior authorization from the employee’s building principal or immediate administrator. A request for cash-out must be made by the end of the school year. If an employee is permitted to take personal leave in a half- day increment, the remaining half day shall be available for cash-out or for use by the employee as otherwise provided in this section. Forms will be available online after June 1st. Personal leave shall be credited September 1st and shall be pro-rated for employees hired after September 1st.
Accrued Days. Each teacher shall be granted fifteen
Accrued Days. The district office will keep a list of contributors and days accrued in the sick leave bank. This information will be available to the committee upon request. Future annual contributions to the sick leave bank shall be determined by the sick leave bank committee. The contributed sick leave days shall form a fund with a minimum of two hundred (200) sick days. The committee will determine the number of days necessary to assess members to keep the bank solvent. Days assessed shall be in denominations of 1/2 days and assessments shall be mandatory for each member to retain membership.
Accrued Days. The laid off nurse shall have exclusive responsibility to elect:
a. Payment for accrued vacation and sick days consistent with the terms and conditions of Article 21 - Vacations and Article 24 - Sick Days And Disability Insurance; or
b. Retain accrued vacation and sick days until either recalled or seniority is lost under Article 12 - Seniority and Probation, Section 12.4. Be it provided that the retained days shall:
a. Accrue no interest.
b. Be paid at the rate in effect upon layoff.
c. Be paid after the two (2) year layoff period or when seniority is lost in accordance with Article 12 - Seniority and Probation, Section 12.4.