ACTIVE MEMBERS. NEFS IV is a lease only sector, there are no active members. 3 7 8 9 10 11
ACTIVE MEMBERS. The following table identifies the Vessels that are authorized to harvest Sector ACE: 7 10 Vessel Permit No Vessel Name Vessel Reg No 310394 XXXXX XXX 632107 320378 AMERICAN PRIDE 600545 330792 AMERICA 1121393 310337 ATLANTIC PRINCE 610005 330638 GUARDIAN 927059 251683 TRADITION 909375 1 EXHIBIT D 2 Sector Member and Vessel Permits Amendment 16 Disclosure Requirements Fishing Year 2017 (May
ACTIVE MEMBERS. An enrolled actuary who is in good standing with the JBEA and wishes to become a Member of ASEA shall submit to the ASPPA Membership Committee such information as deemed appropriate by such Com- mittee and shall become a member of ASEA upon being approved for the MSEA or FSEA designation
ACTIVE MEMBERS. The following table identifies the Vessels that are authorized to harvest Sector ACE: 2 Permit Number Vessel Name 330155 XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX 330199 HUMBAK 330517 HUSTLER 320674 IBERIA II 330471 UNITED STATES 410177 CSM 1 EXHIBIT D 2 Sector Member and Vessel Permits Amendment 16 Disclosure Requirements Fishing Year 2015 (May 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016) 4 Sector Members have enrolled all eligible Limited Access Multispecies Permits into a Sector, except for: 8 Double Diamond Fishing Corp 320135 NEFS 7 7 Additional Information on federal permits associated with Sector Vessels and Sector Members: Per mit F/V Name Registr ation Federal Permits XXXXXX 330 XXXXX American Lobster Non Trap, American Lobster Trap Area 3, Atlantic Mackerel, Balck Sea Bass, Bluefish, Xxxxxxx, Loligo/Butterfish, Monkfish, NE Mults, Red Crab, Scup, Skate, 155 XXXX 533196 Spiny Dogfish, Summer Flounder, Tilefish 330 HUMB American Lobster Non Trap, Atlantic Mackerel, Bluefish, Xxxxxxx, Monkfish, NE Mults, Ocean Quahog, Red Crab, Scallop, Skate, Spiny Dogfish, Squid/Butterfish, Summer 199 AK 580932 Flounder, Surf Clam, Tilefish 330 POSEID American Lobster Non Trap, Atlantic Mackerel, Bluefish, Xxxxxxx, Monkfish, NE Mults, Ocean Quahog, Red Crab, Scallop ‐ LAGC, Skate, Spiny Dogfish, Squid/Butterfish, Summer 219 ON 584519 Flounder, Surf Clam, Tilefish 330 HUSTL American Lobster Non Trap, Atlantic Mackerel, Bluefish, Xxxxxxx, NE Mults, Ocean Quahog, Red Crab, Scallop‐LAGC, Scallop Ltd Access, Skate, Spiny Dogfish, Squid/butterfish, 517 ER 646423 Surf Clam, Tilefish 1987 150 SEARS MS903 587 SKIFF 7MF American Lobster Non Trap, Atlantic Mackerel, Bluefish, Xxxxxxx, Monkfish, NE Mults, Red Crab, Scallop‐LAGC, Skate, Spiny Dogfish, Squid/Butterfish, Summer Flounder, Tilefish 320 IBERIA American Lobster Non Trap, Atlantic Mackerel, Black Sea Bass, Bluefish, Xxxxxxx, Loligo/Butterfish, Monkfish, NE Mults, Ocean Quahog, Red Crab, Scallop, Scup, Skate, Spiny 674 II 672841 Dogfish, Summer Flounder, Surf Clam, Tilefish Comm'cl, Tilefish 151 MS550 American Lobster Non Trap, American Lobster Trap Area 2, & Outer Cape, Bluefish, Spiny Dogfish, Summer Flounder, xxxxxxx, Monkfish, NE Mults, Scup, Skate, 269 CPH 8AX Squid/Butterfish, Atlantic Mackerel, Tilefish 330 SANTA American Lobster Non Trap, Atlantic Mackerel, Bluefish, Xxxxxxx, Monkfish, NE Mults, Ocean Quahog, Red Crab, Scallop ‐ LAGC, Skate, Spiny Dogfish, Squid/Butterfish, Summer 455 QUEEN 623205 Flounder, Surf Clam, Tilefish UNITE 330 D American Lobs...
ACTIVE MEMBERS. Failure to pass a quiz after a retest – 1 Strike • Failing the first attempt on both quizzes, or in other words, requiring more than one (1) retest in the duration of the semester – 1 Strike • Failure to take a quiz on the scheduled date without a valid excuse, as determined by the Director or Associate Director – 1 Strike • Failure to confirm shift status with shift supervisor within 24 hours of receipt of the shift reminder email – 1 Strike • Arriving late for a shift (On time is 15 minutes before the call time) – 1 Strike • Failure to arrive to shift in proper uniform – 1 Strike • Failure to attend a scheduled shift – 3 Strikes • Failure to arrive within 30 minutes of the first phone call from the shift supervisor for an on call shift – 3 Strikes • Leaving shift prior to being relieved of duty from the shift supervisor – 3 Strikes • Failure to complete STS requirement before the end of the semester – 3 Strikes • Failure to meet semester event quota (Actives only) – 3 Strikes • Allows an expired certification (CA EMT, CPR, etc.) to impair responsibility for any scheduled shift– 3 Strikes • Failure to obtain a passing score (of at least 85%) in final testing – 3 Strikes Accumulation of two (2) strikes as an active member will result in his or her placement on probation, which entails the specifications mentioned above.
ACTIVE MEMBERS. The Range Master will serve as the Range Committee Chairman. The duties of the Range Committee shall be to establish the Range Rules and to oversee the day to day use of the range by the membership. This includes but is not limited to: maintenance, improvements, arranging and scheduling all matches and establishing protocols for the use of the range in addition to any other range related duties assigned to them by the President.
ACTIVE MEMBERS. There will be no active members in NEFS 1 during FY 2018.”
ACTIVE MEMBERS. Those who have been approved by the Board of Directors, who are current in the payment of all dues and charges, and whose privileges have not been suspended pursuant to this Operating Agreement. The immediate family of all active members, i.e., spouse and children up to age 18, or if in school up to age 23, shall have all privileges except voting. The Board of Directors has discretion to allow variances on a case-by-case basis.
ACTIVE MEMBERS. Active members must attend a minimum of 12 sessions during the semester (a least 4 per month). • Active members who have EMS experience outside of USC have reduced requirements: • Active members who currently hold jobs in EMS outside of USC must attend a minimum of 8 sessions (at least 2 per month).* • Active members who have previously held jobs in EMS outside of USC must attend a minimum of 10 sessions (at least 2 per month).* • Should an active member who has held (or is currently holding) an EMS job outside of USC fail a quiz or find himself/herself needing a retest on a quiz or test, EMSC reserves the right to retract the allowance of attending fewer STSs than the regular active member. • If an active member receives two strikes, they will be put on probation and must attend the required 17 sessions (or the rest of the sessions for the semester if not possible) or they will receive additional strikes. *Any member seeking to attend fewer STS than the requirement of 12 for the semester based on prior or current employment outside of USC must provide proof before the first STS of the semester in the form of a pay stub as well as proof of at least 100 hours of experience without a Field Training Officer.
ACTIVE MEMBERS. The Board shall maintain a current list of Parties, to include any new Party as approved by the Board.