Additional Contract Documents. The following documents attached to this Contract are part of this Contract:
Additional Contract Documents. The following documents attached to this Contract are part of this Contract: V. Signatures.
Additional Contract Documents. 34.1 The Engineer will furnish to the Contractor, on request and free of charge, not more than 5 copies of the Contract Documents and 5 sets of full-size Plans. Additional copies of Contract Documents or Plans may be obtained on request by paying the actual cost of reproducing the Contract Documents or Plans.
Additional Contract Documents. The following documents attached to this Contract are part of this Contract:
A. Contractor’s Additional Contract Documents:
1. House Bill 89 Verification (1 page) 2. ITB # 2018-08
B. City’s Additional Contract Documents:
1. Requirements for All Insurance Documents ( pages) GENERAL SERVICES CONTRACT/Page 4 .con GENERAL SERVICES CONTRACT/Page 5 .con
A) Certificate of Insurance date
B) Producer (Insurance Agency) Information -complete name, address, and telephone information
C) Insured’s (Insurance Policy Holder) Information -complete name & address information
D) Insurer (name/names of insurance company) **(Remember the City requires all insurance companies to be Authorized to do business in the State of Texas and be rated by A.M. Best with a rating of B+ (or better) Class VI (or higher) or otherwise be acceptable to the City if not rated by A. M. Best)
E) NAIC # (National Association of Insurance Commissioners, a # that is assigned by the State to all insurance companies)
F) Insurer letter represents which insurance company provides which type of coverage from D
G) General Liability Insurance Policy -must have an (x) in box. Also, “Occurrence” type policy - must have an (x) in the box (occurrence policy preferred but claims made policy can be accepted with special approval)
H) Automobile Liability Insurance information must be completed in this section of the certificate of insurance form (if applicable)
I) Worker's Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance information must be completed in this section of the certificate of insurance form (if applicable)
J) Insurance Policy #’s
K) Insurance policy effective dates (always check for current dates)
L) Insurance Policy limits (These are minimum requirements, coverages may exceed limits set forth in this example) Commercial General Liability
a) Each Occurrence $300,000
b) Damaged to Rented Premises $50,000
c) Medical Expense $5000 d) Personal & Advertising Injury $600,000 e) General Aggregate $600,000
Additional Contract Documents. The following documents attached to this Contract are part of this Contract: Exhibit A. Business’ Additional Contract Documents:
A-1. Response to Request for Placemaking Application dated May 7, 2021 (3 pages) Executed and effective on the day of , 2021.
Additional Contract Documents. (Clause 1) [insert any other documents to form part of the Agreement for example any fee proposal or tender response from the Certifier] Contract Sum (Clause 1) $ [insert] (excluding GST) Project (Clause 1) The development, construction, or other related work which the Client requires the Services in relation to is [insert details of the Project e.g. the development name and / or address.] Site (Clause 1) [insert] Certifier details (Clause 2.2) The Services will be performed by (tick as applicable):☐ The Certifier is a Registered Body Corporate Name Registration number Registered Director Name: Phone number: Email: Registered Individuals who may carry out the work Name: Registration number: ☐ The Certifier is a Registered Certifier Name Registration number Phone Email Variations - hourly rates (Clause 9.1)Certifier's personnel Hourly rate (ex. GST) [Insert specific person and relevant rates, e.g.: Principal / Director $ Senior Certifier $ Junior Certifier $ Interest rate (Clause 11) [Insert a specific % per annum (e.g. 5%), or a mechanism to determine the interest rate e.g. CBA's unsecured personal overdraft rate plus 2% per annum.] Disbursements for which the Certifier may claim payment (Clause 10.1)Disbursement Amount (if known) Admin. margin [Insert: The following are examples. NSW Fire Brigade fees for fire safety report required under s 144 of the EP&A Regulation] $ % [Any other specialist reports] % [Travel] $ % [Couriers] $ % [Photographs, colour copying, laminating, presentation materials] $ % [insert] $ % Insurance (Clause 13)Insurance Policy details Professional Indemnity Insurer: Policy number: Current and valid from: Current and valid to: Limit of cover provided: Public Liability Insurer: Policy number: Current and valid from: Current and valid to: Limit of cover provided:
Additional Contract Documents. Exhibit A – Project Details & Scope of Work Exhibit B - Fee Schedule Exhibit C - Federal Award Addendum Grant Funded? YES If YES, identify Grant Source US Treasury ARPA Funds If no Bid No., bid process used IGA or XXX 117.45058.81000.1010.102493.DR12 – coding from original IGA confirmed by Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx This AMENDMENT (“Amendment”) to the above-referenced Contract (“Contract”) is entered into by and between the Board of County Commissioners on behalf of the County of Boulder, State of Colorado, a body corporate and politic (“County”) and the Housing Authority of the County of Boulder, State of Colorado, a public body, corporate and politic (“BCHA”).
Additional Contract Documents. If marked, the following additional documents are a part hereof and each party acknowledges receipt of a copy thereof:
Additional Contract Documents. In addition to the Contract Documents listed in Section 2.2, the following are also Contract Documents: (List applicable contract documents including, for example, additional specifications, drawings, addenda, modifications, and exercised alternates. Identify with general description, sheet numbers and latest date including revisions.)
16.4.1 Bid Package No. ; Bid Category ;
16.4.2 Post‐Bid Conference Meeting Notes dated ;
16.4.3 Post‐Bid Package Addenda: ;
16.4.4 Exhibits A and .
16.4.5 Contractual Financial Summary
Additional Contract Documents. In addition to this Statement of Work, the following are hereby made a part of the Contract Documents:
A. The Drawings are: To be furnished by Contractor to Owner in electronic format. Design and drawings must be approved by Owner in writing in advance of Contractor beginning work and installation of materials.
B. The Specifications are: All drawings are to be provided in CAD, PDF, and shp files. All work must be performed to meet the permitting agencies requirements. Conduit/cable must be place at a minimum of 3 feet deep.