AIDS. The Employer agrees to take all possible safety precautions to deal with the threat of the AIDS virus, including adequate education of employees concerning the disease and provision of any available precautionary treatments. In addition to the above, the Employer agrees to provide in-service training for all employees working with AIDS patients.
AIDS. AIDS is the clinical definition given to the onset of certain life- threatening infections in persons whose immune systems have ceased to function properly as a result of infection with HIV. of control in society. HIV is the acronym for “human immuno deficiency virus”. HIV is a virus which attacks and may ultimately destroy the body’s natural immune system. taking a medical test to determine a person’s HIV status. This may include written or verbal questions inquiring about previous HIV tests; questions related to the assessment of ‘risk behaviour’ (for example questions regarding sexual practices, the number of sexual partners or sexual orientation); and any other indirect methods designed to ascertain an employee’s or job applicant’s HIV status. a process of obtaining consent from a patient which ensures that the person fully understands the nature and implications of the test before giving his or her agreement to it.
AIDS. The insurer will cover the actual incurred medical expenses, which arise from or are in any way related to Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) and/or HIV related illnesses, including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS Related Complex (ARC) and/or any mutant derivative or variations thereof as a result of proven occupation Accident* or blood transfusion**. Expenses are limited to pre and post-diagnosis consultations, routine check-ups for this condition, drugs and dressings (except experimental or those unproven), hospital accommodation and nursing fees. * For members of emergency services, medical or dental professions, laboratory assistants, pharmacist or an employee in a medical facility that provides evidence that they contracted the HIV infection accidentally while carrying out normal duties of their occupation; and they contracted the HIV infection three years after the date of entry or start date, whichever is later; and the incident from which they contracted the HIV infection was reported, investigated and documented according to normal procedures for the insured person’s occupation; and a test showing no HIV or antibodies to such a virus was made within five days of the incident; and a positive HIV test occurred within 12 months of the reported occupational accident. **As long as the blood transfusion was received as an in-patient as part of medically necessary treatment. The benefit is only available after three years of continuous membership. The above benefit needs to be pre-authorised. The maximum benefit per period of cover should be mutually agreed between the policyholder and insurer and stipulated in the insurance contract.
AIDS. Medical expenses, which arise from or are in any way related to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and/ or HIV related illnesses, including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS Related Complex (ARC) and/or any mutant derivative or variations thereof. As result of proven occupation accident* or blood transfusion**. Expenses are limited to pre and post-diagnosis consultations, routine check-ups for this condition, drugs and dressings (except experimental or those unproven), hospital accommodation and nursing fees. * For members of emergency services, medical or dental professions, laboratory assistants, pharmacist or an employee in a medical facility that provides evidence that they contracted the HIV infection accidentally while carrying out normal duties of their occupation; and they contracted the HIV infection three years after the entry date or start date, whichever is later; and the incident from which they contracted the HIV infection was reported, investigated and documented according to normal procedures for the insured person’s occupation; and a test showing no HIV or antibodies to such a virus was made within five days of the incident; and a positive HIV test occurred within 12 months of the reported occupational accident. ** As long as the blood transfusion was received as an in-patient as part of medically necessary treatment. Waiting period: Cover only available after three years of continuous membership. In-patient and day-patient treatment only. Up to RMB 150,000 per period of cover Pre-Authorisation 🕿 Up to RMB 150,000 per period of cover Pre-Authorisation 🕿 Up to RMB 250,000 per period of cover Pre-Authorisation 🕿 Up to RMB 310,000 per period of cover Pre-Authorisation 🕿
AIDS. For those enrollees with a confirmed diagnosis of AIDS, as indicated by an ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, the 100% reimbursement is effective on the first day of the month in which they were diagnosed as having AIDS.
AIDS. In the area of organization and methods of work at health centres and individual medical practice:
AIDS. Preliminary investigative research is ongoing at present to establish an in vitro model for the efficacy of either phenylacetate or phenylbutyrate for inhibiting the replication of the AIDS virus. Estimated research time to develop model is approximately three years.
AIDS. 1. For services dated on or after January 1, 2009, the Department will no longer reimburse HMOs for members with a confirmed diagnosis of AIDS outside the capitation rate. AIDS reimbursement will be included in the 2009 capitation rates. HMOs must submit encounter data for these services.
2. For services dated prior to January 1, 2009, the Department will reimburse HMOs for members with a confirmed diagnosis of AIDS outside of the capitation rate. AIDS services for qualified members must be submitted in accordance with the following criteria:
a) Criteria Requirement
1) Enhanced Funding Criteria Requirement for Members with AIDS (except newborns) For those enrollees with a confirmed diagnosis of AIDS, as indicated by an ICD-9-CM diagnosis code, the 100% reimbursement is effective on the first day of the month in which they were diagnosed as having AIDS.
2) Enhanced Funding Criteria Requirement for Newborns Newborns with a confirmed diagnosis of AIDS reimbursement will be effective on their date of birth.
b) Enhanced Funding End Date for All Members The period of enhanced funding will end on the enrollee‟s date of death, the date the enrollee loses BadgerCare Plus and/or Medicaid SSI enrollment, or the date the enrollee is exempted from HMO enrollment. In addition, the period of enhanced funding will end on the date the enrollee‟s medical status code (Article V) changes to a non-contracted medical status code.
c) Documentation Requirement (for dates of service prior to January 1, 2009) For those enrollees with a confirmed diagnosis of AIDS the HMO must submit a signed statement from a physician that indicates a confirmed diagnosis of AIDS and the diagnosis date must accompany each new request.
AIDS. 12.7.1. The company will fully assume the costs of the AIDS virus detection test when requested by the employee to the company's doctor and carried out in the network of laboratories indicated by the company.
12.7.2. The company will continue to carry out preventive campaigns against AIDS.
AIDS. 3. W zakresie organizacji i metod pracy poradni i indywidualnej praktyki lekarskiej:
1) organizacja pracy poradni lekarza rodzinnego (rejestracja, dokumentacja, zasady ewidencjonowania kosztów, orzecznictwo lekarskie, sprawozdawczość, zasady wypisywania recept, skierowań na badanie diagnostyczne i do lekarzy specjalistów oraz na leczenie sanatoryjne);
2) współpraca z pielęgniarką środowiskową/rodzinną i pracownikiem socjalnym oraz z personelem praktyki;
3) zasady współdziałania z placówkami udzielającymi pomocy doraźnej, ze szpitalem, z zakładem opiekuńczo- leczniczym, pracowniami diagnostycznymi, ze specjalistami w innych dziedzinach medycyny, stacjami sanitarno- epidemiologicznymi;
4) zasady współdziałania z jednostkami samorządu terytorialnego, instytucjami i organizacjami zajmującymi się pomocą społeczną oraz ze szkołami i placówkami systemu oświaty.
4. Opanowanie następujących umiejętności i czynności:
1) oceny rozwoju fizycznego i psychoruchowego dzieci ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem niemowląt;