Arrests Sample Clauses
Arrests. Whenever practical, the arrest of a student or school personnel should be accomplished outside of school hours in order to not disrupt the educational process or school setting. Arrests that must occur during school hours or on school grounds should be coordinated through the school administrator to minimize potential disruption. When circumstances do not allow for prior coordination through the school administrator, arrests should be reported to the school administrator as soon as possible. In addition to any required notification of parents and legal guardians by the SRO taking a student or employee into custody, school administrators or their designees should consider notifying parents and legal guardians upon a school-based arrest of the student.
Arrests. PRPD shall revise its policies on arrests to ensure that they comply with applicable law and comport with generally accepted policing practices.
Arrests. Whenever practical, arrests of a student or staff member should be accomplished outside of school hours in order to not disrupt the educational process or school setting. Arrests that must occur during school hours or on school grounds should be coordinated through the school administrator or their designee to minimize potential disruption. When circumstances do not allow for prior coordination through the school administrator, arrests will be reported to the school administrator as soon as possible. In addition to any required notification of parents and legal guardians by the SRO taking a student into custody, school administrators or their designees are also responsible for an additional notification of parents and legal guardians upon a school-based arrest of their child. If questioning or investigatory interviews must occur, the SRO must refer to the “Investigation and Questioning” section of this document (page 10-11).
Arrests a. When possible and appropriate, arrest by police should be made during non-school hours and away from school premises. This excludes on site arrests made by a School Resource Officer pursuant to normally assigned duties.
b. Arrest on school premises during school hours should be undertaken in such a manner as to avoid embarrassment to the student being arrested and to avoid jeopardizing the safety and welfare of other students.
c. In the event a physical arrest must be made during school hours, the principal or designee should summon the student to his/her office before surrendering the student. Unless the safety of the students and school staff will be compromised if an arrest is delayed, the officer should not appear in the classroom to make the physical arrest.
d. If the student is to be surrendered to the custody of the police officer, the principal or designee should record the name and organization of the officer, the time the officer leaves the school, the destination (police station, detention facility, or Family Court) and the offense for which the arrest was made. A substantial effort should be made by the principal or designee to immediately contact the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the student of any contact by the police. If the student is arrested and removed from the premises before such contact is made, the police and the principal or designee each have the responsibility for that notification.
Arrests. Fugitives: Provide a projection of how many fugitives your task force will arrest for the year in Section 6: Fugitives. Arrests: No projection of how many arrests your task force will make for the year is required. An arrest is defined as any apprehension made absent any type of court-issued pick-up order; primarily arrests made on probable cause. Indicate your task force's intentions to make arrests during the year by selecting/loading ARRESTS into one of the Other Output boxes below.
Arrests. Whenever practical, arrests of a student or staff member should be accomplished outside of school hours as to not disrupt the educational process. Arrests that must occur during school hours or on school grounds should be coordinated through the school administrator to minimize potential disruption. When circumstances do not allow for prior coordination through the school administrator, arrests shall be reported to the school administrator as soon as possible. In addition to any required notification of parents and legal guardians by the SRO taking a student into custody, school administrators or their designees are also responsible for an additional notification of parents and legal guardians upon a school-based arrest of their child. Refer to the Permission/Notification table on page 16.
Arrests. 57. EHPD officers shall only arrest an individual where the officer has probable cause. In effectuating an arrest, EHPD officers shall not rely on information known to be materially false or incorrect. Officers may not consider demographic category in effecting an arrest, except as part of an actual and credible description of a specific suspect in an ongoing investigation.
58. An officer shall immediately notify a supervisor when effectuating a felony arrest, an arrest where the officer used force, an arrest for obstructing or resisting an officer, any disorderly conduct type arrest, or a custodial arrest for a vehicle infraction, and the supervisor shall, absent exigent circumstances, immediately respond to the scene. A supervisor shall document in the case file the exigent circumstances preventing his or her presence.
59. The responding supervisor shall approve or disapprove the officer’s arrest recommendation, based on the existence of justifiable probable cause and EHPD policy. The supervisor shall take appropriate action to address violations or deficiencies in the officer’s arrest recommendation, including releasing the subject, recommending non- disciplinary corrective action for the involved officer, and/or referring the incident for administrative or criminal investigation.
60. At the time of presentment at EHPD headquarters, a watch commander or supervisor shall visually inspect each detainee or arrestee for injury, interview the detainee or arrestee for complaints of pain, and ensure that the detainee or arrestee receives medical attention from an appropriate medical provider, as necessary. The watch commander or supervisor shall document the results of the visual inspection in writing.
61. EHPD officers shall complete all arrest reports before the end of shift. EHPD field supervisors shall review each arrest report of officers under their command and shall memorialize their review in writing within 12 hours of the arrest, absent exceptional circumstances. Supervisors shall review reports and forms for “canned” or conclusory language, inconsistent information, lack of articulation of the legal basis for the action, or other indicia that the information in the reports or forms is not authentic or correct.
62. As part of the supervisory review, the supervisor shall document in an auditable format those arrests that are unsupported by probable cause, are in violation of EHPD policy or this Agreement, or that indicate a need for corrective action o...
Arrests. In the event of an arrest, the arresting officer shall immediately make arrangements to provide a qualified interpreter at the earliest possible time onsite or at the place of detention, as appropriate, unless the person has indicated he or she does not use sign language or prefers another specific auxiliary aid or service. At the conclusion of the arrest, if the person who is deaf or hard of hearing is to be placed into a holding cell, any qualified interpreter who has been obtained for effective communication will be asked to accompany the officer to the holding cell to facilitate completion of the booking process.
Arrests. The SRO shall only arrest a student on school property or at a school- related event (1) if requested by the principal or the principal’s designee; (2) when a warrant requires such an arrest; (3) to prevent bodily harm or injury to the student or another person; (4) to apprehend an armed or fleeing suspect; or (5) to address an emergency or other dangerous situation.
Arrests. Whenever practical, arrests of a student or staff member should be accomplished outside of school hours in order to not disrupt the educational process or school setting. Arrests that must occur during school hours or on school grounds shall be compliant with all applicable laws and shall be coordinated through the school administrator to minimize potential disruption. When circumstances do not allow for prior coordination through the school administrator, arrests will be reported to the school administrator as soon as possible. SROs are expected to be familiar with school rules and their application within the school system. Routine rule that can be handled administratively through the disciplinary process will not be handled as violations of law, but rather be referred to the principal for administrative action. Any questions related to the enforcement of rules versus laws within schools shall be discussed with the principal and SRO Supervisor. This specifically applies to general standards of conduct.