UNIT WORK Sample Clauses

UNIT WORK. When the Employer deems it necessary in order to carry out a mission and operations of the campus, the Employer may contract out work provided that the contracting out does not displace bargaining unit employees or reduces their scheduled hours. The Maine Community College shall notify MSEA-SEIU when contracting out is to be implemented. MSEA-SEIU may request to meet and confer on the impact on contracting out such work. The Maine Community College shall meet with MSEA- SEIU within thirty (30) days of such request. Notice to MSEA-SEIU shall be not later than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the commencement of the contracting out. In emergency circumstances, when the College enters into a contract under which contracting out will commence in less than thirty (30) days, when possible, notification shall be made two (2) weeks prior to implementing the contract, but in no event later than ten (10) working days after the commencement of the contracting out. Prior to the meeting and conferring on contracting out, the Maine Community College System will provide MSEA-SEIU all relevant written information, including copies of bids received, any cost analysis used by the College to evaluate the need for contracting out, and all other relevant material used by the College in making its decision regarding contracting out. Contracting out of the type of work normally performed by existing bargaining unit members for limited periods not to exceed six (6) months shall be allowed without the Union’s agreement if one or more of the following conditions are present at the affected campus or other non-campus location (such as the System Office in Augusta): 1. The skills and abilities or legally required licenses or equipment needed to perform the work are not available within the bargaining unit. 2. The opportunity to do the work is declined by any qualified and available bargaining unit employees. “Qualified” as used in this Article is defined as having special skills, abilities, license or equipment necessary to perform the work.
UNIT WORK. Supervisors and other non-unit employees shall not perform the work of unit employees. Unit work may be performed by non-unit employees when doing so is necessary to preserve the health and safety of employees, members of the public and/or protect county assets. Such incidents shall be documented. If it is found that such a necessity did not exist, the unit employees who would have normally been called to perform the work outside of normal work hours will each be compensated as provided for under Article 6, Section 611 (Callback) of this Agreement.
UNIT WORK. No person outside of the Bargaining Unit shall be permitted to perform work normally performed by a member of the Bargaining Unit except in the absence of sufficient numbers of Bargaining Unit Employees, or in a recognized emergency. The Employer will not subcontract, lease or diminish bargaining unit work opportunities. The Employer shall hire additional bargaining unit employees when the amount of work justifies such hiring.
UNIT WORK. The Employer agrees that the function of supervisors is the supervision of employees and not the per- formance of the work of the employees they supervise. The Union agrees that the Employer must train employees and must prevent service failures. a. Accordingly, the parties agree that supervisors will not perform the work of the employees they supervise except during training, demonstration, and safety educa- tion; and supervisors will not perform Union member’s work until all reasonable efforts have been exhausted to have the work covered by Union employees of United Parcel Service. b. Reasonable effort shall be construed to mean that the employee will: 1. Use all means possible to contact a bargaining unit employee to perform work due to sick-out, vacations, personal leave, funeral or family leave, holidays, and overflow. 2. The Company will establish, maintain, and post, at all times, a double shift list (part-time employees) and extra overtime list (full-time employees). In addition, the Company will maintain a volunteer list of Package Car Drivers willing to augment the pre-load.
UNIT WORK. This Agreement shall cover and apply to all activities of the Individual Employer in the area covered by this Agreement falling within the recognized jurisdiction of the Union, including, but not limited by inference or otherwise, to building construction, demolition, site clearing, geothermal drilling, pipelines, oil or gas refineries (excluding the falling and removal of merchantable timber by the purchaser of merchantable timber), work covered by Section 13.00.00, Steel Fabricators and Erectors, which work and equipment shall be covered by Section 13.00.00, Steel Fabricators and Erectors, and work covered by Section 14.00.00, Piledriving, which work and equipment shall be covered by Section 14.00.
UNIT WORK. If the MMA contracts out work normally performed by employees within this unit, and if the contracting out results in the elimination of jobs within the unit, the MMA will negotiate the impact of the contracting on the affected employees. Negotiations, if demanded, will occur no longer than a thirty (30) day period prior to implementation of the layoff. If the parties have not reached agreement within the thirty (30) day period, the obligation to bargain shall continue. In addition, the MMA shall assist those employees whose jobs are eliminated by such actions to find other employment. The resources of the Department of Labor and the affected department shall be used in coordination with MSEA to help the affected employees secure employment inside or outside of MMA. When an employee receives notice that he/she is being displaced as a result of contracting out, the MMA and MSEA will exchange information on vacancies which can be useful in assisting the affected employee find employment. Appropriate preference shall be given affected employees for placement in MMA service.
UNIT WORK. If the School contracts out work normally performed by employees within this unit, and if the contracting out results in the elimination of jobs within the unit, the School will negotiate the impact of the contracting on the affected employees. Negotiations, if demanded, will occur no later than a thirty (30) day period prior to implementation of the layoff. If the parties have not reached agreement within the thirty (30) day period, the obligation to bargain shall continue.
UNIT WORK. A. Unit work, including closely related emerging technologies, is defined as work described by the duties of Crafts Unit classifications (Appendix A) found in the class specifications developed by the Los Angeles Community College District Personnel Commission. B Unit work paid by the District at District sites must be performed by journey level craftspeople at wages agreed to in this agreement or higher.
UNIT WORK. 42.1 The City reserves the right to make all decisions in regard to contracting for the delivery of City services, including the contracting of work normally done by employees in the unit and even if such contracting results in the layoff of permanent City employees. Except for emergencies, the City agrees to give the Union sixty (60) days' notice of a decision to subcontract unit work when subcontracting would result in the layoff of permanent City employees. Upon written request of the Union, the City shall negotiate the impact of the subcontracting which results in the laying off of permanent City employees. The impact bargaining shall not serve as a bar to the implementation of the said subcontracting. 42.2 The City will meet with the Union to discuss the availability of positions within City government for which the laid-off employee is determined to be qualified and the availability of any training programs which may be applicable to the employee. In reviewing these placement possibilities, every effort will be made to seek matches of worker's skills and qualifications with available, comparable positions.
UNIT WORK. Except as otherwise expressly set forth herein, no one except bargaining unit employees shall perform bargaining unit work. Bargaining unit work shall be the type of work normally or presently performed within the bargaining unit covered by this MOU. Such work shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, simultaneous or consecutive interpretation of court proceedings, court-ordered programs for which an interpreter is required, such as court-ordered: psychiatric evaluations; interviews with defendants and witnesses; sight translation of court documents; probate investigations; mediations sessions and child-custody evaluations, or other interpreter services as required by the court. The term "interpreter services" is defined as oral interpretation or sight translation between two or more other person.