Case File Sample Clauses
Case File. (a) Documents and materials submitted by a Member and pertaining to probationary review, promotion, and tenure and shall constitute the Case File.
(b) The contents of the Case File shall be maintained until after the conclusion of the Member’s probationary review, tenure, or promotion process, including any grievance, arbitration, or appeals and for a period of up five (5) years from the termination of the applicable process, or until the conclusion of any related legal or other proceedings, whichever is later.
(c) After the applicable process concludes, the Case File shall be maintained by Human Resources in a secure electronic form. The Member who produced the Case File shall have a right to review the Case File during regular business hours upon providing twenty four (24) hours’ notice.
Case File. Upon the participant’s entry into the Wellness Court, the County Department will timely forward to the Tribal Court a copy of the police report, releases of information, any applicable assessments, accountability agreements, contact information of involved parties and any other relevant documentation.
Case File. The Contractor shall maintain a separate individual case file for each participant served in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the SFWIB for participants enrolled in any of the SFWIB-funded programs. This file shall include all required documents as set forth in the SFWIB’s procedures. These files shall be subject to the Audit, Inspection and Access to Records requirements under Article III-Section H of this Contract. All case files shall be electronic only, hard copy files will not be accepted.
Case File. In applying for promotion, a Member shall prepare a Case File to demonstrate achievements in respect to three (3) areas to be evaluated: Teaching (Area 1), Research and Scholarship (Area 2), and Service and Administration (Area 3). Materials submitted as evidence in the three areas shall be evaluated by the AIRC and, if applicable, external assessors.
11.7.1 Area 1: Teaching To demonstrate performance in teaching, the candidate must supply an advancement teaching dossier, which may include but not be limited to:
(a) A teaching philosophy statement, that is, explanatory material about aims and methods of teaching written and submitted by the candidate;
(b) Course descriptions, syllabi, bibliographies, or other material distributed in courses;
(c) Material descriptive of courses submitted to other bodies (e.g., departmental or University curriculum committees);
(d) Letters of reference from colleagues;
(e) Results of student evaluations carried out in accordance with the University's course evaluation policy and procedures. Evaluation results administered independent of University‐wide standardized student evaluation procedures may also be submitted;
(f) Evidence of internal and/or external awards, publications, citations, presentations at colloquia, seminars, workshops, or conferences on teaching.
11.7.2 Area 2: Research and Scholarship To demonstrate performance in research and scholarship, the candidate must supply an explanatory cover letter and may supply other supporting documentation and evidence. The AIRC shall not treat the types of evidence listed below as a checklist of mandatory criteria, but rather as available potential evidence supporting the application, to be considered in AIRC’s total discretion. Such evidence includes but is not limited to:
(a) Participation in discipline‐related professional association(s) or committees;
(b) Attendance at discipline, teaching or sectoral‐related conferences;
(c) Professional development activities to maintain currency in teaching and scholarship;
(d) Publications in non‐peer reviewed disciplinary publications such as book reviews, opinion and review pieces in newspapers, magazines or online publications;
(e) Non‐peer reviewed presentations;
(f) Developing or revising university curriculum and courses;
(g) Developing and disseminating innovative teaching and learning strategies;
(h) Creation of resources or programs to support teaching;
(i) Compiling scholarly bibliographies and annotated...
Case File. Attorneys will generate a file on my case, which will be maintained and owned by the attorneys. Copies of routine documents will be supplied to me at no cost. I may obtain a copy of the file at my own expense. At the conclusion of my case, the law office, at my request, will return any of my personal records supplied to the law office (such as medical records, tax returns, personal photographs, etc., and such other documents that may be appropriately delivered to me for safe keeping or any records or documents created by persons other than the law office or those retained by the office in prosecution of this claim). If no request for these records is made by the client, they will be destroyed at the conclusion of my case. The remainder of the file will be electronically stored for three years and then destroyed. Thereafter, if at any time prior to file destruction, client wants copies of the electronically stored file, the same will be supplied to client at client’s expense.
Case File. The case file, except for any original documents, is the sole and exclusive property of this office. Copies of all significant documents are sent to Client. Client is responsible for maintaining Client’s own file. No case file is required to be kept by the Attorney for any specific period of time.
Case File. After the Firm’s services conclude, the Firm will, upon Client’s request, deliver the file for this matter to Client. If Client does not request the file for this matter, the Firm will retain it for a period of five years after the matter is closed. If Client does not request delivery of the file for this matter before the end of the five-year period, the Firm will have no further obligation to retain the file and may, at the Firm’s discretion, destroy it without further notice to Client. At any point during the five-year period, Client may request delivery of the file. If Client so requests, paper copies of original documents (or the originals themselves) will be provided free of charge. Client agrees to pay for any additional fees or costs incurred to produce electronic files, if Client requests those files. Xxxx Xxxxxx, MPWMD June 22, 2020
Case File. A case file shall be developed for each youth in the facility. This file shall include all information as provided with the referral and collected at intake. Each file shall contain, at a minimum, sections for: the commitment packet, needs assessment, performance contract, weekly updates, monthly progress reports, counseling notes, correspondence and miscellaneous. Only authorized persons shall have access to juvenile records. Records shall be marked "confidential," stored inside a locked metal file cabinet, directly supervised and controlled by an authorized staff member. Anytime a record is removed from the file area, a receipt indicating reason for removal shall be signed by the staff member taking the file. Medical and education records shall be maintained in a separate file.
Case File. Upon request of the en- rollee or his or her representative, the applicable integrated plan must pro- vide the enrollee and his or her rep- resentative the enrollee’s case file, in- cluding medical records, other docu- ments and records, and any new or ad- ditional evidence considered, relied upon, or generated by the applicable integrated plan (or at the direction of the applicable integrated plan) in con- nection with the appeal of the inte- grated organization determination. This information must be provided free of charge and sufficiently in advance of the resolution timeframe for the inte- grated reconsideration, or subsequent appeal, as specified in this section.
Case File. (a) Documents and materials submitted by a Member and pertaining to probationary review, promotion, and tenure and shall constitute the Case File.
(b) The contents of the Case File shall be returned to the Member after the conclusion of the probationary review, tenure, or promotion process, including any grievance, arbitration, or appeals, unless otherwise agreed to by the Member.
38.4 The foregoing files shall be managed and safeguarded in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act as well as the Personal Health Information Protection Act.