Assembly Sample Clauses

Assembly. (1) [Composition] (a) The Contracting Parties shall be members of the same Assembly as the States bound by Article 2 of the Complementary Act of 1967. (b) Each member of the Assembly shall be represented in the Assembly by one delegate, who may be assisted by alternate delegates, advisors and experts, and each delegate may represent only one Contracting Party. (c) Members of the Union that are not members of the Assembly shall be admitted to the meetings of the Assembly as observers. (2) [Tasks] (a) The Assembly shall (i) deal with all matters concerning the maintenance and development of the Union and the implementation of this Act; (ii) exercise such rights and perform such tasks as are specifically conferred upon it or assigned to it under this Act or the Complementary Act of 1967; (iii) give directions to the Director General concerning the preparations for conferences of revision and decide the convocation of any such conference; (iv) amend the Regulations; (v) review and approve the reports and activities of the Director General concerning the Union, and give the Director General all necessary instructions concerning matters within the competence of the Union; (vi) determine the program and adopt the biennial budget of the Union, and approve its final accounts; (vii) adopt the financial regulations of the Union; (viii) establish such committees and working groups as it deems appropriate to achieve the objectives of the Union; (ix) subject to paragraph (1)(c), determine which States, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations shall be admitted to its meetings as observers; (x) take any other appropriate action to further the objectives of the Union and perform any other functions as are appropriate under this Act. (b) With respect to matters which are also of interest to other Unions administered by the Organization, the Assembly shall make its decisions after having heard the advice of the Coordination Committee of the Organization. (3) [Quorum] (a) One-half of the members of the Assembly which are States and have the right to vote on a given matter shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of the vote on that matter.
Assembly. If required by the tender specifications (Annex I), the contractor must assemble the supplies delivered within a period of one month unless otherwise specified in the special conditions. Any lack of conformity resulting from incorrect installation of the supplies must be deemed to be equivalent to lack of conformity of the supplies if installation forms part of the FWC and the supplies were installed by the contractor or under its responsibility. This applies equally if the product was to be installed by the contracting authority and was incorrectly installed owing to a shortcoming in the installation instructions.
Assembly. (a) The Contracting Parties shall have an Assembly. (b) Each Contracting Party shall be represented by one delegate who may be assisted by alternate delegates, advisors and experts. (c) The expenses of each delegation shall be borne by the Contracting Party that has appointed the delegation. The Assembly may ask the World Intellectual Property Organisation (hereinafter referred to as ‘WIPO’) to grant financial assistance to facilitate the participation of delegations of Contracting Parties that are regarded as developing countries in conformity with the established practice of the General Assembly of the United Nations or that are countries in transition to a market economy. (a) The Assembly shall deal with matters concerning the maintenance and development of his Treaty and the application and operation of this Treaty. (b) The Assembly shall perform the function allocated to it under Article 17(2) in respect of the admission of certain intergovernmental organisations to become Party to this Treaty. (c) The Assembly shall decide the convocation of any diplomatic conference for the revision of this Treaty and give the necessary instructions to the Director-General of WIPO for the preparation of such diplomatic conference. (a) Each Contracting Party that is a State shall have one vote and shall vote only in its own name. (b) Any Contracting Party that is an intergovernmental organisation may participate in the vote, in place of its Member States, with a number of votes equal to the number of its Member States which are Party to this Treaty. No such intergovernmental organisation shall participate in the vote if any one of its Member States exercises its right to vote and vice versa. 1 The Assembly shall meet in ordinary session once every two years upon convocation by the Director-General of WIPO. 2 The Assembly shall establish its own Rules of Procedure, including the convocation of extraordinary sessions, the requirements of a quorum and, subject to the provisions of this Treaty, the required majority for various kinds of decisions.
Assembly. (a) The Contracting Parties shall be members of the same Assembly as the countries party to the Madrid (Stockholm)
Assembly. (1) [Composition] (a) The Contracting Parties shall have an Assembly.
Assembly. Walk quietly into the assembly area so you will be able to hear directions.
AssemblyThe Parties shall form the Assembly of the Service Provider Federation (later on Assembly). The Assembly shall be the decision making body of the Service Provider Federation. It shall supervise and if necessary direct the implementation of the Project so that the Project proceeds and is finalised as planned. The Assembly shall start its work by making written rules of the Assembly, in which working rules, including decision-making rules, shall be included. Establishing and changing these working rules shall be made unanimously. In the Assembly each Party is represented by one duly appointed person. Once the entrance of a New Party to the Service Provider Federation has become effective, this Party shall without undue delay appoint a person to represent it in the Assembly. The Assembly shall have a quorum when each Party’s representative is present in the meeting or a Party has given another Party representation and voting authority in writing. The decisions must be made unanimously, unless otherwise agreed in this Agreement and/or in the rules of the Assembly, and minutes must kept of them. New Project organisations may be established or the current organisations modified on the decision of the Assembly.
Assembly. (a) The Contracting Parties shall have an Assembly. (b) Each Contracting Party shall be represented by one delegate who may be assisted by alternate delegates, advisors and experts. (c) The expenses of each delegation shall be borne by the Contracting Party that has appointed the delegation. The Assembly may ask WIPO to grant financial assistance to facilitate the participation of delegations of Contracting Parties that are regarded as developing countries in conformity with the established practice of the General Assembly of the United Nations or that are countries in transition to a market economy. (a) The Assembly shall deal with matters concerning the maintenance and development of this Treaty and the application and operation of this Treaty. (b) The Assembly shall perform the function allocated to it under Article 26
Assembly. 1. The Parties hereby establish an Assembly, on which each Member is represented, to make decisions concerning the implementation of this Agreement and coordinated actions to be taken to achieve its objective. The Assembly meets annually at the Ministerial level at the seat of the ISA. The Assembly may also meet under special circumstances. 2. Break-out sessions of the Assembly are held in order to take stock of the Programmes at Ministerial level and make decisions regarding their further implementation, in furtherance of article III.4. 3. The Assembly assesses the aggregate effect of the Programmes and other activities under the ISA, in particular in terms of deployment of solar energy, performance, reliability, as well as cost and scale of finance. Based on this assessment, Members take all necessary decisions regarding the further implementation of the objective of the ISA. 4. The Assembly makes all necessary decisions regarding the functioning of the ISA, including the selection of the Director General and approval of the operating budget. 5. Each Member has one vote in the Assembly. Observers and Partner organizations may participate without having right to vote. Decisions on questions of procedure are taken by a simple majority of the Members present and voting. Decisions on matters of substance are taken by two-third majority of the Members present and voting. Decisions regarding specific Programmes are taken by Members participating in this Programme. 6. All decisions taken by the International Steering Committee of the ISA established by the Paris Declaration on the ISA of 30th November 2015 are submitted to the Assembly for adoption at its first meeting.