Associate's Obligations Sample Clauses

Associate's Obligations. In exchange for the Company agreeing to provide the above-described benefits to Associate, Associate agrees that prior to receiving any severance compensation from the Company in respect of such termination, whether under this Agreement or otherwise, Associate will execute and deliver to the Company a Waiver, Release and Confidentiality Agreement substantially in the form provided to Associate with this Agreement.
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Associate's Obligations. In consideration of the benefits and stock ownership rights to be received by Associate hereunder, Associate and Ingram have further agreed as follows:
Associate's Obligations. In consideration of the payments to be made to and the benefits to be received by Associate hereunder, Associate and IMI have further agreed as follows:
Associate's Obligations. During the term of this Agreement, Associate shall have the following obligations:
Associate's Obligations. Associate agrees to treat the Confidential Information as strictly confidential and a trade secret of TCS. Associate agrees not to use, or cause to be used, or disclose or divulge or part with either directly or indirectly the Confidential Information for the benefit of or to any third parties except for or on behalf of or as directed or authorized by TCS or to a person having a valid contract with or need under TCS, any Confidential Information. Upon termination of employment, the Associate agrees to surrender to TCS all Confidential Information that he or she may then possess or have under his or her control.
Associate's Obligations. In exchange for Canada providing the above-described benefits to Associate, Associate agrees that prior to receiving any severance compensation from Canada in respect of such Covered Termination, whether under this Agreement or otherwise, Associate will execute and deliver to Canada a Waiver, Release and Confidentiality Agreement in the form provided by Canada.
Associate's Obligations. In consideration of the payments, benefits and stock ownership rights to be received by Associate hereunder, Associate and IMI have further agreed as follows:
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Associate's Obligations. Associate shall, regardless of when the Confidential Information was or is received by Associate:
Associate's Obligations. Subject to the limitations of Section 3(d), Associate shall, regardless of when the Confidential Information was or is received by Associate:
Associate's Obligations. The Associate will process the Data for the purpose of providing Associate Services or on any other instructions from the Practice, and not further or otherwise. The Associate will at all times process Data lawfully and will not contravene any statute, regulation or generally accepted code of good practice (including without limitation the Associate's professional obligations as a doctor) in providing the Associate Services to the Practice. The Associate will keep the Data confidential, and will take such security measures as are required to enable the Practice to process the Data in compliance with obligations equivalent to those imposed on the Practice by the Seventh Principle of the Act including the "Security Guidelines" at paragraph 4 of this Schedule and all relevant provisions in the Practice’s policies and protocols applicable to independent contractors as issued and amended from time to time. The Associate will provide such information as is reasonably necessary to enable the Practice to satisfy itself of the Associate's compliance with paragraph 2.2 above. The Associate will also allow the Practice, its employees or authorised agents or advisers the right to inspect the procedures and measures referred in paragraph 2.2 above. The Associate will not allow any third party access to, or use of, the Data without the prior written consent of the Practice. However, if the Associate is required to engage any third party to whom Xxxx will be disclosed to enable the third party to perform its appointment in relation to the relevant Data Subject(s), the third party shall be bound (in advance) by equivalent written terms (also directly enforceable by the Practice) to the terms set out in this Schedule, and/or terms as advised by the Practice from time to time. The Associate shall not appoint any sub-processor of data otherwise. The Associate will not, and shall procure that all relevant third parties will not, process Data outside of the United Kingdom without the prior written consent of the Practice. The Associate will co-operate as far as is reasonable with the Practice in complying with any subject access request and/or responding to any enquiry made, or investigation or assessment of processing initiated by the Information Commissioner in respect of the Data. The Associate will immediately notify the Practice if any individual asks for access to Data, or if contacted by the Information Commissioners Office in relation to the Data. Following termination...
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