Banking of General Holidays. Employees shall have the option of banking up to five (5) general holidays as follows: When an employee works a general holiday, they shall have the option of being paid general holiday pay or taking equivalent time off. Should an employee choose to take equivalent time off it must be taken by March 31st or be paid out to the employee at that time. Days taken as equivalent time off shall be by mutual agreement between the Employer and employee.
Banking of General Holidays. It is understood and agreed that all employees may take the following choices regarding saving general holidays, which are:
(a) general holidays will be scheduled within thirty (30) days of the actual general holiday;
(b) employees may save general holidays and take up to two (2) weeks’ vacation with pay at a time arranged between the Employer and the employee; or the employee can take time off in some other block of time as arranged between the Employer and employee; All general holidays shall be taken by March 31st of each year or shall be paid on the 31st day of March of each year.
Banking of General Holidays. Employees shall have the option of banking general holidays as follows: When an employee works a general holiday, they shall have the option of being paid general holiday pay or taking equivalent time off. Should an employee choose to take equivalent time off it will be scheduled within ninety (90) days of the actual general holiday or taken with the employee's next annual vacation. Days taken as equivalent time off shall be by mutual agreement between the Employer and employee or they may bank the pay (one and one-half (1½) times their regular rate of pay for all time worked) referred to in 21.04 in accordance with banked overtime rules outlined in 20.02.
Banking of General Holidays. An employee requesting to bank a general holiday in accordance with 6.05(a) must do so in writing. A full time employee wishing to bank a general holiday who is scheduled on a 4 day, ten (10) hour schedule during the week in which a general holiday falls shall bank nine point five (9.5) hours of general holiday pay at regular time. A full time employee wishing to bank a general holiday who is scheduled on a 5 day, 8 hour schedule during the week in which a general holiday falls shall bank seven point five (7.5) hours of general holiday pay at regular time. Subject to operational requirements of the business, the Company will consider requests to use single day banked general holidays on the following terms and conditions;
i) The employee already has at least one general holiday in the bank
ii) Requests will be considered on a seniority basis
iii) No more than four (4) such banked general holidays can be granted per employee in any calendar year
Banking of General Holidays. In January of each year, full-time employees shall make one of the following choices regarding the saving of General Holidays, by utilizing the approved forms currently in effect at Vista Park Lodge. If no choice is made by January 31st, the employee will be deemed to have chosen Option "A". Option "A" All General Holidays are worked as they fall in an employee’s schedule with the employee choosing, at the time of the General Holiday, to either:
(i) Receive pay for the General Holiday at that time; or
(ii) Schedule an alternate day off, within thirty (30) days of the general holiday, by mutual agreement, with their supervisor.
Banking of General Holidays. An associate may request to bank the following general holidays and must do so in writing: A full time associate wishing to bank any of these general holidays listed above who is scheduled on a 4 day, ten (10) hour schedule during the week in which a general holiday falls shall bank nine point five (9.5) hours of general holiday pay at regular time. A full time associate wishing to bank any of these general holiday who is scheduled on a 5 day, 8 hour schedule during the week in which a general holiday falls shall bank seven point five (7.5) hours of general holiday pay at regular time. Subject to operational requirements of the business, the Company will consider requests to use single day banked general holidays on the following terms and conditions;
i) The associate already has at least one general holiday in the bank
ii) Requests will be considered on a seniority basis
iii) No more than four (4) such banked general holidays can be granted per associate in any calendar year Should the associate not request to bank any of the general holiday listed above, three (3) weeks in advance the Company will payout the general holiday after the week it occurs. If there are any banked general holidays remaining at the end of the calendar year, the associate will be paid out for such days by the end of January of the following year.
Banking of General Holidays. Employees shall have the option of banking up to three (3) general holidays. When an employee works a general holiday, he/she shall have the option of being paid general holiday pay or taking equivalent time off. Should an employee choose to take equivalent time off it must be taken within the following four (4) weeks failing which it will be paid out to the employee. Days taken as equivalent time off shall be by mutual agreement between the Employer and the employee. Banked general holiday hours will be identified separately on each pay stub.
Banking of General Holidays. An employee requesting to bank a general holiday in accordance with 6.05(a) must do so in writing. A full time employee wishing to bank a general holiday who is scheduled on a 4 day, ten (10) hour schedule during the week in which a general holiday falls shall bank nine point five (9.5) hours of general holiday pay at regular time. A full time employee wishing to bank a general holiday who is scheduled on a 5 day, 8 hour schedule during the week in which a general holiday falls shall bank seven point five (7.5) hours of general holiday pay at regular time. Subject to operational requirements of the business, the Company will consider requests to use single day banked general holidays on the following terms and conditions;
i) The employee already has at least one general holiday in the bank
ii) Requests will be considered on a seniority basis
iii) No more than three (3) such banked general holidays can be granted per employee in any calendar year considered on a seniority basis subject to operational requirements of the business. If there are any banked general holidays remaining at the end of the calendar year, the employee will be paid out for such days by the end of January of the following year.
Banking of General Holidays. Full Time Employees on the Victoria Board who have qualified for General Holidays may elect to bank up to twenty (20) General Holiday days. Once banked, the Employees may book off up to ten
Banking of General Holidays. Full Time Employees who have qualified for General Holidays may elect to bank up to twenty (20) General Holiday days. Once banked, the Employees may book off up to ten