By June 1, 2016 if the University determines that the men's and the women's athletic teams are not receiving comparable scheduling for competitive events and/or practice times, the University will develop and, once approved by OCR, implement a plan to ensure that by June 1, 2018 female and male student athletes are provided with equivalent benefits and services in this area. If the University determines that the competitive events and/or practice times currently provided to the women's and men's athletic programs are comparable, the University will provide to OCR a report outlining that determination and the information, including appropriate documentation upon which that determination is based.
By June 1, 2016 the University will provide OCR a report that includes information and supporting documentation demonstrating its plan will effectively accommodate the interests and abilities of members of both sexes. The plan will include a description of interim steps that will be taken by the University during the 2016- 2017and 2017-2018 academic years to increase intercollegiate athletic participation opportunities for women.
By June 1, 2016 the University will complete an assessment of its competitive events and practice schedules to ensure that female and male student athletes are provided with equivalent benefits and services in this area. The assessment will consider, at a minimum, whether the University's women's intercollegiate athletic teams are provided with comparable opportunities as provided to the men's intercollegiate athletic teams in the number of competitive events per sport, number and length of practice opportunities, time of day competitive events are scheduled, time of day practice opportunities are scheduled, and opportunities to engage in available pre-season and post-season competition.
By June 1, 2016 the University will complete an assessment of the provision of travel and per diem allowances to ensure that female and male student athletes are provided with equivalent benefits and services in this area. The assessment will include, at a minimum:
a. a review of the modes or methods of transportation used by each team for each competition, such as institutionally owned, privately owned, or commercial vehicles; the type of transportation used, e.g., car, van, bus, or plane; and the policies and procedures for making these determinations;
b. the per diem allowance for athletes, by team;
c. for each team, the size of the travel squad and the names and positions of additional personnel (including student assistants) who travel with the team to away games; and
d. for each home and away competition, information regarding whether the team spent any nights before or after the competition in a hotel and the distance traveled.
By June 1, 2016 if the University provides academic tutors for athletes, the University will conduct an assessment of the availability, assignment, and compensation of tutors, to ensure that female and male student athletes are provided with equivalent benefits and opportunities in this area. The assessment will include, at a minimum:
a. rates of pay;
b. a description of the tutoring sessions, e.g., whether they are class or individual sessions;
c. a summary of the tutors' qualifications and experience; and
d. a description of the tutors' availability for athletes.
By June 1, 2016 the University will complete an assessment of the assignment, availability, and compensation of coaches1 to ensure the equivalent assignment, availability, and compensation of coaches for the women's and men's athletic programs. The assessment will also include, at a minimum:
a. A list of the members of any athletic department hiring committees who were actively engaged in hiring and/or recruitment during the 2013-2014 and 2014- 2015 school years; and
b. A review of all coaching assignments, with the following information regarding the assignments:
(1) head coach and/or assistant coach;
(2) graduate or student assistant;
(3) full time or part time as coach, and indicate percentage of full time;
(4) length of contract or appointment;
(5) type of contract or appointment;
(6) other non-coaching duties at the institution and indicate the percentage of time;
(7) a summary of each coach's background and qualifications; and
(8) salary, stipend, or hourly compensation for coaching.
c. By June 1, 2016, if the University determines that the men's and the women's athletic teams are not receiving comparable benefits and opportunities with respect to coaching, the University will develop and, once approved by OCR, implement a plan to ensure that by June 1, 2018 female and male student athletes 1 OCR does not enforce the Equal Pay Act; therefore, the terms of this agreement are limited to a review of compensation practices to determine whether student athletes are receiving equivalent quality and quantity of coaching under OCR's interpretation and application of the Title IX regulations at 34 CFR § 106.41(c)(6). are provided with equivalent benefits and services in this area. If the University determines that the coaching currently provided to the women's and men's athletic programs is comparable, the University will provide to OCR a report outlining that determination and the information, including appropriate documentation upon which that determination is based.
By June 1, 2016 the University will complete a comprehensive assessment of the locker rooms, practice fields and facilities, and competitive fields and facilities, assigned to the men's and women's athletic teams to ensure the equivalent provision of locker rooms and practice and competitive facilities. The assessment will include, at a minimum:
a. A list of all locker rooms, practice fields and facilities, and competitive fields and facilities, including:
(1) proximity of locker rooms to the practice and competitive facilities;
(2) quality of each facility (e.g., excellent, adequate, poor);
(3) amenities for each locker room (e.g., showers, laundry service, available trainers, accommodations for visiting teams);
(4) exclusive use of locker rooms;
(5) amenities for each practice and competitive field and facility (e.g., concession facilities, weight rooms, public address systems, electronic scoreboards, special lighting on the fields, internet connections, seating and housing at each field or facility, maintenance of each field or facility, preparation of each practice and competitive field);
(6) the age of each facility;
(7) whether it is on or off-campus;
(8) whether certain teams or programs have exclusive use of the facility;
(9) schedules showing when facilities are used for practice and competition; and
(10) how long the locker rooms are assigned for use by each team; and
b. A copy of a campus map, which shows the locations of all the facilities.
By June 1, 2016 the University will complete an assessment of the medical and training facilities and services for its athletics programs to ensure the equivalent provision of medical and training facilities and services to the men's and women's athletic programs. The assessment will include, at a minimum:
a. A review of the availability of medical personnel and assistance, a review of health, accident, and injury insurance coverage, and a review of the availability and qualifications of athletic trainers;
b. A review of each weight training and conditioning facility available to student athletes, the teams by sex that use the facility, the schedule of use, the location of the facility, and the name and type of equipment in each facility; and
c. A copy of a campus map, which locates all of the facilities.
By June 1, 2016 if the University determines that the access to medical and training facilities and services currently provided to the men's and women's athletics programs is not comparable, the University will develop and, once approved by OCR, implement a plan to ensure that by June 1, 2018 female and male student athletes are provided with equivalent benefits and services in this area. If the University determines that access to such medical and training facilities and services is comparable, the University will provide to OCR a report outlining that determination and the information, including appropriate documentation, upon which that determination is based.
By June 1, 2016 if the University determines that the housing and dining services currently provided to the men's and women's athletics programs are not comparable, the University will develop and, once approved by OCR, implement a plan to ensure that by June 1, 2017 female and male student athletes are provided with equivalent benefits and services in this area. If the University determines that the housing and dining services are comparable, the University will provide to OCR a report outlining that determination and the information, including appropriate documentation, upon which that determination is based.