Additional Time If because of events beyond the Design Professional’s reasonable control, it is not able to meet the specified time period, then it should be entitled to ask the Owner for additional time, which request shall not be unreasonably denied.
Personal Time Employees shall be eligible to take accrued PTO time for personal reasons. Such time must be scheduled in advance in accordance with Employer policies and be approved by the employee's supervisor. Personal time PTO must be taken in at least one-hour increments.
Flex Time Upon agreement of the supervisor's immediate supervisor, an individual flex-time schedule may be established.
Travel Time All employees shall be paid travel time allowance per day (as per Appendix A) for each day on which they present themselves for work. The allowance is to be paid for rostered days off and in the case of Apprentices, the days on which they attend trade school, but not payable for either sick leave, annual leave or public holidays. As it is an allowance received during ordinary time, it should also be included in calculations for superannuation contributions.