Personal Time Sample Clauses
Personal Time. Employees shall be eligible to take accrued PTO time for personal reasons. Such time must be scheduled in advance in accordance with Employer policies and be approved by the employee's supervisor. Personal time PTO must be taken in at least one hour increments.
Personal Time. The purpose of Personal Time is to provide employees with salary continuation for vacation days and to cover or supplement other out-of-office time to address personal needs not covered by other USNH policies or provisions of this Agreement.
6.1 Personal Time is taken at a time mutually agreeable to the employee and the employee’s supervisor, unless otherwise mandated by policy or this Agreement. Accrued Compensatory Time will be used before accessing Personal Time or going unpaid.
6.2 The accrual rate is no more than 18 days per year for the first five years of status employment, and 24 days per year thereafter for a 1.0 FTE assignment (40 hours per week). If an employee is on a flex year schedule or is less than a 1.0 FTE (40 hours per week), the employee will accrue time on a pro- rated basis. Up to 5 Years 0.692 1.5 18 0.069 5.54 12 144 5 Years or More 0.923 2 24 0.092 7.39 16 192
6.3 The maximum balance at the end of each month accrual is 45 days, but the days accumulated over 30 days have no cash value. The maximum number of days for payout at termination, including retirement, will be 30 days.
Personal Time. A member shall be entitled to the equivalent of 3 duty days of personal time off each calendar year, which time shall accrue on a calendar year basis and be credited on January 1st. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a newly hired member shall only be entitled to the following amount of personal time for the calendar year of hire: twelve (12) hours for those members hired between January 1 and June 30, and no personal time for members hired between July 1 and December 31. The term “duty day” refers to a member’s regularly assigned daily shift assignment.
Personal Time. (a) At times, situations may arise not directly relating to physical health which otherwise cannot be scheduled at times that do not conflict with the faculty member’s duties to the College. An application for leave for such reasons may be granted by the Assistant Xxxx/Xxxx as follows:
(b) Those employed for at least 90 days may utilize up to 24 hours personal leave in any fiscal year for matters of a personal nature, but not more than 12 hours per term without supervisor approval. This includes use of personal days when a faculty member is working in an adjunct position during their off term. No compensation for unused days will be provided, nor will these days accumulate.
(c) Personal time will be prorated based upon hire date as follows: Hired between 7/1/XX and 9/30/XX 24 hours Hired between 10/1/XX and 12/31/XX 16 hours Hired between 1/1/XX and 3/31/XX 8 hours Hired between 4/1/XX and 6/30/XX 0 hours
(d) A request for personal leave must be accomplished through a Request for Leave form. Requests not submitted to the Assistant Xxxx/Xxxx at least three (3) working days prior to the day absence is requested, except in the event of an emergency, may be denied.
(e) The leave is contingent upon an appropriate arrangement for coverage of teaching responsibilities. The College and faculty will make reasonable attempt to cover or reschedule the affected area of responsibility if sufficient notice is given.
(f) The Human Resource Office shall maintain a record of the balance of personal leave available to each employee.
(g) Personal leave shall be taken in increments of two (2) hours.
Personal Time. Each member of the bargaining unit is entitled to 8 hours of personal time per year. This time is not cumulative and must be used by July 1 of each year, and shall be used in increments of not less than thirty (30) minutes.
Personal Time. Employees who retire from City service shall be paid up to 32 hours of personal time accrued, but not used in that fiscal year. Final average compensation shall include up to 32 hours of personal time paid out at retirement.
Personal Time. Officers who are covered by this Agreement shall receive three (3) personal days (eight (8) hours straight-time pay for each personal day) during each fiscal year. Prior to the issuance of the annual vacation schedule, each covered officer must opt to: (1) utilize his/her personal days along with scheduled vacation; or (2) utilize them separate from scheduled vacation. An officer who has one (1) or more such personal days that are not scheduled along with vacation days may request to utilize one (1) or more personal days, subject to the work needs of the City. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied. Personal days not used by the end of the fiscal year shall be forfeited unless the Police Chief or designee for good reason shown agrees in writing to allow the employee to carry over one (1) or more personal days to the following fiscal year.
Personal Time. All fifty six (56) hour members shall be granted personal time after daily duties and training have been completed. The officer-in-charge shall inform the employees of duties and training for that day as soon as possible after roll call. It is understood that from time to time there may be situations that arise that need immediate attention and that all employees are under direct order of the duty officer.
Personal Time. At the discretion of the Chief or the Officer in charge of a particular shift all personnel, but only one person at any given time, may be entitled to time off during any working period with a total accumulation not to exceed thirty-six (36) hours per year, without loss of pay and without the requirement to make up such time. No more than twelve (12) hours of such time, in a minimum of two (2) hour increments, may be used which causes overtime to cover the fill-in. If the time used does cause overtime then an equivalent number of hours will be deducted from the employee’s sick leave but will have no impact on the additional annual leave incentive provided for in Article 33. At the discretion of the Chief or the Officer in charge of a particular shift, full-time civilian dispatchers may take up to sixteen (16) hours of personal time per year in a minimum of two (2) hour increments, without loss of pay and without the requirement to make up such time; provided that such time shall not be used if it causes overtime to cover the fill-in, whether by a civilian dispatcher or a firefighter.
Personal Time. 7.16.1. Exempt Management Employees shall have the ability to earn Personal Time, on an hour-for-hour basis, for additional hours worked to include: duty assignments, holidays, emergencies, strike teams and the like. At the EMPLOYEE’S discretion, they may choose to be paid for the earned Personal Time in the current pay period or add the hours to their Personal Time accrual. Personal Time off may only be requested after accrual. Personal Time off shall be scheduled at the discretion of the Fire Chief/CEO and shall not be compensable or transferable upon separation or termination.
7.16.2. Personal Time shall not exceed one hundred and forty (140) hours as of July 1st of any year.
7.16.3. Exempt Management Employees shall have the ability to earn Personal Time with no maximum accrual and sell back up to eighty (80) hours Personal Time in any given fiscal year.
7.16.4. Exempt Management EMPLOYEES may select eight (8) hours straight time pay or receive the total amount designated for “Personnel Costs” from the reimbursing agency when filling strike team or other overhead assignments.