Central negotiations Sample Clauses
Central negotiations. After local negotiations are concluded, a party who wishes to pursue the matter further shall refer the matter to central negotiations. A request for central negotiations shall be made in writing to the other party’s organisation within two months after the day the local negotiations are concluded. A party who fails to do so, loses the right to negotiations. Central negotiations shall commence as soon as possible and not later than three weeks after the day the request is made, unless the parties otherwise agree.
Central negotiations. The Employer agrees to recognize a central negotiating team. Nurses serving on the central team shall receive time off as required to attend negotiating meetings. Time for preparation for negotiations shall be without pay and the Association shall advise the Employer as far in advance as possible of the dates of these meetings. Such days shall not be counted as Association leave days.
Central negotiations. If a Nurse is appointed to this team the Employer will grant time off to the Nurse as required to attend negotiating meetings upon receipt of a written request seven (7) days in advance of such meeting. Such days shall not be counted as Union leave days and only one (1) Nurse shall be afforded this privilege at any one time. Salary and applicable benefit arrangements will be maintained by the Employer and the Employer shall be reimbursed the full cost of the salary and applicable benefits by the Union.
Central negotiations. If the local negotiation does not lead to a settlement, the case may be referred for central negotiation between the employers’ association and the Swedish Union for Professionals. A request for such central negotiations shall be made in writing to the employers’ association and the Swedish Union for Professionals, respectively, no later than on 16 April 2021 or 14 April 2022, respectively. It shall then be incumbent on the employers’ association and the Swedish Union for Professionals, without delay, to fix a suitable day for cental negotiations for the parties. If the central parties are unable to agree in the central negotiations on the salary review as per 1 December 2020 or 1 May 2022, respectively, the level of the members’ total salary increases is fixed at 2.9% and 1.8%, respectively, which will be allocated distributed by the employer locally. The parties agree that the third paragraph in this subsection may not be invoked at companies that only have one or just a few members who are represented by the Swedish Union for Professionals. However, the salary agreement shall serve as guidelines and its other provisions shall apply.
Central negotiations. The aim of this agreement is that co-determination is exercised through the local parties. Thus, central negotiations between BAO and Xxxxx/Civi- lekonomerna/Sveriges Ingenjörer should only be initiated for questions that are broader in nature or of principle importance. Central negotiations shall take place at the joint request of the bank and the local organisation of Jusek/Civilekonomerna/Sveriges Ingenjörer or at the request of either BAO or Jusek/ Civilekonomerna/Sveriges Ingenjörer. Central negotiations shall be requested within ten banking days after the local negotiations concluded. Central negotiations shall be initiated as quickly as possible and at the latest within ten banking days from the day they were requested unless the central parties have agreed to a postpone- ment. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the interpretation of this agreement or of provisions or decisions based on this agreement, a local agreement or the MBL and where no solution has been found during the central negotiations, may be referred at the request of either party within ten banking days from the day that the central negotiations were concluded to the joint fiduciary council of BAO and Xxxxx/Civilekonomerna/Sveriges Ingenjörer in accordance with Section 9 Rules of procedure for negotia- tions – arbitral tribunal in the Collective Agreement. AGREEMENT BETWEEN BAO AND JUSEK / CIVILEKONOMERNA / SVERIGES INGEN- JÖRER ON PROTECTIVE AND SECURITY MEASURES DURING INDUSTRIAL CON- FLICTS BAO and Xxxxx/Civilekonomerna/Sveriges Ingenjörer note that the current internationalisation and globalisation of the financial markets entail new considerations for the parties regarding the effects and the consequences of industrial conflict in the banking and financial sector.
Central negotiations. On conclusion of local negotiations, the party that had called for the local negotiations and wishes to pursue the issue further shall refer it to central negotiations. A request for central negotiations shall be made in writing and submitted to the counterparty’s organisation within the following periods from the date when the local negotiations were concluded;
Central negotiations. If agreement cannot be reached in local negotiations as above, a party who wishes to pursue the matter further may call for central negotiations with the other party. A call for central negotiations shall be made within two months from the day on which local negotiations were concluded, in writing, to the other party bound by the central agreement. Such party shall lose the right to negotiations if this is not done. Central negotiations shall be held within 30 days from the day on which the other party was informed of the request for negotiations, unless the parties otherwise agree. A party may institute proceedings at a court of law if it has not been possible to resolve a legal dispute that has been the subject of central negotiations. In such cases, proceedings must be instituted within three months from the day on which negotiations were terminated. If this is not done, the right to institute proceedings lapses.
Central negotiations. If the local negotiations do not result in a settlement, the issue may be submitted for central negotiations between Fremia and the professional associations (Akademikerförbunden). Any request for such central negotiations shall be made in writing and requested of Fremia or the professional association no later than 30 June 2022. Subsequently Xxxxxx and the professional associations (Akademikerförbunden) shall determine a suitable date for central negotiations without delay. If the central parties cannot reach agreement in the central negotiations on the salary reviews as at 1 May 2022, the level of the members’ aggregate salary increases is set at
Central negotiations. This Letter of Understanding is attached to and forms part of the Collective Agreement and applies in the event that the parties agree to participate in Central Negotiations.
Central negotiations. If the local parties still cannot agree at the local negotiation, central negotiation may be called. Central negotiation shall be called not later than three weeks from the day local negotiations were declared concluded.