CHANGE IN HOURS OF WORK. 39.1 Upon the request of a Principal, a Member who holds a ten (10) month position as a school secretary shall be scheduled to work five (5) additional days during the summer break. Under unusual circumstances upon the request of a Principal and subject to the approval of Executive Council, a Member who holds a ten (10) month position as a school secretary may be permitted to work up to a further five (5) days, during the summer break. When worked, normal salary/wages shall be paid.
39.2 A Member may request, in writing, to participate in an alternative work arrangement, part-time and/or ten (10) month employment, subject to the following conditions:
(i) such request shall be made four (4) months prior to scheduled start date. The remaining portion of the member’s position shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of the Collective Agreement. For those employees requesting a change from twelve (12) to ten (10) months employment, management will decide whether or not to fill the position over the summer months.
(ii) Such request shall specify the period of the part-time and/or ten (10) month assignment, not to exceed one year;
(iii) Any extension to the one (1) year period may be granted upon written request of the Member and such extension shall be for a maximum of one (1) year.
39.3 Members requesting alternative work arrangements shall submit their request in writing to the Member’s immediate Supervisor, with a copy to the Manager, Employee Relations.
39.4 The Board shall notify the Member within two (2) weeks of the date of application whether or not the Member’s request for alternative work arrangements has been granted.
CHANGE IN HOURS OF WORK. In the event the Employer finds it necessary to change the hours of work, or the starting or quitting time of any employee, the employee shall be given as much advance notice as possible for the change. If an employee applies for an additional position, the administration will not be obligated to change the scheduled hours of work for either position. No bid will be awarded if the second position will place the employee in an overtime position.
CHANGE IN HOURS OF WORK. If hours of work are changed, the employee will receive three (3) working days' notice of such change. If three (3) working days' notice is not given, the employee will be paid overtime on the first shift of the change. No notice is required to revert back to normal hours.
CHANGE IN HOURS OF WORK. In the event that the Employer determines the necessity to alter the normal hours of work per day, a minimum of one week's notice shall be given to employees and the altered hours shall be effective for one week, unless changed by mutual agreement.
CHANGE IN HOURS OF WORK. Should an employee be required to change his/her regularly schedule hours of work, the Company will notify the employee of such change two (2) working days in advance of his/her regularly scheduled hours of work, but not less than one (1) working day. Such notification will not be given, however, in the case of an emergency. The Company will post a three (3) week shift schedule on the Wednesday before the new shifts start.
CHANGE IN HOURS OF WORK. L47.1 Upon the request of a Principal, a Member who holds a ten (10) month position as a School Office Administrator/Office Assistant shall be scheduled to work five (5) additional days during the summer break. Under unusual circumstances upon the request of a Principal and subject to the approval of Executive Council, a Member who holds a ten (10) month position as a School Office Administrator/Office Assistant may be permitted to work up to a further five (5) days, during the summer break. When worked, normal salary/wages shall be paid.
CHANGE IN HOURS OF WORK. 25.01 The employer agrees to provide forty-eight (48) hours notice of any change in the normally scheduled hours of work for an employee.
25.02 An employee’s lunch breaks will be scheduled by the supervisor in consultation with the employee.
CHANGE IN HOURS OF WORK. Two (2) times the job rate will be paid for the first shift when the employee's schedule has been changed without forty-eight (48) hours prior notice.
CHANGE IN HOURS OF WORK. 39.1 Upon the request of a Principal, a Member who holds a ten (10) month position as a school secretary may be permitted to work up to five (5) additional days during the summer break. Under unusual circumstances upon the request of a Principal and subject to the approval of Executive Council, a Member who holds a ten (10) month position as a school secretary may be permitted to work up to a further five (5) days, during the summer break. If worked, normal salary/wages shall be paid.
39.2 A Member may request, in writing, to participate in an alternative work arrangement such as a reduction in work schedule and/or ten (10) month employment, subject to the following conditions:
(i) Page 25, Article 37.2(i);
(ii) Such request shall specify the period of the reduced work schedule and/or ten (10) month assignment, not to exceed one (1) year;
(iii) Page 25, Article 37.2(iii).
39.3 Members requesting alternative work arrangements shall submit their request in writing to the Member’s immediate Supervisor, with a copy to the Manager, Employee Relations.
39.4 The Board shall notify the Member within two (2) weeks of the date of application whether or not the Member’s request for alternative work arrangements has been granted.
CHANGE IN HOURS OF WORK. In the event the Board finds it necessary to change the hours of work, or the starting or quitting time of any employee, the employee shall be given as much advance notice as possible.