Conditions of the Grant Sample Clauses
Conditions of the Grant. 8.1 If the Contractor is found to be in violation of federal, state and/or local health, fire, safety, zoning and/or sanitation codes, the Contractor must notify the Agency immediately. The Agency may suspend the grant without advance notice, including any payments in whole or in part due under this Agreement, for the Contractor’s failure to comply with federal, state and local health, fire, safety, zoning and/or sanitation codes. The Agency will give written notice of the specific reasons for the suspension to the Contractor. The Contractor must provide evidence that the violations have been corrected before the suspension will be lifted.
Conditions of the Grant. Applicant’s eligibility to receive the Grant shall be conditioned upon Applicant’s compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, including the following program Grant conditions:
Conditions of the Grant. (a) Buyer does not and has not owned any interest in any real property (at any location) at any time within the past three years prior to close of escrow on Buyer’s acquisition of the Residence.
(b) Xxxxx’s present household annual income does not exceed the current maximum income restriction established by the Foundation as a condition for Xxxxx’s receipt of the Closing Cost Grant.
(c) Xxxxx agrees to utilize the Closing Cost Grant received from the Foundation solely for the purpose of acquiring a Residence located within the County of Santa Xxxx, State of California.
(x) Xxxxx agrees that on the transfer of legal title to the Residence to Buyer, the Residence will be occupied solely and continuously by Xxxxx and Xxxxx’s immediate family, i.e., Xxxxx, Xxxxx’s spouse, the children of Xxxxx and/or his or her spouse, the parents of Xxxxx and his or her spouse, and/or Xxxxx’s domestic partner, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Family.”
Conditions of the Grant. WHC may decline to disburse the Grant or the undisbursed portion thereof, in any of the following events:
(a) If any of the Applicant's representations or warranties made or referred to in this Agreement are found to be or become untrue in any material respect
(b) If the Applicant has failed to perform any obligation to WHC under this Agreement, including those specified in the Application
(c) If for unforeseen reasons funding is not available to WHC such that in WHC's opinion it is not able to assist the Applicant as contemplated herein, WHC will make all reasonable efforts to notify the Applicant of the unavailability of funds within a period of time appropriate to the circumstances.
Conditions of the Grant. You warrant that any information that you provide to us is accurate and complete (for example, information about yourself, the purpose for which you require the Grant, and any costs or expenses that you will incur or have incurred in connection with this Agreement). You must use the Grant solely and exclusively for the Project. You must not use the Grant for any other purpose without our prior written consent. You must not do or omit to do (or permit the doing or omission of) anything which may cause damage to our reputation or cause us to lose any licence, authority, consent or permission upon which we rely for the purpose of conducting our business. You warrant and undertake that you shall seek to promote a favourable image of the Project and shall not make any critical or adverse comments regarding us in public. You further warrant that you shall not make any representation or give any warranty on our behalf. You must report to us regularly as to progress of the Project from time to time until it is completed.
Conditions of the Grant. As a condition of eHealth Ontario providing the PR Services to Client, Client will:
(a) ensure that its use of the Provider Registry, including any use of Provider Information, is in compliance with the requirements and obligations contained in the Site Support Guide;
(b) appoint a Privacy Officer to manage its obligations under this Schedule and to act as liaison with eHealth Ontario;
(c) ensure that any access to the Provider Registry, including any access and use of Provider Information, is in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Schedule and that any non- compliance with the Agreement and this Schedule is communicated to eHealth Ontario in accordance with section 3.3 of this Schedule;
(d) ensure that only its End Users who have a need to access Provider Information in connection with operating the Computer Application, access and use Provider Information under this Schedule;
(e) ensure that, where Client becomes aware that there is non-compliance with the terms and conditions of this Schedule by any End Users, it communicates that non-compliance to eHealth Ontario in accordance with section 3.3 of this Schedule and restricts such End Users from any use or access to Provider Information, as further detailed in the incident management procedures contained in the Site Support Guide; and
(f) ensure that it has validated the identity of each person who is to use the Computer Application prior to that End User acquiring access to the Computer Application, and that any information concerning any such person is completely and accurately maintained, including updating when necessary.
Conditions of the Grant. 2.1 The Recipient and the Responsible Individual hereby understand and agree that:
(a) the Grant will be used for, and only used for, the Use of Grant, and not for any unlawful or illegal purpose; use of any portion of the Grant for any unlawful or illegal purpose, or for any purpose not directly connected with the Use of Grant, will result in immediate termination of the Agreement and full repayment of the Grant;
(b) they have read and agree to all the conditions of the Grant as specified in this Agreement and all the associated Grant Program information and literature;
(c) no more than thirty (30) days after the Use of Grant has been completed, and no more than one (1) year after the first Receipt of Grant, whichever comes first, they will provide an evaluation report in the form required by the Grant Program;
(d) if the Responsible Individual should change during the Use of Grant period, SCA will be notified immediately in writing with the name, title, address and other contact details for the new Responsible Individual; and
(e) at the end of the agreed term for the Use of Grant as specified in Schedule “A”, or if this Agreement is terminated by SCA under either section 3.1 or section 3.2, whichever comes first, any unused amount of the Grant will be returned to SCA immediately unless other arrangements have been made, in writing, with SCA.
Conditions of the Grant. The obligation of the City to pay the Grant shall be conditioned upon the compliance and satisfaction by the Applicant of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and each of the following conditions contained in this Article IV. The following conditions shall remain in effect throughout the entire term of this Agreement following the Effective Date and continuing thereafter until the Expiration Date.
Conditions of the Grant. A. The XXX 00-000, Xxxxxxxxxx A, Appendix A (Standard Clauses for All New York State Contracts) and Grantee’s application for the Foreclosure Prevention Grant, are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Distribution Agreement, all of which shall be binding upon Grantee.
B. The use of Foreclosure Prevention Grant funds will be monitored by the OAG and its designees. All grantees will be required to document project expenditures using generally accepted accounting principals (GAAP). All grantees will also be required to document project results. Grantees will be required to submit quarterly interim and final progress reports.
C. Grantee shall include in all brochures, booklets, flyers, resource materials, programs, posters, advertisements, multi-media presentations, online materials, videos or other printed or electronic materials prepared with funds from this grant: (1) a statement explicitly noting "Funds for this project were provided by the NYS Office of the Attorney General" from a settlement of claims brought by the NYS Office of the Attorney General, and (2) a disclosure that the views and statements expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Attorney General and that the Office of the Attorney General is not responsible for the accuracy of the content of the materials.
Conditions of the Grant. As conditions of the Grant the OPHS promises and guarantees the following:
a. OPHS shall operate the Depot, open to the public, as a Museum (“the OPHS Program”) for a minimum of 10 years after the last payment by the City pursuant to this Grant (the “10-Year Operating Period”).
b. OPHS shall provide the City with a mortgage encumbering the Depot property that the City could collect on in the 10-Year Operating Period in the event the facility is no longer available to the public solely for the purpose of providing the OPHS Program and/or is sold.
c. The funding pursuant to the Grant shall be allocated by OPHS to be used towards the public areas of the Depot property which are part of the Restoration Project. This includes: exterior building improvements, parking lot and landscaping, and restoration of the Depot facade on the interior of the building.
d. Upon execution of this Agreement and each year a grant is given pursuant to this Agreement, the OPHS shall make an annual report, including a written report, to the City’s Community Development Committee of the status of the Restoration Project and the OPHS Program, including total funding amounts, progress and use of the City Grant funds in the Restoration Project.
e. An understanding that no more grants will be provided to OPHS by the City during the 10-Year Operating Period.
f. OPHS must execute a promissory note (the "Note") evidencing the grant of the Funds and a mortgage/security interest in the Depot property (the "Mortgage") securing the Note and protecting the CITY’S full investment of the Grant through the Ten Year Operating Period. The Note and Mortgage shall each be in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and the Mortgage will be filed with the Johnson County Register of Deeds within thirty (30) days of execution of this Agreement. The Mortgage shall, among other things, give the CITY the ability to foreclose upon the Depot property in the event that OPHS fails to meet the conditions and requirements set forth in this Agreement or in the event of the dissolution or bankruptcy of OPHS.
g. The Depot property (or any part thereof) must not be vacated, sold, foreclosed upon, leased or otherwise transferred (whether by gift or otherwise) before expiration of the Ten Year Operating Period without repayment of the Grant funds to the CITY.
h. OPHS shall at all times conduct its operations in full compliance with any applicable city, county, state and federal laws, rules and regulations.
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