Damage Compensation. I. The Bank and the Applicant agree that any delays, omissions, or errors in transmitting or receiving electronic documents, which give rise to damages to the other party, shall be compensated by the party whom the cause is attributable to.
II. The Applicant agrees that all the actions taken as a result of logging into the Services using the correct password or a method agreed to with the Bank shall be deemed to have been taken by the Applicant or a person authorized by the Applicant. The Bank may execute any instructions given with the use of a correct password or a method agreed to with the Bank without having to make certain whether the password has been used by the Applicant or an authorized person. The Bank shall not be held liable for the Applicant's losses arising from fraud or authorized or unauthorized use of the Services. The Bank shall be held liable for losses caused by unauthorized use of passwords as a result of the Bank failing to exercise due diligence in the management of its information system.
III. Unless due to negligence attributable to it, the Bank shall not be held liable for mistakes or delays arising from the Applicant's use of equipment and its systems, telecommunications malfunction, or a third party's negligence, or for direct, indirect, or other losses caused by any Bank services.
IV. If the system is temporarily out of service and the Applicant is unable to process or inquire about data, the Applicant shall inquire regarding how to access the required services via other methods, such as telephone, the Bank's voice portal or ATMs. If the Applicant fails to do so, the Applicant shall not refuse to fulfill his/her obligations arising from the use of the Bank's IC ATM cards, credit cards, or other services using said temporary suspension of service as an excuse.
V. The Applicant agrees to access the Services by connecting to the Bank's official website or using the software it provides (e.g. apps). The Bank shall not be held liable for losses sustained by the Applicant as a result of personal information leakage resulting from using the Services through means other than the Bank's official website or software. Nevertheless, the Bank agrees to provide necessary assistance.
VI. The Applicant agrees to use a private mobile device or other Web-accessible device to use the Services. The Bank shall not be held liable for losses sustained by the Applicant as a result of information leakage due to the use of third-party or public Wi-Fi. N...
Damage Compensation. 一、 二、 貴行及立約人同意依本契約傳送或接收電子文件,因可歸責於當事人一方之事由,致有遲延、遺漏或錯誤之情事,而致他方當事人受有損 害時,該當事人應就他方所生之損害負賠償責任。 The Bank and the Applicant agree that any delays, omissions, or errors in transmitting or receiving electronic documents, which give rise to damages to the other party, shall be compensated by the party whom the cause is attributable to. 立約人同意憑正確密碼或立約人與貴行約定之方式登入本服務及因之而完成的所有操作,均係由立約人或經其授權之人所為。貴行得執行任何使用正確密碼或立約人與貴行約定之方式所為之指示,而不須對該指示是否由本人親自或被授權人所為負任何責任。倘因他人詐欺、經授權或非經授權而使用貴行本服務之行為所導致立約人之損失,概與貴行無涉;惟貴行對資訊系統之控管有未盡善良管理人注意義務, 致密碼被冒用或盜用所發生之損害,應由貴行負責。 The Applicant agrees that all the actions taken as a result of logging into the Services using the correct password or a method agreed to with the Bank shall be deemed to have been taken by the Applicant or a person authorized by the Applicant. The Bank may execute any instructions given with the use of a correct password or a method agreed to with the Bank without having to make certain whether the password has been used by the Applicant or an authorized person. The Bank shall not be held liable for the Applicant's losses arising from fraud or authorized or unauthorized use of the Services. The Bank shall be held liable for losses caused by unauthorized use of passwords as a result of the Bank failing to exercise due diligence in the management of its information system.
Damage Compensation. The Bank and the Applicant agree that any delays, omissions, or errors in transmitting or receiving electronic documents, which give rise to damages to the other party, shall be compensated by the party whom the cause is attributable to.
Damage Compensation. 1. JAXA shall be liable for and compensate any damages caused to the intern or to the university due to willful misconduct or gross negligence of instructions given by an employee of JAXA.
2. In the event the intern causes damage to JAXA or an employee of JAXA, the damage shall be compensated by the insurance aforementioned in Article 7. In the event the damage cannot be fully compensated by the insurance and the damages were caused due to the intern’s willful misconduct or gross negligence, the intern along with the university shall be jointly and severally liable to cover the remainder of compensation for the damage caused.
3. In the event the intern causes damage to a third party outside JAXA or its employees, the Intern, jointly and severally with the university, agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend JAXA against any claim or legal action brought against JAXA by the third party. However, this is only applicable if the damages were not caused as a result of XXXX’s instructions.
Damage Compensation. Both parties hereto agree that any delays, omissions, or errors in transmitting or receiving Electronic Messages which give rise to the losses of any particular party shall be compensated by the party to which the cause is attributable to; compensations shall only be made for the direct damages (excluding future gains lost) plus interest only.
Damage Compensation. The Lessee shall compensate for any damage incurred by the Lessor if such damage was caused by the non-fulfillment of obligation by the Lessee stipulated in this Agreement.
Damage Compensation. A Contracting Party that breaches its contractual obligations or any liability resulting from this Contract or Partial Contract (the obliged party) is liable for damages caused to the other Contracting Party (the eligible party), and is obliged to compensate the eligible party for such caused damages. The actual damages shall be reimbursed; the reimbursement of the direct or indirect lost profit or any other indirect or consequential damages, including the ones of affiliates and/or subcontractors of either party, is excluded. The Contracting Parties have agreed that, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the maximum liability of the Contractor under each respective Partial Contract arising out of the performance or breach of this Contract or the using of any parts or the performance of Work, is equal to the price for the Work. The Contractor bears the risk of damage to the GG received from the Customer for the performance of the Work, even in case of their damage, destruction or loss in consequence of circumstances excluding liability, and this from the moment of their takeover by the Contractor until they are handed over back to the Customer. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in the Contract, the Contracting Parties have agreed that the maximum amount of the damage that the Customer may exercise against the Contractor upon this paragraph is equal to EUR 10,000,000 (in words: ten million euros) for each Partial Contract. For avoidance of any doubts the provision of paragraph 3.2. of this Article is not applicable to the liability of the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph. The Contracting Party that is breaching its contractual obligation or which should know, taking all the circumstances into account, that it is to breach its obligation under the Contract and/or Partial Contract, shall notify the other Contracting Party of the nature of the obstacle that prevents it or shall prevent it from fulfilling the obligation, and to inform about the consequences thereof that are known to it at the given time or that, taking all the circumstances into account, should have been known to it at the given time. This notice must be submitted without any undue delay after the obliged party has learned about the obstacle or could have learned about it with due care. Should the obliged party fail to meet this obligation or should the notice not be delivered in time to the eligible party, the eligible party is entitled to the compensation of dam...
Damage Compensation. The Bank and the Member agree that any delays, omissions, or errors in transmitting or receiving electronic documents in accordance with the Agreement, which give rise to the losses of the other party, shall be compensated by the party whom the cause is attributable to.
Damage Compensation. 1. The Party shall waive all claims for damages by the other Party in the following cases:
a) where damage is caused to a natural or legal person of the Requesting Party, as well as to their property or to the environment by a member of the response team or an individual expert while they were performing tasks related to the implementation of this Agreement;
b) where injury, health damage or death of a member of the response team or an individual expert happens while they were carrying out tasks related to the implementation of this Agreement.
2. A deliberate damage caused by a member of the response team or an individual expert must be compensated by the Assisting Party.
Damage Compensation. The Contracting Parties shall not submit any claims for indemnification of material damage on protection and rescue equipment, if the damage was caused by the rescue team or an individual expert assisting in the execution of rescue and assistance operations under this Agreement, unless it was caused intentionally or due to negligence. experts of the Assisting Contracting Party. The damage liability stipulated in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall arise upon arrival in the Requesting Contracting Party and shall continue until departure from its area. The provisions of this Article shall also apply if any of the Contracting Parties is a Transit Contracting Party.