Delayed Opening Sample Clauses

Delayed Opening a. In the event that the District administration decides to delay the opening of school, employees shall report as close as possible to their regular start times. b. It shall be the responsibility of each unit member to contact their building administrator as early as possible if the member will be late for their scheduled start time. c. If late arrival is not connected to the purpose of the delayed start, then flextime or leave needs to be arranged with prior approval.
Delayed Opening. In the event that the opening of school is delayed, employees shall report thirty (30) minutes before the students arrive and may leave immediately after students are dismissed.
Delayed Opening. 1. In the event that the District Administration decides to delay the opening of school(s), employees shall report thirty (30) minutes before the students arrive and may leave immediately after students are dismissed. 2. In the event that a Wednesday is a late start day due to weather, there will be no early release on that Wednesday.
Delayed Opening. When the opening of school is delayed, Employees who report to work shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay. Weather, health and safety conditions permitting, such Employee(s) may be required to work the two (2) hours.
Delayed Opening. In the event of delayed opening of classes, all employees scheduled to work shall report to work at their regular starting time unless otherwise notified. If employees are unable to report to work, they shall notify their supervisor as soon as possible. In the event employees are unable to report for work, such absences shall be unpaid unless the employee deducts accrued benefits in the following sequence: A. Accumulated compensatory time; and/or, B. Accrued paid vacation leave.
Delayed Opening. A. Unless notified not to do so by the Superintendent or designee, twelve (12) month employees shall report for duty at their normal reporting time when conditions necessitate a delayed opening. B. In case of delayed opening, classified employees will report according to district policy and procedures. C. If the conditions are such that an employee feels it not safe to report at the normal reporting time, they should contact their administrator prior to the employee’s reporting time and report for duty as soon as it is physically safe to do so. D. When conditions are such that it is impossible for an employee to reach their assigned workstation at the established reporting time, the employee shall notify their administrator prior to the employee’s reporting time.
Delayed Opening. In a delayed opening, as determined by the School District, Support Staff shall not be required to report to work more than fifteen (15) minutes prior to the opening of school in the building to which they are assigned. District office Support Staff shall not report to work more than one hour later than their regular starting time.
Delayed Opening. In the event of a delayed opening, all employees are expected to report to work at the time designated by the Board. If an hourly employee reports to work at the time designated by the Board, he/she will be paid from his/her regular start time. Hourly employees who do not report to work by the designated report time shall be paid from the time he/she reports to work.
Delayed Opening. 25 In the event that the opening of school is delayed, employees will attempt to report to work at 26 the normal time using reasonable caution; tardiness will not result in a reduction of pay. If, 27 however, an employee feels they cannot report to work; emergency leave, personal leave, 28 vacation or deduct can be used at the employee’s discretion and will be designated in the 29 District leave reporting system by the employee. Employees may also use leave as above if 30 they are unable to travel safely to work on non-student days.
Delayed Opening. In the event that the opening of school is delayed, employees shall report thirty (30) minutes before the students arrive and may leave immediately after students are dismissed. 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050