Deliverable No. Deliverable Description Estimated Due Date
Deliverable No. 1 – Project Implementation Tasks that are eligible for reimbursement are as follows:
1. Environmental review administrative activities (Environmental Exemption, Public Notice Publication(s), etc.).
2. Develop policies for the Recipient to adopt related to special conditions listed in this subgrant agreement,
3. Prepared procurement documents,
4. Prepared list of minority and women business enterprise (MBE/WBE) firms that operate in the Recipient’s area,
5. Prepared and submitted public notices for publications,
6. Maintained financial records related to project activities on-site,
7. Conducted a Fair Housing activity,
8. Attended a pre-bid conference, bid opening, or preconstruction meeting,
9. Reviewed contractor payrolls and interviewed employees to determine compliance with Xxxxx-Xxxxx Act, the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, and the Xxxxxxxx “Anti-Kickback” Act,
10. Maintain project files,
11. Attended meetings of the Recipient’s local governing body to provide progress reports on subgrant activities,
12. Prepared documentation for and attend on-site monitoring visits by DEO,
13. Prepared financial activity for submission to DEO, 14. Prepared and submitted to DEO detailed monthly and quarterly reports,
Deliverable No. 2 and subsequent ones (Progress Report(s))
Deliverable No. 3 – Construction Tasks that are eligible for reimbursement are as follows:
1. Site(s) preparation;
2. Purchase of materials and services required for the installation of telemetry systems;
3. Purchase of materials and installation of permanent and temporary by-pass pump connections, to include all fittings, valves, pipes, etc.;
Deliverable No. Deliverable No.
Deliverable No. 3: A.3. Результати Субпідрядник надає Кімонікс такі результати, у відповідності до графіку, що встановлюється у Розділі А.4. нижче. Результат № 1: Звіт про результат №1 – у спішне проведення координаційної зустрічі, 2-х ф окус-груп у Києві та 10 фокус груп у регіонах з такими додатками: план проведення заходів з розбивкою по строках і регіонах 1 сценарій фокус-груп тренінгові матеріали звіти про проведення 12 фокус-груп з чіткими рекомендаціями щодо уточнення меседжів к ампанії, реєстраційні списки учасників, аудіозапис кожної фокус-групи. Результат № 2: Результат № 3: A.3. Deliverables Schedule The Subcontractor shall submit the deliverables described above in accordance with the following Deliverables Schedule: Deliverable 1. Due date for Deliverable 1 is , 201 Deliverable 2. Due date for Deliverable 2 is , 201 Deliverable 3. Due date for Deliverable 3 is , 201 *Deliverable numbers refer to those fully described in Section A.3, above. Chemonics reserves the unilateral right to terminate this fixed price subcontract at any time, paying for all deliverables completed at the time of termination A.4. Графік досягнення результатів Субпідрядник надає описані вище результати роботи згідно з наступним графіком: Р езультат 1. Термін надання результату 1: 201 р. Р езультат 2. Термін надання результату 2: 201 р. Р езультат 3. Термін надання результату 3: 201 р. 2017 р. * Відповідні результати докладно описані в Розділі А.3 вище. Кімонікс зберігає одностороннє право припинити дію Субконтракту з фіксованою ціною в будь- який час, з оплатою всіх результатів, що завершені на час припинення, та пропорційною and a pro-rata share of any deliverable in progress, in accordance with FAR Clause 52.249-1, Termination for Convenience of the Government (Fixed Price) (Short Form) (April 1984), which is incorporated by reference herein. Chemonics may order changes in the scope of work above pursuant to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Clause 52.243-1 (Alt.III), Changes—Fixed Price, which is incorporated by reference herein. Any change in the Subcontractor’s scope of work and/or deliverable(s) requires prior written authorization of Chemonics through a modification to this subcontract. оплатою частки результатів, що знаходяться в процесі досягнення, у відповідності до пункту FAR 52.249-1, Припинення в інтересах держави (фіксована ціна) (короткостроковий) (квітень 1984 року), який включено шляхом посилання до цього документу. Кімонікс може вимагати внесення змін до т...
Deliverable No. 1.c. and 1.e.: Consultant meets with City per attached Project Schedule and presents work products.
Deliverable No. 1: The Consultant will provide the following to the City’s Contract Manager: Admin Draft ASR for City Review
Deliverable No. 2 – Construction
1. Conduct an Environmental Review/Assessment in accordance with Commerce Policies and the National Environmental Policy Act referenced in Attachment D.4.b of this Agreement. Tasks that are eligible for reimbursement are as follows:
A. Workforce Affordable Housing New Construction - Leveraging Other Sources of Financing FHFC shall award CDBG-DR funds, using zero-interest forgivable loans, to approved private for-profit and non-profit housing developers and public housing authorities for development of new construction rental housing serving people who earn at or below 80% of the Area Median Income.
a. All approved development projects must set aside a specified percentage of the total units for Extremely Low Income (XXX) households at area median incomes set by FHFC and must set aside a specified percentage of the total units to serve persons with special needs as defined in Florida Statutes.
b. In accordance with policies and procedures developed by FHFC, all approved development projects, where appropriate and consistent with the RFA, leverage other sources of financing into their Project budgets including 9% and 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Tax-Exempt Bond Financing, and other affordable housing grant sources. Approved development projects must meet the LMI Direct Benefit National Objective. FHFC shall provide to Commerce a detailed budget and payment schedule for each approved development project. It is agreed that these come from the developer and the closing documents and frequently change during the construction process. No other updates will be necessary with these documents.
Deliverable No. 6 – Device Lending & Assist Program to Residents through 17 Neighborhood Centers