DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONSThe Department is an academic unit of the college and has the responsibility for the academic disciplines under its jurisdiction. Under the convening and represen- tative authority of the Chair, each department functions as a community of teachers and scholars working collegially. To ensure consistency, all departments will follow the operational guidelines listed below:
DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS. The Department is an academic unit of the College and has the responsibility for the academic disciplines under its jurisdiction. Under the convening and representative authority of the Chair, each department functions as a community of teachers and scholars working collegially. To ensure consistency, all departments will follow the operational guidelines listed below: a. By majority vote, all departments will develop a written list of decision- making responsibilities delegated to the Chair by the department - such as articulation appeals, the hiring of associate faculty in accordance with District policy, schedule development, student complaints, general office supply purchases, etc. A copy will be sent to the appropriate Xxxx of Instruction. b. By majority vote, all departments will establish written criteria for developing teaching assignments - such as seniority, rotation, special preparation/training, etc. that are not explicitly guaranteed in the Agreement. A copy will be sent to the appropriate Xxxx of Instruction. c. All major decisions not explicitly delegated by the department to the Chair(s) shall be by majority vote of the regular and contract faculty of the department. Major decisions include, but are not limited to, budget recommendations, remodeling requests, major equipment purchases, changes in curriculum, and program review of documents and plans. These decisions will be recorded in the department minutes and sent to the appropriate Xxxx of Instruction. d. All departments must have a general faculty meeting at least once a month. All faculty must be afforded the opportunity to contribute items for the agenda, which must be given to all members of the department three (3) business days before the meeting. Copies of the meeting minutes and agendas - including the names of the faculty members present or not present - will be forwarded to the appropriate Xxxx of Instruction. e. All regular and contract faculty, as part of their general responsibilities as full-time members of the College faculty, are expected to participate equally in the business of the department. The responsibilities include, but are not limited to, participating in the program review process and the formulation of program review documents, representing the department on college-wide committees, assessment projects, developing and revising curriculum, serving on departmental subcommittees, etc. f. Contract and regular faculty members of the department will assist the Chai...
DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS. ‌ VI.1 Department Committee‌ There shall be a Department Committee in each department, chaired by the department Chair or designate. This Committee shall consist of the members and academic administrators in the department, and any other persons, including students, that the members and academic administrators shall determine. The Committee's duties shall include the selection of the department’s Personnel Committee and Tenure/Permanency Committees.‌ VI.2 Department Personnel Committee‌‌ VI.2.1 There shall be a Personnel Committee established in each department. The Personnel Committee shall be elected annually by and amongst members of the Department Committee. The Personnel Committee shall be chaired by the Department Chair, serving in a voting capacity, and at least two (2) members in the department, where possible of more than one rank and gender, elected by the Department Committee, and it may include students up to a number smaller than the number of faculty members, other than the Chair. Where there are not enough faculty members to satisfy the above, the Xxxx and the Chair shall mutually agree upon an appropriate replacement. In constituting the committee, consideration should be paid to representation of designated groups as defined by Employment Equity legislation.‌
DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS. 1. Study and analyze the Office of the Coroner’s departments as they relate to the following: a) Services provided and tasks performed; b) Ability to currently meet baseline service levels; c) Ability to meet expected future needs; d) Resources required for present and future needs; e) Process improvements for current operations and future needs.


  • Departmental Seniority Departmental seniority is defined as the length of employment within the employee’s current department. Department seniority shall accrue as of the first day of employment or transfer into a new department.

  • Departments Each teaching member shall belong to one home department. Departments of a university shall be established by the University administration with the advice of the Senate according to criteria of commonality of interest and academic purpose, without any numerical limits on size. Divisions or other major groupings of departments with some common interest may also be formed. 5.14.1 Interdisciplinary academic programs may also be established by the University Administration with the advice of the Senate following consultation with appropriate faculty bodies. Members who teach in or direct such programs shall remain members of their home departments.

  • Operational Contacts Each Interconnection Party shall designate, and provide to each other Interconnection Party contact information concerning, a representative to be responsible for addressing and resolving operational issues as they arise during the term of the Interconnection Service Agreement.

  • General Management In the discharge of its general duty to manage the successful performance of the Services, Vendor shall: within thirty (30) calendar days of the Effective Date, identify to Citizens the primary and secondary management contacts responsible for the oversight and management of Services for Citizens; ensure Vendor Staff tasked with management and oversight of the Services are available promptly to perform Services during Business Hours; ensure each assigned Adjuster submits a time record directly to Vendor’s manager or point of contact. At any time during this Agreement, Citizens may require copies of time records from Vendor; ensure that no Vendor Staff carries a weapon on their person while performing Services; ensure that no Vendor Staff uses impairing drugs, chemicals, or alcohol while performing Services; ensure that Vendor Staff avoid using their duties and obligations under this Agreement to engage in any conduct that could create either an actual or perceived conflict of interest, such as due to an ongoing business relationship with an entity other than Citizens that would enable Vendor Staff to receive an improper benefit or unfair competitive advantage; ensure that the Services comply with the Best Claims Practices & Estimating Guidelines as applicable to each Service Category and any other policies or processes set forth by Citizens, including but not limited to: a. monitoring applicable file production on a weekly basis to determine compliance with Citizens’ production requirements; and, b. providing detailed reports to Citizens related to Vendor performance upon request.

  • Operations Manager Secondary Contact Email Secondary Contact Phone Secondary Contact Fax Secondary Contact Mobile 1 Administration Fee Contact Name Administration Fee Contact Email 1 Administration Fee Contact Phone 2 0

  • Department The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities or any successor state agency.

  • Professional Development and Training The Company shall pay for or reimburse the Executive for any reasonable professional development or training.

  • Financial Management Government financing and accounting activities (e.g., billing and accounting, credit/charge, expense management, payroll, payment/settlement, debt collection, revenue management, internal controls, auditing, activity based management, currency translation). Asset/Material Management: Acquisition and management of Federal government assets (property/asset management, asset cataloging/identification, asset transfer/allocation/maintenance, facilities management, computers/automation management). Development and Integration: Development and integration of systems across diverse operating platforms (e.g., legacy integration, enterprise application integration, data integration, instrumentation/testing, software development). Human Capital/Workforce Management Development and Integration: Planning and supervisory operations surrounding government personnel (e.g., resource planning/allocation, skills management, workforce directory/locator, team/organization management, contingent workforce management).

  • General Manager Secondary Contact Email Secondary Contact Phone Secondary Contact Fax Secondary Contact Mobile 1 Administration Fee Contact Name Administration Fee Contact Email 1 9 Administration Fee Contact Phone 2 0

  • Level Two - Superintendent If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level One, or if no decision is reached within six (6) school days after the grievance was referred to the building principal or immediate supervisor, then within ten (10) school days a written grievance shall be referred to the Superintendent. A decision shall be rendered by the Superintendent within ten (10) school days after its presentation.