Description of Modifications. [Include the following paragraphs that are applicable and delete those not applicable to this amendment. Refer to paragraph numbers used in the Agreement or a previous amendment for clarity with respect to the modifications to be made. Use paragraph numbers in this document for ease of reference herein and in future correspondence or amendments.]
a. Engineer shall perform the following Services: [ ]
b. The Scope of Services currently authorized to be performed by Engineer in accordance with the Service Order and previous amendments, if any, is modified as follows: [ ]
c. The responsibilities of PCCA with respect to the Service Order are modified as follows: [ ]
d. For the additional services or the modifications to services set forth above, PCCA shall pay Engineer the following additional or modified compensation: [ ]
e. The schedule for rendering services under this Service Order is modified as follows: [ ]
f. Other portions of the Service Order (including previous amendments, if any) are modified as follows: [ ]
Description of Modifications a. The Scope of Services currently authorized to be performed by Engineer in accordance with the Service Order and previous amendments, if any, and Compensation is modified as follows:
1. Increase the compensation for an additional $37,984.
2. Add to Exhibit A – Engineer’s Services for Service Order:
Description of Modifications a. Portions of the Agreement are modified as follows:
1. Article C2.01 “Compensation for Basic Services”: Change to read “Lump Sum Fee Method of Payment”.
Description of Modifications. _X_ Attachment 1, Modifications
i. Owner shall negotiate with Contractor an annual work plan and budget.
ii. OWNER shall conduct a market study and remediation plan within 24 months to determine the duties and responsibilities of each party. _X_ A4. For the Additional Services or the modifications to services set forth above, OWNER shall reimburse CONTRACTOR the following modified Lease Expense: The 2019 Budget for the Hybrid Poplar Project is presented below. Any modifications to the proposed work plan and budget shall be agreed to in writing by Owner and Contractor. _X_ A5. The schedule for rendering services is modified as follows:
Description of Modifications. You must cause any Modifications that you create or to which you contribute, and which you distribute, to contain a file documenting the additions, changes or deletions you made to create or contribute to those Modifications, and the dates of any such additions, changes or deletions. You must include a prominent statement that the Modifications are derived, directly or indirectly, from the Licensed Product and include the names of the Licensor and any Contributor to the Licensed Product in (i) the Source Code and (ii) in any notice displayed by a version of the Licensed Product you distribute or in related documentation in which you describe the origin or ownership of the Licensed Product. You may not modify or delete any preexisting copyright notices in the Licensed Product.
Description of Modifications. [Include the following paragraphs that are applicable and delete those not applicable to this amendment. Refer to paragraph numbers used in the Agreement or a previous amendment for clarity with respect to the modifications to be made. Use paragraph numbers in this document for ease of reference herein and in future correspondence or amendments.]
Description of Modifications a. The Scope of Services currently authorized to be performed by Engineer in accordance with the Task Order and previous amendments, if any, is modified as follows:
Description of Modifications a. The Scope of Services currently authorized to be performed by Engineer in accordance with the Service Order and previous amendments, if any, and Compensation is modified as follows:
1. Increase the total compensation by an additional $270,450.
2. Section 4. Service Order Schedule will be modified as follows: • Engineer will target the following schedule for obtaining quarterly soundings: o Quarter 2: April 2021 o Quarter 3: July 2021 o Quarter 4: October 2021 • This Service Order will expire December 31, 2021.
3. Add the following to Exhibit A – Engineer’s Services for Service Order:
Description of Modifications a. Engineer shall Final Engineering Design Services for the Pine Street Water Main Replacement. A detailed Scope of Services is included as Attachment A which is included and made a part of this Amendment. A Fee Schedule is included as Attachment B.
b. The Scope of Services currently authorized to be performed by Engineer in accordance with the Agreement and previous amendments, if any, is modified as follows: N/A
c. The responsibilities of Owner are modified as follows: N/A
d. For the Additional Services or the modifications to services set forth above, Owner shall pay Engineer the following additional or modified compensation: Lump Sum Not to Exceed $ 33,256.00
e. The schedule for rendering services is modified as follows: - November 1, 2021 – Submit 60% Design Plans for Review - December 1, 2021 - Submit 90% Design Plans & Draft Construction Specifications for Review - January 15, 2022 – 100% Design Plans & Construction Specifications.
f. Other portions of the Agreement (including previous amendments, if any) are modified as follows: Original Agreement amount: $ 28,300.00 Net change for prior amendments: $ 0.00 This amendment amount (#1): $ 33,256.00 Adjusted Agreement amount: $ 61,556.00 The foregoing Agreement Summary is for reference only and does not alter the terms of the Agreement, including those set forth in Exhibit C. Owner and Engineer hereby agree to modify the above-referenced Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. All provisions of the Agreement not modified by this or previous Amendments remain in effect. The Effective Date of this Amendment is. OWNER: ENGINEER: By: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx By: Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Title: Town Administrator Title: President Date Signed: Date Signed: The Owner desires to replace an existing water main on Pine Street in Bristol, VT. The project shall consist of the installation of approximately 2,300 lineal feet of 8-inch water main, new valves, replacement of fire hydrants, installation of new corporation stops, curb stops, copper service lines and appurtenances. Per the Owner’s request, the Engineer proposes to provide professional Engineering services to prepare Final Design Plans as well as Bid and Contract Documents for the Project. This scope of services is based on the Owner securing financing through a State of Vermont DWSRF Loan for this project. The Engineer will perform the following scope of services.