Final Design Plans Sample Clauses

Final Design Plans. The final design plans will depict the entire Project location. The eligible/participating bid items must be shown separated and listed apart from the non-eligible/non- participating bid items on the final design plans, bid documents, and on the detailed billing provided by the City. The City shall have the final design plans signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer. The City will furnish to KDOT’s Bureau of Local Projects an electronic set of final design plans and specifications. The City further agrees the specifications will require the contractor to provide a performance bond in a sum not less than the amount of the contract as awarded.
Final Design Plans. The Final Review is a review of the 95% construction plans, specifications and cost estimates for completeness and accuracy. Contractor will deliver Project Technical Specifications and Special Provisions and the final Engineer’s Opinion of Cost estimate in hard copy and in electronic spreadsheet files. Contractor will prepare 100% construction documents, including Design Plans, tabulation sheets of all construction quantities and traffic control devices for the Project, details, technical specifications and Special Provisions, and cost estimates, including EDA requirements, for a final review. Contractor shall provide a Project maintenance plan that includes schedules for observations, inspections and suggested maintenance of the improvements. Contractor shall also provide an operations and maintenance manual for the final installed systems. Contractor shall provide a bound and PDF version of the final construction administration manual including all daily inspection reports; materials testing reports; selection of appropriate pictures; correspondence between the Town, Contractor, and, when applicable, the Construction Contractor; change orders and log; payment requests and approvals; field orders and logs of other documents, such as submittals, shop drawings and requests for information.
Final Design Plans. Upon approval of the categorical exclusion document, we will begin detailed design development. Upon completion and acceptance by the Client of the existing preliminary plans, Xxxxxx-Xxxx will then begin preparing a set of final construction documents suitable for bidding for the Xxxxxxxx’x Station Greenway Phase 3. We anticipate this set of drawings to be prepared in 24” x 36” format and will consist of the following:  Title Sheet – This sheet will contain relevant project / contact information required by the Town of Xxxxxxxx’x Station and TDOT.  General Notes – This sheet will contain standard TDOT general notes and special notes related to contractor responsibilities, coordination requirements, and traffic management parameters during construction.  Existing Conditions / Demolition Plans – Xxxxxx-Xxxx will prepare Existing Conditions / Demolition Plan sheets based on the final approved routing of the greenway.
Final Design Plans. Xxxxxx-Xxxx will address up to four (4) additional rounds of TDOT review comments. Plan edits will consist of:
Final Design Plans. 1. Generate final project drawings and specifications. 2. Submit the design plan documents to the City of Xxxxxx for review and final approval. 3. Provide stamped drawings for permit and construction.
Final Design Plans. A. Within ninety (90) days from the Effective Date and prior to submitting for building permit approval by City, Developer shall submit to MRA a design package for the Project to include a site plan inclusive of a landscape plan and full color elevations (“Preliminary Design Plans”). Preliminary Design Plan shall be fully detailed with site dimensions, landscaping plants and materials, traffic and pedestrian circulation, and façade materials and colors. B. City shall have the right to review and approve the Preliminary Design Plans to be consistent with the Project as defined in Section 2.1 and in the RFP Proposal. C. Upon receiving the Preliminary Design Plans, City will have fifteen (15) business days to review and approve the Preliminary Design Plans, or request modifications. If City does not respond within the fifteen (15) business day period, City will be deemed to have accepted the Preliminary Design Plans. If City requests modifications, Developer will revise and will resubmit the Preliminary Design Plans to City, and the approval procedure detailed above will continue until the Parties have agreed on a final set of design plans. The final agreed upon set of Preliminary Design Plans are hereinafter referred to as the “Final Design Plans”. Any revisions to the Final Design Plans required by the City or any other governmental or quasi-governmental authority to obtain permits for construction of the Project shall be incorporated into and made a part of the Final Design Plans.
Final Design Plans. The final Design Plans will depict the Project Limits. The Eligible/Participating bid items must be shown separated and listed apart from the Non-Eligible/Non- Participating bid items on the final Design Plans, bid documents, and on the detailed billing provided by the City. The City shall have the final Design Plans signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer. The City will furnish to KDOT’s Bureau of Local Projects an electronic set of final Design Plans and specifications. All technical professionals involved in the Project are required to meet the applicable licensing and/or certification requirements as stated in K.S.A. § 74-7001, et seq.
Final Design Plans. Xxxxxx-Xxxx will prepare final construction plans for the project. The plans are anticipated to consist of the following sheets: ⚫ Title Sheet ⚫ Index and Standard Drawings ⚫ Estimated Roadway Quantities ⚫ Roadway Typical SectionsGeneral NotesSpecial NotesDetail SheetsProperty Map and Right-of-Way Acquisition Table ⚫ Present & Right-of-Way Layout ⚫ Proposed Layout ⚫ Mainline/Sideroad Profiles ⚫ Drainage Map ⚫ Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Plans ⚫ Traffic Control Plans ⚫ Signing and Marking ⚫ Traffic Signal Modification ⚫ Roadway Cross Sections
Final Design Plans. The following plan sheets may be included: