DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES. The detailed scope of services to be performed by the Service Provider includes those services required and issued to the Service Provider by the District’s Project Manager. All work shall comply with current City, County and Municipal codes and shall be inspected or caused to be inspected by the District’s Project Manager as appropriate.
DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES. Under this Contract the A-E firm shall provide professional landfill services, advice and consultation in a timely manner including, but not limited to the Detailed Scope of Services outlined in this section and which include, but are not limited to: A. Solid Waste Management Planning 1. Waste system studies—practices, flows, asset assessment 2. Waste diversion plans and programs 3. Waste characterization studies 4. Single-stream and multi-stream analysis 5. Collection, transfer, and disposal procurement assistance 6. Volume-based pricing 7. Solid waste management plan preparation 8. Technology evaluation 9. Air emissions, greenhouse gas, and climate change evaluations 10. Waste-to-energy and conversion technology evaluations 11. Utility rate development 12. Financial analysis
DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES. Provide Inspector of Record DSA certified inspection services in accordance with DSA requirements and Contract requirements of the Tennis Court project. Consulting and Inspection Services, LLC (CIS) based on fee rate as defined in the CIS proposal dated February 6, 2023. The Southwestern College Tennis Courts project consists of a new 1 story sports facility building and new tennis courts (10). Provide Inspector of Record DSA certified inspection service for construction of new buildings, hardscape and landscape improvements for access to all new courts and buildings, monument sign and 8 light poles. Based on the estimated 7.5 month (April 13, 2023 – November 28, 2023) construction schedule, our proposed budget for the subject project is prepared below. Our Project Inspector will conduct continuous full-time inspection for the entire scheduled duration of the project, meeting all code requirements for DSA Project Inspection and providing overall project quality assurance.
DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES. The DOs may include, but are not limited to, some or all the services listed below: a) Planning/Development Services
DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES. The Consultant will create a customized website 5. 1.1 for each ECOE procurement, which will serve as a centralized site for all parties' to access data and be notified of any updates. In addition to posting questions and answers from bidder's conferences, the Consultant will also post: rules for the use of the procurement platform, historical usage data/demand data in downloadable excel files, rules, contract terms and conditions, and other important data. This customized web site will be accessible to both ECOE and qualified suppliers.
DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES. The detailed scope of services to be performed by the SERVICE PROVIDER includes those services required and issued to the SERVICE PROVIDER by the County’s Project Manager. All work shall comply with current Chatham County Codes and shall be inspected or caused to be inspected by the County Project Managers as appropriate. Service shall include the following:
DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES. The Delivery Orders may include, but are not limited to, some or all of the services listed below: a) Planning/Development Services: 1) Planning, programming, feasibility studies, computer modeling (including 3D visualization (BIM), renderings and architectural animation), environmental investigation and analysis, conceptual design development, plan coordination, cost estimating, site selection, budgeting, in adherence with FAA Part 77 Maps provide “Planning Level” height restrictions, scheduling and other related tasks.
DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES. Dovetail Decision Consultants, Inc. will provide Furniture, Fixture, and Equipment (FF&E) Coordination Services for the Southwestern Tennis Courts Project. Scope includes Stage IV Implementation: FF&E integration, development and maintenance of Vendor Recommendations and Tracking Reports, FF&E installation; and Stage V Close-out: Development and delivery of project close-out documentation.
DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES. Flower bed, shrub, and tree maintenance shall include monthly visits for inspection and service. This includes cutting back dormant perennials and ornamental grasses, deep edging of all beds and tree rings and removing the edgings from the site, removal of leaves and debris in plant beds, treatment and removal of weeds as to keep weeds to a minimum and not allowing any areas to become overburden with weeds, grounds and bed maintenance of the landscaped areas in front of the main plant entrance and driveway as listed above (A – F).