Detours Sample Clauses
Detours. Detours may be indicated on the plans or in the special provisions or may be used with the Department's approval. Unless otherwise designated in the Contract, the Design-Builder shall furnish, install and maintain all directional markings, for through-traffic on off-Project detours authorized or requested by the Department with the exception of municipalities. Municipalities shall be responsible for off-Project roadway maintenance within their own corporate limits. Detours over existing state roads shall be designated, marked, and maintained by the Design-Builder. Directional markings for detours shall include signs. Responsibility for installation and maintenance of the signs shall be in accordance with Section 512.03(a). If any project is located wholly or in part within a municipality's corporate limits and through traffic is to be detoured at the municipality's request, the municipality will provide and maintain the detours within the corporate limits and will furnish, install and maintain all directional markings. The provision of detours and marking of alternate routes will not relieve the Design-Builder of the responsibility for ensuring the safety of the public or from complying with any Contract requirements affecting the rights of the public within his Contract area of operations, including those concerning lights and barricades. Maintenance of all other detours shall be the Design- Builder’s responsibility. The Department will furnish the right of way for temporary highways, vehicular watercourse crossings, diversion channels, sediment and erosion control features or bridges required by the Contract.
Detours. When a crew, by reason of detour movement, makes less mileage than that of their assignment, they will be paid the mileage of their assignment and when the mileage via the detour is greater than that of their assignment, they will be paid the mileage via the detour; overtime to be based, in each instance, on the mileage paid.
Detours. Detours may be indicated in the Contract Documents or may be used with the approval of the Department. Unless otherwise designated in the Contract, the Design-Builder will furnish and erect all directional markings for through traffic on off-Project detours authorized or requested by the Department. Detours over existing State Roads will be designated, marked, and maintained by Design-Builder. If any part of the Project is located wholly or in part within the corporate limits of a municipality and through traffic is to be detoured at the request of the municipality, the municipality will provide and maintain the detours within the corporate limits and will furnish and erect all directional markings. The provision of detours and marking of alternate routes will not relieve the Design-Builder of the responsibility for ensuring the safety of the public or from complying with any requirements of the Contract Documents affecting the rights of the public within his Contract limits, including those concerning lights and barricades. Maintenance of all other detours shall be the responsibility of the Design-Builder. Right of Way for temporary Highways, diversion Channels, sediment and erosion control features or Bridges required by these provisions will be furnished by the Department.
Detours. The Contractor shall do such work as may be necessary to provide and maintain a detour adjacent to all road structures for public travel. The Contractor shall maintain the detours in such condition that the public can travel over same in comfort and safety, and shall at his own expense perform such work as may be required to keep said detours open to the public at all times. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Engineer/Architect in the regulation of traffic and Contractor shall govern its work that when it becomes necessary to suspend construction for a considerable period of time, the roadways will be re- opened to public travel. Materials and equipment shall be stored and the work shall be so conducted as to obstruct public travel as little as possible, and in no case shall there be less than twenty (20) feet in width of unobstructed roadway for the use of traffic. Materials and equipment stored in or near the path of traffic shall be protected with applicable traffic control devices in compliance with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD).
Detours. 1. Construct and maintain detour facilities wherever it becomes necessary to divert traffic from any existing roadway or bridge, or wherever construction operations block the flow of traffic. The location of all detours will require prior approval of the CITY.
2. Furnishing of Devices and Barriers: Furnish all traffic control devices (including signs), warning devices and barriers. Costs of such devices shall be incidental to construction and included in unit prices bid.
3. Maintenance of Devices and Barriers: Keep traffic control devices, warning devices and barriers in the correct position, properly directed, clearly visible and clean, at all times. Immediately repair replace or clean damaged, defaced or dirty devices or barriers as necessary.
Detours the mileage of any tour of duty Is increased by more than
Detours. 1. The Contractor shall notify the Xxxxxxxxx County Public Works Department at least thirty
Detours. Where detours are on local streets but outside of the State’s right-of-way, the California Streets and Highways Code, Section 93, authorizes Caltrans to operate detours without permits from the local agency.
Detours. A. When trains of foreign lines are detoured a Pilot will be furnished when available until qualified; if available and not used, a minimum day at rate applicable to the detoured service will be allowed.
B. When a train is detoured over trackage of another seniority district and the Conductor thereof has not operated over the territory involved within the preceding twelve (12) months a pilot, if available will be provided in accordance with Article 33, Section 4.
C. When a crew, by reason of detour movement, makes less mileage than that of their assignment, they will be paid the mileage of their assignment and when the mileage via the detour is greater than that of their assignment, they will be paid the mileage via the detour; overtime to be based, in each instance, on the mileage paid.
Detours. For detours resulting in additional mileage for the trip, the driver shall be compensated for such additional miles at the applicable mileage rates.