DOCUMENTATION OF EXPENSES. Employees must present proper documentation of any expenses reimbursed pursuant to this Article, if requested by the Employer, and must conform specifically to all schedules, rules and travel routes as set by the Employer.
DOCUMENTATION OF EXPENSES. Before the Board may approve reimbursement or advancement related to expenses for travel, meals, or lodging, the following minimum documentation must first be submitted to the Board:
DOCUMENTATION OF EXPENSES. Quarterly Report and Invoice Format Additional Certifications (require separate signatures): AD1048 - USDA Form XX-0000 Xxxxxxxxx Certification Lobbying - USDA Lobbying Certification
DOCUMENTATION OF EXPENSES. GOCO will examine these documents to ensure they are consistent with the approved Project Budget. Please be aware that GOCO may need to follow‐up with you to get additional explanation of expenses or may require submission of additional documentation. Enclose copies of invoices or other form of backup support for all cash expenditures and in‐kind contributions valued over $5,000.00. Do not submit documentation for expenses less than $5,000. It is necessary that all backup support is labeled to correspond with the “Invoice Code” category on the AEW. Please include project‐related expenses only. You must identify project expenses from non‐project expenses when an invoice incorporates both. Copies of checks does not constitute invoice documentation.
DOCUMENTATION OF EXPENSES. The Superintendent shall comply with all School Board Policies, procedures and documentation requirements for expenses incurred in the conduct of School District business. SBBC will provide the Superintendent with a School District credit card that may be used for allowable expenses. All such expenditures shall be subject to review by SBBC’s independent auditors.
DOCUMENTATION OF EXPENSES. Once relocation occurs, the PCS relocator or the voluntarily relocating microwave incumbent, must submit documenta- tion itemizing the amount spent for items listed in § 24.243(b). The volun- tarily relocating microwave incum- bent, must also submit an independent third party appraisal of its compen- sable relocation costs. The appraisal should be based on the actual cost of replacing the incumbent’s system with comparable facilities and should ex- clude the cost of any equipment up- grades or items outside the scope of § 24.243(b). The PCS relocator or the voluntarily relocating microwave in- cumbent, must identify the particular link associated with appropriate ex- penses (i.e., costs may not be averaged over numerous links). If a PCS re- locator pays a microwave incumbent a monetary sum to relocate its own fa- cilities, the PCS relocator must esti- mate the costs associated with relo- cating the incumbent by itemizing the anticipated cost for items listed in § 24.243(b). If the sum paid to the in- cumbent cannot be accounted for, the remaining amount is not eligible for reimbursement. A PCS relocator may submit receipts or other documenta- tion to the clearinghouse for all reloca- tion expenses incurred since April 5, 1995.
DOCUMENTATION OF EXPENSES. Once relocation occurs, the AWS relocator must submit documentation itemizing the amount spent for items specifically listed in § 27.1180(b), as well as any re- imbursable items not specifically listed in § 27.1180(b) that are directly attrib- utable to actual relocation costs. Spe- cifically, the AWS relocator must sub- mit, in the first instance, only the uni- form cost data requested by the clear- inghouse along with copies, without re- daction, of the relocation agreement, if any, and the third party appraisal de- scribed in (a)(3), of this section, if pre- pared. The AWS relocator must iden- tify the particular system associated with appropriate expenses (i.e., costs may not be averaged over numerous systems). If an AWS relocator pays a BRS incumbent a monetary sum to re- locate its own facilities in whole or in part, the AWS relocator must itemize the actual costs to the extent deter- minable, and otherwise must estimate the actual costs associated with relo- cating the incumbent and itemize these costs. If the sum paid to the incumbent cannot be accounted for, the remaining amount is not eligible for reimburse- ment. All AWS relocators seeking re- imbursement through the clearing- house have an ongoing duty to main- tain all relevant records of BRS reloca- tion-related expenses until the sunset of cost-sharing obligations, and to pro- vide, upon request, such documenta- tion, including a copy of the inde- pendent appraisal if one was conducted, to the clearinghouse, the Commission, or AWS entrants that trigger a cost- sharing obligation.
DOCUMENTATION OF EXPENSES. Comptrollers/Financial Managers of responding Air Force organizations will itemize costs and expenses on Standard Form (SF) 1080 in accordance with AFR 177-102 and submit with the specified supporting documentation to the OSC. Operations Group commanders of responding Air Force flying organizations will submit a summary of aircraft flying hours and specified supporting documentation to HQ AFRES/DOTS for verification. AFRES/DOTS will forward the documentation and verification to ARRES/FMAO to prepare a cost statement for submission to the OSC. All documents submitted must reference the FPN issued for the project. The following documentation is required:
1. Flying hours for Air Force aircraft will be documented on AFTO 781 using mission symbols T-40S or T-43S for dispersant-application aircraft, or T-37R for logistics support aircraft.
2. Transportation, repair and other procurement costs will be documented by copies of suppliers' receipts, invoices, contracts, bills of lading or similar documents.
DOCUMENTATION OF EXPENSES. Grantee shall maintain source documentation of direct costs, to the extent available, such as invoices, receipts, cancelled checks, and salary reports, to support all LOCCS draw requests for payment. This information must be made available to HUD upon request and maintained for a period of at least three years after the expiration of the Performance Period, or the date of last payment, whichever occurs last.
DOCUMENTATION OF EXPENSES. Once relocation occurs, the AWS relocator must submit documentation itemizing the amount spent for items specifically listed in § 27.1180(b), as well as any re- imbursable items not specifically listed in § 27.1180(b) that are directly attrib- utable to actual relocation costs. Spe- cifically, the AWS relocator must sub- mit, in the first instance, only the uni- form cost data requested by the clear- inghouse along with copies, without re- daction, of the relocation agreement, if any, and the third party appraisal de- scribed in (a)(3), of this section, if pre- pared. The AWS relocator must iden- tify the particular system associated with appropriate expenses (i.e., costs may not be averaged over numerous systems). If an AWS relocator pays a BRS incumbent a monetary sum to re- locate its own facilities in whole or in part, the AWS relocator must itemize the actual costs to the extent deter- minable, and otherwise must estimate the actual costs associated with relo- cating the incumbent and itemize these costs. If the sum paid to the incumbent cannot be accounted for, the remaining amount is not eligible for reimburse-