Duration and Review. Point
5.1. This MOU covers FYs 2021-22 and 2022-23 only and will be reviewed and amended to cover future years no later than February 2023.
5.2. This MOU will come into effect upon signature by the Parties and will remain in effect until it is terminated by either Party in accordance with the terms in Clause 10 of this MOU. It may be extended by the written agreement of the Parties.
5.3. Each year of the planned funding period will be covered by an MOU, including the extension of this MOU where the Parties agree to the extension.
5.4. Notwithstanding Clause 5.1 and 5.3 of this MOU, if an MOU is not in place by the end of financial year 2022-23, this MOU will continue to apply.
Duration and Review. This MoU commences on the date of the signatures below. It is not time limited and will continue to have effect unless the principles described above need to be altered and/or cease to be relevant.
Duration and Review. 7.1.1. This MoU covers the duration of Freeports being a public policy and is subject to annual review by the Parties through the annual review process. This may result in amendments or extensions to this MoU by mutual agreement through a formal change request, as set out in section 6.10 of this MoU, for example to manage the grant profile, ongoing tax reliefs and collected business rates, leading to this document being replaced by an updated version. Amendments to this MoU may only be made by mutual agreement in writing between the Parties through a formal change request.
7.1.2. The MoU will be formally reviewed prior to 31 March 2025 to consider the end of the HMG grant payments and delivery of the seed capital funded projects.
7.1.3. This MoU will come into effect upon signature by the Parties and will remain in effect until it is terminated by the Parties by full mutual agreement in writing. DLUHC reserves the right to exercise the options set out in Section 7.3 of this MoU in the event of a proposed early termination by the Parties, where appropriate.
Duration and Review. This MOU shall remain in effect until such time as replaced by an updated MOU (if any). A mandatory review shall occur a minimum of every 5 years to: reflect any changing policies or programs at the provincial, watershed, or regional level, and assess its effectiveness, relevance and appropriateness with respect to the affected parties. The mandatory review shall be coordinated by the Region, undertaken by the MOU technical review team and overseen by the Niagara Area Planners. The MOU may be reviewed at any time before the mandatory review if there are matters that need to be addressed. Based on a review by the MOU technical review team, changes considered minor in nature may not require Regional or local Council approvals. This MOU will be reviewed and amended concurrent with the new Regional Official Plan. The Appendices are intended to be independent of the MOU and may be reviewed and amended, as necessary.
Duration and Review. 4.1. This Agreement shall take effect on 01 April 2022 and will continue in full effect until such time the Partners agrees that alternative arrangements would better serve the needs of the Partnership.
4.2. The Partners will initially review the terms of this Agreement in April 2023 and at such intervals thereafter as the Partners may agree. The Partners may agree to update the Agreement to reflect developments as appropriate.
Duration and Review. 8.1. This MoU takes effect from the date of signing and will remain in force until it is terminated or superseded by a revised document.
8.2. Either party may terminate this MoU by 28 days’ notice in writing to the other at its Head Office.
8.3. This MoU will be reviewed by both organisations no less frequently than on each anniversary of signing to ensure that the arrangements are working appropriately and effectively, it is kept up to date and to identify (and manage) any emerging issues in the working relationship between the two organisations.
Duration and Review. The Parties will review the Administration of Justice provisions at a time to be agreed and, in any event, no later than ten years after the effective date, and may amend these provisions if all Parties agree.
Duration and Review. 1 — This Agreement shall enter into force after the Contracting Parties have exchanged notes on completion of the requirements of their internal procedure for its entry into force.
2 — This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of five years, and shall continue to remain in force there- after, for successive periods of five years, unless one of the Contracting Parties gives notice in writing through diplomatic channels, at least six months in advance, of its intention to terminate the Agreement. Signed at New Delhi on the 3rd day of December, 1998, in duplicate, in the Portuguese, English and Hindi languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence in interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
Duration and Review. This agreement shall commence on the date of its signature by the Parties and will remain in effect for a term of one year unless it is terminated, re-negotiated or superseded by a revised document.
Duration and Review. This agreement will be effective from the date of signing and will continue until both parties mutually agree to terminate or amend it. FNHC and will conduct regular reviews to assess the effectiveness of the programs and to address any concerns or suggestions for improvement.