only for aircraft equipped with enhanced cabin (Mod 48819) SA Aircraft:. Basic for all A319/A320/A321 equipped with new CIDS /FAP CCOM not available for aircraft with old CIDS re-installed ( A319 Mod 34898, A320 Mod 34856, A321 Mod 34997 ) XML data are for further processing by the Buyer ON PDF C [***] [***] OFF XML C [***] [***] Flight Manual FM OFF P2 C [***] [***] Plus one copy per Aircraft at Delivery FM OFF CD-P C [***] [***] FM ON PDF C [***] [***] A320 / A330 – TAM 11/2006 Master Minimum Equipment List MMEL OFF P2 C [***] [***] Per crew quantity / Plus one copy per Aircraft at Delivery MMEL OFF CD-P C [***] [***] PDF CD is fallback solution to paper for on-ground consultation only (For Temporary Revisions & OEB’s, refer to paper) MMEL ON PDF C [***] [***] MMEL OFF SGML C [***] [***] Applicable for SA and LR Aircraft. SGML data, including Parts 1 and 2, for further processing by the Buyer. Part 3 ( Maintenance procedures ) not covered. Recommended for issue of XXX by using the Starter Pack (for conversion of SGML Data to e.g. Framemaker or MS Word RTF format ) Quick Reference Handbook (if required by Airworthiness Authorities) QRH OFF P2 C [***] [***] Per crew quantity / Plus one copy per Aircraft at Delivery Trim Sheet TS OFF WordDoc C [***] [***] Office Automation format (.doc) for further processing by the Buyer Weight and Balance Manual WBM OFF P1 C [***] [***] Fleet customized WBM for reference in central Library (*) plus one copy per Aircraft at Delivery. For the WBM the flight deck copy is an advance copy only of the customized manual, not subject to revision or updating. Weighing Equipment List delivered two weeks after Aircraft Delivery WBM OFF CD-P C [***] [***] Available for SA aircraft WBM ON PDF C [***] [***] Available for SA aircraft Performance Engineer’s Programs PEP ON Advanced Consultation Tool C [***] [***] PEP OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on CD C [***] [***] Performance Programs Manual PPM OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on CD C [***] [***] Included in the PEP CD A320 / A330 – TAM 11/2006 AirN@v / Maintenance, including : Aircraft Maintenance Manual AirN@v ON Advanced Consultation Tool C [***] [***] Illustrated Parts Catalog (Airframe) Trouble Shooting Manual Aircraft Schematics Manual Aircraft Wiring Lists Aircraft Wiring Manual Electrical Standard Practices Manual AirN@v / Associated Data Consumable Material List Standards Manual AirN@v OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on DVD C G [***] [***] Recommended basic delivery quantity Technical Follow-up TFU OFF CD-P E [***] [***] TFU for Trouble shooting & maintenance, to be used with AirN@v Aircraft Maintenance Manual AMM ON PDF C [***] [***] AMM OFF CD-P C [***] [***] Fallback solution to AirN@v / Maintenance AMM OFF SGML C [***] [***] If selected by the Buyer, SGML format will not be automatically supplied . Effective delivery will only take place upon explicit request from the Buyer (Graphics in TIFF or CGM, to be specified). Aircraft Schematics Manual ASM ON PDF C [***] [***] ASM OFF CD-P C [***] [***] Fallback solution to AirN@v / Maintenance : ASM OFF SGML C [***] [***] If selected by the Buyer, SGML format will not be automatically supplied . Effective delivery will only take place upon explicit request from the Buyer (Graphics in TIFF or CGM, to be specified). A320 / A330 – TAM 11/2006 Aircraft Wiring List AWL ON PDF C [***] [***] AWL OFF CD-P C [***] [***] Fallback solution to AirN@v / Maintenance AWL OFF SGML C [***] [***] If selected by the Buyer, SGML format will not be automatically supplied. Effective delivery will only take place upon explicit request from the Buyer (Graphics in TIFF or CGM, to be specified). Aircraft Wiring Manual AWM ON PDF C [***] [***] AWM OFF CD-P C [***] [***] Fallback solution to AirN@v / Maintenance AWM OFF SGML C [***] [***] If selected by the Buyer, SGML format will not be automatically supplied. Effective delivery will only take place upon explicit request from the Buyer (Graphics in TIFF or CGM, to be specified). Component Location Manual CLM ON PDF C [***] [***] For SA and LR Aircraft CLM OFF CD-P C [***] [***] Consumable Material List CML OFF SGML G [***] [***] If selected by the Buyer, SGML format will not be automatically supplied. Effective delivery will only take place upon explicit request from the Buyer Duct Repair Manual DRM ON PDF G [***] [***] DRM OFF CD-P G [***] [***] Ecam System Logic Data ESLD ON PDF E [***] [***] For SA & LR aircraft ESLD OFF CD-P E [***] [***] A320 / A330 – TAM 11/2006 Electrical Load Analysis ELA OFF PDF/RTF/ Excel C [***] [***] One ELA supplied for each Aircraft, delivered one month after Aircraft Delivery PDF File + Office automation format RTF & Excel file delivered on one single CD for ELA updating by the Buyer Electrical Standard Practices Manual ESPM ON PDF G [***] [***] ESPM OFF CD-P G [***] [***] Fallback solution to AirN@v ESPM OFF SGML G [***] [***] If selected by the Buyer, SGML format will not be automatically supplied Effective delivery will only take place upon explicit request from the Buyer (Graphics format in TIFF or CGM, to be specified). Electrical Standard Practices booklet ESP OFF P2* G [***] [***] *Pocket size format booklets for ground mechanics Flight Data Recording Parameter Library FDRPL OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on CD E [***] [***] For SA & LR aircraft Fuel Pipe Repair Manual FPRM ON PDF G [***] [***] FPRM OFF CD-P G [***] [***] Illustrated Parts Catalog (Airframe) IPC ON PDF C [***] [***] IPC OFF CD-P C [***] [***] Fallback solution to AirN@v / Maintenance IPC OFF SGML C [***] [***] If selected by the Buyer, SGML format will not be automatically supplied. Effective delivery will only take place upon explicit request from the Buyer (Graphics in TIFF or CGM, to be specified). Illustrated Parts Catalog (Powerplant) PIPC ON PDF C [***] [***] PIPC OFF CD-P C [***] [***] Integrated in the SA aircraft IPC for IAE V2500 A1/A3 Engines. *For other Aircraft and engine types, supplied by Propulsion Systems Manufacturer concurrently with the Airframe IPC. A320 / A330 – TAM 11/2006 Maintenance Planning Document MPD ON PDF E [***] [***] Includes 3 files: PDF, Excel and Text File MPD OFF CD-P E [***] [***] Life Limited Parts / LLP information included in > -Section 9.1 of MPD for LR aircraft -SMD for SA aircraft / refer below Maintenance Review Board Report MRBR ON PDF E [***] [***] For LR aircraft: MRB Report document includes the Certification Maintenance Requirements (CMR) and Airworthiness Limitation Items (ALI) documents. MRBR OFF CD-P E [***] [***] Scheduled Maintenance Data SMD ON PDF E [***] [***] For SA aircraft > SMD is the Airbus repository for the Maintenance Review Board Report / MRBR & the Airworthiness Limitation Section / ALS Includes PDF files and Excel tables SMD issue for LR aircraft planned 2nd half 2006 SMD OFF CD-P E [***] [***] Illustrated Tool and Equipment Manual Tool and Equipment Index TEM/TEI ON PDF G [***] [***] OFF CD-P G [***] [***] TEI & TEM are grouped on a single CD Tool & Equipment Bulletins TEB OFF P2 E [***] [***] Tool and Equipment Drawings XXX ON Advanced Consultation Tool E [***] [***] On-line Consultation from Engineering Drawings Service AirN@v / Engineering, including: Airworthiness Directives / AD Consignes de Navigabilite / CN ( French DGAC ) All Operator Telex / AOT Enginerring Technical Data Service ON Advanced Consultation Tool C [***] [***] Outstations with no On-Line connection to Airbus|World to be supplied with one DVD set Operator Information Telex / OIT Flight Operator Telex / FOT Modification / MOD Modification Proposal / MP Service Bulletin / SB Service Information Letter / SIL Technical Follow-Up / TFU Vendor Service Bulletin / VSB AirN@v OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on DVD C [***] [***] A320 / A330 – TAM 11/2006 Trouble Shooting Manual TSM ON PDF C [***] [***] TSM OFF CD-P C [***] [***] Fallback solution to AirN@v / Maintenance TSM OFF SGML C [***] [***] If selected by the Buyer, SGML format will not be automatically supplied. Effective delivery will only take place upon explicit request from the Buyer Graphics in TIFF or CGM format to be specified A320 / A330 – TAM 11/2006 Nondestructive Testing Manual NTM ON PDF E [***] [***] NTM OFF CD-P E [***] [***] NSRM OFF CD-P E [***] [***] Structural Repair Manual SRM ON PDF E [***] [***] SRM OFF CD-P E [***] [***] SRM OFF SGML E [***] [***] Applicable for SA and LR Aircraft. If selected by the Buyer, SGML format will not be automatically supplied. Effective delivery will only take place upon explicit request from theBuyer Graphics format in TIFF or CGM to be specified A320 / A330 – TAM 11/2006 Component Documentation Status CDS OFF D C [***] [***] Revised until 180 days after Aircraft Delivery Component Evolution List CEL ON PDF G [***] [***] CEL OFF CD-P G [***] [***] Delivered as follow-on for CDS. Component Maintenance Manual – Manufacturer CMMM ON PDF E [***] [***] CMMM OFF CD-P E [***] [***] Component Maintenance Manual – Vendor CMMV OFF CD-P E [***] [***] PDF on CD to be provided by Vendors. If more than one Airbus aircraft type in operation with the Buyer, dispatch of the “common” CMMV only CMMV ON PDF E [***] [***] Available from the “Supplier Technical Documentation “ Service in Airbus|World A320 / A330 – TAM 11/2006 Mechanical Drawings MD ON Advanced ConsultationTool C [***] [***] On-line Consultation from Engineering Drawings Service Parts Usage (Effectivity) PU ON Advanced ConsultationTool C [***] [***] On-line Consultation from Engineering Drawings Service Parts List PL ON Advanced Consultation Tool C [***] [***] On-line Consultation from Engineering Drawings Service Standards Manual SM OFF SGML G [***] [***] If selected by the Buyer, SGML format will not be automatically supplied. Effective delivery will only take place upon explicit request from the Buyer Process and Material Specification PMS ON PDF G [***] [***] PMS OFF CD-P G [***] [***] A320 / A330 – TAM 11/2006 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning / AC AMVG ON PDF E [***] [***] Available On-Line from the Airbus | World Maintenance Facility Planning / MFP Ground Support Equipment Vendor Information Manual / GSE VIM AMVG OFF CD-P E [***] [***] AC, MFP and GSE VIM are grouped on one single CD / Back-up set to On-Line access ATA 100 Breakdown ATAB OFF CD-P E [***] [***] 6 Digits ATA 100 Breakdown C@DETS /Technical Data Training Software C@DETS OFF Advanced ConsultationTool on CD G [***] [***] Training Software applicable to major Maintenance , Material , Repair Technical Data and to Maintenance Associated Data C@DETS ON PDF G [***] [***] Aircraft Recovery Manual ARM ON PDF E [***] [***] ARM OFF CD-P E [***] [***] Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting Chart ARFC ON PDF E [***] [***] Available On-Line from the Airbus | World Crash Crew Chart CCC OFF P1 E [***] [***] Cargo Loading System Manual CLS ON PDF E [***] [***] CLS OFF CD-P E [***] [***] One CLS per delivered Aircraft List of Effective Technical Data LETD ON PDF C [***] [***] LETD OFF CD-P C [***] [***] List of Radioactive and Hazardous Elements LRE ON PDF G [***] [***] LRE OFF CD-P G [***] [***] Livestock Transportation Manual LTM ON PDF E [***] [***] LTM OFF CD-P E [***] [***] Service Bulletins SB ON Advanced Consultation Tool C [***] [***] Full content available from the Airbus | World / SB Index available from AirN@v / Engineering on DVD SB OFF CD-P C [***] [***] One CD per SB issued and/or revised A320 / A330 – TAM 11/2006 Supplier Product Support Agreements 2000 SPSA ON PDF G [***] [***] Based on General Conditions of Purchase (GCP) 2000 issue 5 SPSA OFF CD-P G [***] [***] Transportability Manual TM OFF CD-P G [***] [***] Vendor Information Manual VIM ON Advanced Consultation Tool G [***] [***] VIM OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on CD G [***] [***] A320 / A330 – TAM 11/2006 A320 / A330 PA – TAM – 11/2006 “[* * *]” This information is subject to confidential treatment and has been omitted and filed separately with the commission.","size":5,"samples":[{"hash":"1n0GjLtz0j3","uri":"/contracts/1n0GjLtz0j3#e-envelope","label":"Purchase Agreement (Latam Airlines Group S.A.)","score":26.2457221081,"published":true}],"snippetLinks":[{"key":"applicable-to","type":"definition","offset":[27,40]},{"key":"aircraft-type","type":"clause","offset":[90,103]},{"key":"physical-media","type":"clause","offset":[154,168]},{"key":"scheduled-delivery-dates","type":"definition","offset":[206,230]},{"key":"prior-to","type":"clause","offset":[291,299]},{"key":"aircraft-delivery","type":"clause","offset":[306,323]},{"key":"delivery-day","type":"definition","offset":[363,375]},{"key":"number-of-days","type":"definition","offset":[381,395]},{"key":"release-date","type":"clause","offset":[455,467]},{"key":"confidential-treatment","type":"definition","offset":[541,563]},{"key":"omitted-and-filed-separately-with-the-commission","type":"clause","offset":[577,625]},{"key":"operating-manual","type":"clause","offset":[639,655]},{"key":"aircraft-at-delivery","type":"clause","offset":[720,740]},{"key":"flight-crew-training","type":"clause","offset":[1159,1179]},{"key":"supplement-to","type":"clause","offset":[1225,1238]},{"key":"in-training","type":"definition","offset":[1272,1283]},{"key":"further-processing","type":"clause","offset":[1368,1386]},{"key":"by-the-buyer","type":"clause","offset":[1401,1413]},{"key":"not-available","type":"definition","offset":[1630,1643]},{"key":"master-minimum-equipment-list","type":"definition","offset":[1980,2009]},{"key":"refer-to","type":"definition","offset":[2226,2234]},{"key":"part-3","type":"definition","offset":[2404,2410]},{"key":"maintenance-procedures","type":"definition","offset":[2413,2435]},{"key":"not-covered","type":"clause","offset":[2438,2449]},{"key":"starter-pack","type":"definition","offset":[2493,2505]},{"key":"conversion-of","type":"clause","offset":[2511,2524]},{"key":"required-by","type":"definition","offset":[2607,2618]},{"key":"airworthiness-authorities","type":"definition","offset":[2619,2644]},{"key":"office-automation","type":"clause","offset":[2770,2787]},{"key":"weight-and-balance","type":"clause","offset":[2838,2856]},{"key":"central-library","type":"definition","offset":[2927,2942]},{"key":"subject-to-revision","type":"clause","offset":[3074,3093]},{"key":"two-weeks","type":"clause","offset":[3141,3150]},{"key":"performance-programs","type":"clause","offset":[3414,3434]},{"key":"aircraft-maintenance-manual","type":"definition","offset":[3580,3607]},{"key":"illustrated-parts-catalog","type":"clause","offset":[3659,3684]},{"key":"trouble-shooting","type":"clause","offset":[3696,3712]},{"key":"aircraft-schematics","type":"clause","offset":[3720,3739]},{"key":"standard-practices-manual","type":"clause","offset":[3803,3828]},{"key":"associated-data","type":"definition","offset":[3838,3853]},{"key":"consumable-material","type":"definition","offset":[3854,3873]},{"key":"delivery-quantity","type":"definition","offset":[3975,3992]},{"key":"effective-delivery","type":"clause","offset":[4327,4345]},{"key":"electrical-load-analysis","type":"clause","offset":[5995,6019]},{"key":"one-month","type":"definition","offset":[6103,6112]},{"key":"pdf-file","type":"definition","offset":[6137,6145]},{"key":"data-recording","type":"clause","offset":[6716,6730]},{"key":"aircraft-fuel","type":"definition","offset":[6818,6831]},{"key":"other-aircraft","type":"definition","offset":[7419,7433]},{"key":"propulsion-systems-manufacturer","type":"definition","offset":[7464,7495]},{"key":"maintenance-planning-document","type":"definition","offset":[7558,7587]},{"key":"life-limited-parts","type":"clause","offset":[7683,7701]},{"key":"information-included","type":"clause","offset":[7708,7728]},{"key":"maintenance-review-board-report","type":"definition","offset":[7805,7836]},{"key":"mrb-report","type":"definition","offset":[7880,7890]},{"key":"maintenance-requirements","type":"definition","offset":[7927,7951]},{"key":"maintenance-data","type":"clause","offset":[8048,8064]},{"key":"the-maintenance","type":"clause","offset":[8141,8156]},{"key":"equipment-manual","type":"clause","offset":[8361,8377]},{"key":"engineering-drawings","type":"definition","offset":[8646,8666]},{"key":"airworthiness-directives","type":"clause","offset":[8708,8732]},{"key":"french-dgac","type":"definition","offset":[8771,8782]},{"key":"data-service","type":"definition","offset":[8832,8844]},{"key":"modification-proposal","type":"definition","offset":[9056,9077]},{"key":"information-letter","type":"clause","offset":[9113,9131]},{"key":"vendor-service","type":"clause","offset":[9164,9178]},{"key":"nondestructive-testing","type":"definition","offset":[9648,9670]},{"key":"structural-repair-manual","type":"definition","offset":[9758,9782]},{"key":"days-after","type":"definition","offset":[10193,10203]},{"key":"airbus-aircraft","type":"definition","offset":[10549,10564]},{"key":"in-operation","type":"definition","offset":[10570,10582]},{"key":"technical-documentation","type":"definition","offset":[10689,10712]},{"key":"mechanical-drawings","type":"clause","offset":[10765,10784]},{"key":"service-parts","ty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to manuals that are applicable to a whole group of Airbus customers for a specific aircraft type/model/series. QUANTITY (Qty) Self-explanatory for physical media. DELIVERY (Deliv) Delivery refers to scheduled delivery dates and is expressed in either the number of corresponding days prior to first Aircraft delivery, or nil (0) corresponding to the Delivery Date of each Aircraft. The number of days indicated shall be rounded up to the next regular revision release date. AVA - A320 Family PA AMENDED AND RESTATED *[Thirteen pages have been omitted in accordance with a request for confidential treatment.] AVA - A320 Family PA AMENDED AND RESTATED AVA - A320 Family PA AMENDED AND RESTATED","size":3,"samples":[{"hash":"f8zrwFmZiuE","uri":"/contracts/f8zrwFmZiuE#e-envelope","label":"Purchase Agreement (Avianca Holdings S.A.)","score":23.8275154004,"published":true},{"hash":"iBquGQruBQc","uri":"/contracts/iBquGQruBQc#e-envelope","label":"Purchase Agreement (Avianca Holdings S.A.)","score":23.7262149213,"published":true},{"hash":"1sOkVHmWySZ","uri":"/contracts/1sOkVHmWySZ#e-envelope","label":"Purchase Agreement (Avianca Holdings S.A.)","score":23.575633128,"published":true}],"snippetLinks":[{"key":"applicable-to","type":"definition","offset":[27,40]},{"key":"aircraft-type","type":"clause","offset":[90,103]},{"key":"physical-media","type":"clause","offset":[154,168]},{"key":"scheduled-delivery-dates","type":"definition","offset":[206,230]},{"key":"prior-to","type":"clause","offset":[291,299]},{"key":"aircraft-delivery","type":"clause","offset":[306,323]},{"key":"the-delivery","type":"clause","offset":[353,365]},{"key":"date-of","type":"clause","offset":[366,373]},{"key":"number-of-days","type":"definition","offset":[393,407]},{"key":"release-date","type":"clause","offset":[467,479]},{"key":"a320-family","type":"definition","offset":[487,498]},{"key":"amended-and-restated","type":"definition","offset":[502,522]},{"key":"in-accordance-with","type":"definition","offset":[558,576]},{"key":"request-for-confidential-treatment","type":"clause","offset":[579,613]}],"hash":"e1771ed60cf2f2a7493c5829ce108c88","id":3},{"snippet":"Refers to manuals that are applicable to a whole group of Airbus customers for a specific aircraft type/model/series. QUANTITY (Qty) Self-explanatory for physical media. DELIVERY (Deliv) Delivery refers to scheduled delivery dates and is expressed in either the number of corresponding days prior to first Aircraft delivery, or nil (0) referring to the Delivery Date of corresponding Aircraft. The number of days indicated shall be rounded up to the next regular revision release date. * [Twelve pages have been omitted in accordance with a request for confidential treatment.]","size":3,"samples":[{"hash":"jUY5RxgWOXO","uri":"/contracts/jUY5RxgWOXO#e-envelope","label":"Purchase Agreement (Avianca Holdings S.A.)","score":23.7262149213,"published":true},{"hash":"9kNv9Z1fG6O","uri":"/contracts/9kNv9Z1fG6O#e-envelope","label":"Purchase Agreement (Avianca Holdings S.A.)","score":23.575633128,"published":true}],"snippetLinks":[{"key":"applicable-to","type":"definition","offset":[27,40]},{"key":"aircraft-type","type":"clause","offset":[90,103]},{"key":"physical-media","type":"clause","offset":[154,168]},{"key":"scheduled-delivery-dates","type":"definition","offset":[206,230]},{"key":"prior-to","type":"clause","offset":[291,299]},{"key":"aircraft-delivery","type":"clause","offset":[306,323]},{"key":"referring-to","type":"definition","offset":[336,348]},{"key":"the-delivery","type":"clause","offset":[349,361]},{"key":"date-of","type":"clause","offset":[362,369]},{"key":"number-of-days","type":"definition","offset":[398,412]},{"key":"release-date","type":"clause","offset":[472,484]},{"key":"in-accordance-with","type":"definition","offset":[520,538]},{"key":"request-for-confidential-treatment","type":"clause","offset":[541,575]}],"hash":"976f0038da81f50ae22db039e8808e8d","id":4},{"snippet":"Refers to manuals that are applicable to a whole group of Airbus customers for a specific aircraft type/model/series. QUANTITY (Qty) Self-explanatory for physical media. DELIVERY (Deliv) Delivery refers to scheduled delivery dates and is expressed in either the number of corresponding days prior to first Aircraft delivery, or nil (0) corresponding to the first delivery day. The number of days indicated shall be rounded up to the next regular revision release date. A320 / A330 PA – TAM – 11/2006 “[* * *]” This information is subject to confidential treatment and has been omitted and filed separately with the commission. Flight Crew Operating Manual FCOM OFF P2 C 2 90 Per crew quantity / Plus one copy per Aircraft at Delivery PDF is fallback solution to paper for on-ground consultation only FCOM Module including 0EB & TR download & consultation SGML shall be used to process Buyer’s own FCOM for delivery to flight crew Applicable for SA and LR Aircraft. FCOM OFF CD-P C 5 90 FCOM ON PDF C N/A 90 FCOM ON Advanced Consultation Tool C N/A 90 FCOM OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on CD C 5 90 FCOM OFF SGML C 1 90 Flight Crew Training Manual FCTM OFF CD-P C 10 90 FCTM is a supplement to FCOM / a “Pilot’s guide” for use in training and in operations FCTM OFF XML C 1 90 XML data for further processing/customization by the Buyer Cabib Crew Operating Manual CCOM OFF CD-P C 10 90 LR Aircraft: A330-200/ > only for aircraft equipped with enhanced cabin (Mod 48819) SA Aircraft:. Basic for all A319/A320/A321 equipped with new CIDS /FAP CCOM not available for aircraft with old CIDS re-installed ( A319 Mod 34898, A320 Mod 34856, A321 Mod 34997 ) XML data are for further processing by the Buyer Flight Manual FM OFF P2 C 1 0 Plus one copy per Aircraft at Delivery FM ON PDF C N/A 0 A320 / A330 – TAM 11/2006 Master Minimum Equipment List MMEL OFF P2 C 2 180 Per crew quantity / Plus one copy per Aircraft at Delivery MMEL OFF CD-P C 2 180 PDF CD is fallback solution to paper for on-ground consultation only (For Temporary Revisions & OEB’s, refer to paper) MMEL ON PDF C N/A 180 MMEL OFF SGML C 1 180 Applicable for SA and LR Aircraft. SGML data, including Parts 1 and 2, for further processing by the Buyer. Part 3 ( Maintenance procedures ) not covered. Recommended for issue of XXX by using the Starter Pack (for conversion of SGML Data to e.g. Framemaker or MS Word RTF format ) Quick Reference Handbook (if required by Airworthiness Authorities) QRH OFF P2 C 2 90 Per crew quantity / Plus one copy per Aircraft at Delivery Trim Sheet TS OFF WordDoc C 1 0 Office Automation format (.doc) for further processing by the Buyer","size":3,"samples":[{"hash":"1n0GjLtz0j3","uri":"/contracts/1n0GjLtz0j3#e-envelope","label":"Purchase Agreement (Latam Airlines Group S.A.)","score":26.2457221081,"published":true}],"snippetLinks":[{"key":"applicable-to","type":"definition","offset":[27,40]},{"key":"aircraft-type","type":"clause","offset":[90,103]},{"key":"physical-media","type":"clause","offset":[154,168]},{"key":"scheduled-delivery-dates","type":"definition","offset":[206,230]},{"key":"prior-to","type":"clause","offset":[291,299]},{"key":"aircraft-delivery","type":"clause","offset":[306,323]},{"key":"delivery-day","type":"definition","offset":[363,375]},{"key":"number-of-days","type":"definition","offset":[381,395]},{"key":"release-date","type":"clause","offset":[455,467]},{"key":"subject-to","type":"definition","offset":[530,540]},{"key":"confidential-treatment","type":"definition","offset":[541,563]},{"key":"omitted-and-filed-separately-with-the-commission","type":"clause","offset":[577,625]},{"key":"operating-manual","type":"clause","offset":[639,655]},{"key":"aircraft-at-delivery","type":"clause","offset":[713,733]},{"key":"flight-crew-training","type":"clause","offset":[1121,1141]},{"key":"supplement-to","type":"clause","offset":[1181,1194]},{"key":"in-training","type":"definition","offset":[1228,1239]},{"key":"further-processing","type":"clause","offset":[1291,1309]},{"key":"by-the-buyer","type":"clause","offset":[1324,1336]},{"key":"not-available","type":"definition","offset":[1547,1560]},{"key":"master-minimum-equipment-list","type":"definition","offset":[1814,1843]},{"key":"refer-to","type":"definition","offset":[2048,2056]},{"key":"part-3","type":"definition","offset":[2216,2222]},{"key":"maintenance-procedures","type":"definition","offset":[2225,2247]},{"key":"not-covered","type":"clause","offset":[2250,2261]},{"key":"starter-pack","type":"definition","offset":[2305,2317]},{"key":"conversion-of","type":"clause","offset":[2323,2336]},{"key":"required-by","type":"definition","offset":[2419,2430]},{"key":"airworthiness-authorities","type":"definition","offset":[2431,2456]},{"key":"office-automation","type":"clause","offset":[2567,2584]}],"hash":"40f935f8dfc6dd48192eba706b480cdb","id":5},{"snippet":"Refers to manuals that are applicable to a whole group of Airbus customers for a specific aircraft type/model/series.","size":2,"samples":[{"hash":"jqawJNgUarN","uri":"/contracts/jqawJNgUarN#e-envelope","label":"A320 Family Purchase Agreement (Avianca Holdings S.A.)","score":22.7672826831,"published":true},{"hash":"6njcZYzrHtl","uri":"/contracts/6njcZYzrHtl#e-envelope","label":"A320 Family Purchase Agreement (Avianca Holdings S.A.)","score":22.6605065024,"published":true}],"snippetLinks":[{"key":"applicable-to","type":"definition","offset":[27,40]},{"key":"aircraft-type","type":"clause","offset":[90,103]}],"hash":"5646de89b6125e48f6ac728c3d4365de","id":6},{"snippet":"Refers to manuals that are applicable to a whole group of Airbus customers for a specific aircraft type/model/series. QUANTITY (Qty) Self-explanatory for physical media. DELIVERY (Deliv) Delivery refers to scheduled delivery dates and is expressed in either the number of corresponding days prior to first Aircraft delivery, or nil (0) corresponding to the first Aircraft Delivery Date. The number of days indicated shall be rounded up to the next regular revision release date. Hongqiao International Airport, No. 2550 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200335, People's Republic of China CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES CORPORATION LIMITED (the \"Buyer\") and Airbus S.A.S. (the \"Seller\") have entered into an aircraft general terms agreement dated as of June 15, 2009 (the \"AGTA\") and an A330 family purchase agreement (the \"Purchase Agreement\") dated as of even date herewith, which covers the manufacture and the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of the Aircraft. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the AGTA or in the Purchase Agreement. Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement, upon execution thereof, shall constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Purchase Agreement and shall be governed by all its provisions, as such provisions have been specifically amended pursuant to this Letter Agreement. If there is any inconsistency between the Purchase Agreement and this Letter Agreement, the latter shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *","size":2,"samples":[{"hash":"6iPh0Dh2eym","uri":"/contracts/6iPh0Dh2eym#e-envelope","label":"Purchase Agreement (China Eastern Airlines Corp LTD)","score":20.476386037,"published":true}],"snippetLinks":[{"key":"applicable-to","type":"definition","offset":[27,40]},{"key":"aircraft-type","type":"clause","offset":[90,103]},{"key":"physical-media","type":"clause","offset":[154,168]},{"key":"scheduled-delivery-dates","type":"definition","offset":[206,230]},{"key":"prior-to","type":"clause","offset":[291,299]},{"key":"aircraft-delivery","type":"clause","offset":[306,323]},{"key":"number-of-days","type":"definition","offset":[391,405]},{"key":"release-date","type":"clause","offset":[465,477]},{"key":"international-airport","type":"definition","offset":[488,509]},{"key":"republic-of-china","type":"clause","offset":[561,578]},{"key":"eastern-airlines","type":"definition","offset":[585,601]},{"key":"entered-into","type":"clause","offset":[674,686]},{"key":"aircraft-general-terms-agreement","type":"definition","offset":[690,722]},{"key":"dated-as-of","type":"definition","offset":[723,734]},{"key":"the-sale","type":"clause","offset":[892,900]},{"key":"the-seller-and-the","type":"clause","offset":[904,922]},{"key":"by-the-buyer","type":"clause","offset":[932,944]},{"key":"the-aircraft","type":"clause","offset":[948,960]},{"key":"capitalized-terms-used","type":"definition","offset":[962,984]},{"key":"letter-agreement","type":"definition","offset":[1026,1042]},{"key":"the-meanings","type":"definition","offset":[1054,1066]},{"key":"the-purchase-agreement","type":"clause","offset":[1102,1124]},{"key":"both-parties-agree","type":"clause","offset":[1126,1144]},{"key":"upon-execution","type":"clause","offset":[1173,1187]},{"key":"pursuant-to","type":"clause","offset":[1367,1378]},{"key":"to-the-extent","type":"clause","offset":[1515,1528]}],"hash":"4f9daee41ced75598d07ed697022ef76","id":7},{"snippet":"Refers to manuals that are applicable to a whole group of Airbus customers for a specific aircraft type/model/series. QUANTITY (Qty) Self-explanatory for physical media. DELIVERY (Deliv) Delivery refers to scheduled delivery dates and is expressed in either the number of corresponding days prior to first Aircraft delivery, or nil (0) referring to the Delivery Date of corresponding Aircraft. The number of days indicated shall be rounded up to the next regular revision release date. AVOLON A320 Purchase Agreement December 2010 NOMENCLATURE Abbr Avail Form **** **** **** **** Flight Crew Operating Manual FCOM ON XML **** **** **** OFF CD-XML **** **** **** Flight Crew Training Manual FCTM ON XML **** **** **** **** OFF CD-XML **** **** **** Cabin Crew Operating Manual CCOM ON XML **** **** **** **** OFF CD-XML **** **** **** Flight Manual FM ON XML **** **** **** **** OFF CD-XML **** **** **** OFF PDF **** **** **** Master Minimum Equipment List MMEL ON XML **** **** **** OFF CD-XML **** **** **** Quick Reference Handbook QRH ON XML **** **** **** OFF CD-XML **** **** **** Trim Sheet TS OFF Electronic format **** **** **** **** Weight and Balance Manual WBM ON XML **** **** **** OFF CD-XML **** **** **** Performance Engineer’s Programs PEP ON Performance Computation Tool **** **** **** **** OFF Performance Computation Tool on CD **** **** **** Performance Programs Manual PPM OFF CD-P **** **** **** **** AVOLON A320 Purchase Agreement December 2010 OAirN@v / Maintenance , including : Aircraft Maintenance Manual - AMM Illustrated Parts Catalog (Airframe)- IPC Illustrated Parts Catalog ( Powerplant )-PIPC* Trouble Shooting Manual - TSM Aircraft Schematics Manual - ASM Aircraft Wiring Lists - AWL Aircraft Wiring Manual- AWM Electrical Standard Practices Manual- ESPM AirN@v / Maintenance ON Advanced Consultation Tool **** **** **** OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on DVD **** **** **** **** AirN@v / Associated Data Consumable Material List – CML Standards Manual - SMElectrical Standard Practices Manual - ESPMTool and Equipment Manual – TEM (*) AirN@v / Associated Data ON Advanced Consultation Tool **** **** **** **** OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on DVD **** **** **** Technical Follow-up TFU ON PDF **** **** **** **** Aircraft Maintenance Manual AMM ON PDF **** **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** ON SGML **** **** **** **** OFF SGML **** **** **** **** Aircraft Schematics Manual ASM ON PDF **** **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** ON SGML **** **** **** **** OFF SGML **** **** **** **** Aircraft Wiring List AWL ON PDF **** **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** ON SGML **** **** **** **** OFF SGML **** **** **** **** Aircraft Wiring Manual AWM ON PDF **** **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** ON SGML **** **** **** **** OFF SGML **** **** **** **** Consumable Material List CML OFF SGML **** **** **** **** Ecam System Logic Data ESLD ON PDF **** **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** AVOLON A320 Purchase Agreement December 2010 Electrical Load Analysis ELA OFF PDF/MS WordExcel **** **** **** **** Electrical Standard Practices Manual ESPM OFF SGML **** **** **** **** Electrical Standard Practices booklet ESP OFF P2* **** **** **** **** Flight Data Recording Parameter Library FDRPL OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on CD **** **** **** Illustrated Parts Catalog (Airframe) IPC ON PDF **** **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** ON SGML **** **** **** **** OFF SGML **** **** **** **** Illustrated Parts Catalog (Powerplant) PIPC ON PDF **** **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** AirN@v / Planning , including Maintenance Planning Document – MPD AirN@v/ Planning ON Advanced Consultation Tool **** **** **** **** OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on DVD **** **** **** Maintenance Review Board Report – MRBR Airworthiness Limitation Section – ALS MRBR ALS ON PDF **** **** **** **** Tool & Equipment Bulletins TEB ON PDF **** **** **** Tool and Equipment Drawings XXX ON Advanced Consultation Tool **** **** **** **** AVOLON A320 Purchase Agreement December 2010 AirN@v / Engineering , including: Airworthiness Directives - ADEuropean Airworthiness Directives - EUAD ( incl. French DGAC AD’s)All Operator Telex - AOT Operator Information Telex - OIT Flight Operator Telex - FOT Modification - MODModification Proposal - MP Service Bulletin - SBService Information Letter - SIL Technical Follow-Up - TFUVendor Service Bulletin - VSB AirN@v/ Engineering ON Advanced Consultation Tool **** **** **** **** OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on DVD **** **** **** Trouble Shooting Manual TSM ON PDF **** **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** ON SGML **** **** **** **** OFF SGML **** **** **** **** AirN@v / Repair , including: Structural Repair Manual (*) - SRMNon Destructive Testing Manual - NTM AirN@v / Repair ON Advanced Consultation Tool **** **** **** **** OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on DVD **** **** **** Structural Repair Manual SRM ON SGML **** **** **** OFF SGML **** **** Non Destructive Testing Manual NTM ON SGML **** **** **** **** OFF SGML **** **** **** AVOLON A320 Purchase Agreement December 2010 AirN@v / Workshop, including: Component Maintenance Manual Manufacturer - CMMMDuct Fuel Pipe Repair Manual - DFPRM AirN@v / Workshop ON Advanced Consultation Tool **** **** **** **** OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on DVD **** **** **** Component Maintenance ManualManufacturer CMMM ON SGML **** **** **** **** OFF SGML **** **** **** Component Maintenance Manual Vendor CMMV OFF CD-P **** **** **** **** ON PDF **** **** **** **** Component Documentation Status CDS OFF CD **** **** **** **** Component Evolution List CEL ON PDF **** **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS Mechanical Drawings, including the DrawingPicture, Parts List / Parts Usage MD ON Advanced Consultation Tool **** **** **** **** Standards Manual SM ON SGML **** **** **** **** OFF SGML **** **** **** Process and Material Specification PMS ON PDF **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning – AC Maintenance Facility Planning - MFP AC/MFP ON PDF **** **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** **** ATA 100 Index ATI ON PDF **** **** **** **** C@DETS /Technical Data TrainingCourseware and Software C@DETS ON Advanced Consultation Tool on CD **** **** **** **** OFF Advanced Consultation Tool * *** * *** * *** Aircraft Recovery Manual ARM ON PDF **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** AVOLON A320 Purchase Agreement December 2010 Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting Chart ARFC ON PDF **** **** **** **** OFF P1 **** **** **** **** Cargo Loading System Manual CLS ON PDF **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** **** List of Effective Technical Data LETD ON PDF **** **** **** **** List of Radioactive and Hazardous Elements LRE ON PDF **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** Live Animal Transportation Calculation Tool LATC ON Advanced Calculation Tool **** **** **** **** LATC OFF Advanced Calculation Tool on CD **** **** **** Service Bulletins SB ON Advanced Consultation Tool **** **** **** **** OFF CD-P **** **** **** **** Supplier Product Support Agreements 2000 SPSA ON PDF **** **** **** **** Transportability Manual TM OFF CD-P **** **** **** Vendor Information Manual + Aircraft On Ground & Repair Guide VIM + AOG & RG ON Advanced Consultation Tool **** **** **** **** AVOLON A320 Purchase Agreement December 2010 AVOLON A320 Purchase Agreement December 2010","size":2,"samples":[{"hash":"fM22pD3b2db","uri":"/contracts/fM22pD3b2db#e-envelope","label":"Purchase Agreement (Avolon Holdings LTD)","score":25.5612594114,"published":true}],"snippetLinks":[{"key":"applicable-to","type":"definition","offset":[27,40]},{"key":"aircraft-type","type":"clause","offset":[90,103]},{"key":"physical-media","type":"clause","offset":[154,168]},{"key":"scheduled-delivery-dates","type":"definition","offset":[206,230]},{"key":"prior-to","type":"clause","offset":[291,299]},{"key":"aircraft-delivery","type":"clause","offset":[306,323]},{"key":"referring-to","type":"definition","offset":[336,348]},{"key":"the-delivery","type":"clause","offset":[349,361]},{"key":"date-of","type":"clause","offset":[362,369]},{"key":"number-of-days","type":"definition","offset":[398,412]},{"key":"release-date","type":"clause","offset":[472,484]},{"key":"purchase-agreement","type":"definition","offset":[498,516]},{"key":"december-2010","type":"clause","offset":[517,530]},{"key":"operating-manual","type":"clause","offset":[592,608]},{"key":"flight-crew-training","type":"clause","offset":[662,682]},{"key":"cabin-crew","type":"clause","offset":[748,758]},{"key":"master-minimum-equipment-list","type":"definition","offset":[927,956]},{"key":"electronic-format","type":"definition","offset":[1105,1122]},{"key":"weight-and-balance","type":"clause","offset":[1143,1161]},{"key":"performance-programs","type":"clause","offset":[1363,1383]},{"key":"aircraft-maintenance-manual","type":"definition","offset":[1505,1532]},{"key":"illustrated-parts-catalog","type":"clause","offset":[1539,1564]},{"key":"trouble-shooting","type":"clause","offset":[1628,1644]},{"key":"aircraft-schematics","type":"clause","offset":[1658,1677]},{"key":"standard-practices-manual","type":"clause","offset":[1758,1783]},{"key":"associated-data","type":"definition","offset":[1923,1938]},{"key":"consumable-material","type":"definition","offset":[1939,1958]},{"key":"standards-manual","type":"definition","offset":[1970,1986]},{"key":"equipment-manual","type":"clause","offset":[2043,2059]},{"key":"electrical-load-analysis","type":"clause","offset":[2978,3002]},{"key":"data-recording","type":"clause","offset":[3196,3210]},{"key":"maintenance-planning-document","type":"definition","offset":[3561,3590]},{"key":"maintenance-review-board-report","type":"definition","offset":[3717,3748]},{"key":"airworthiness-directives","type":"clause","offset":[4045,4069]},{"key":"french-dgac","type":"definition","offset":[4123,4134]},{"key":"information-letter","type":"clause","offset":[4300,4318]},{"key":"structural-repair-manual","type":"definition","offset":[4668,4692]},{"key":"destructive-testing","type":"clause","offset":[4706,4725]},{"key":"engineering-documents","type":"clause","offset":[5634,5655]},{"key":"mechanical-drawings","type":"clause","offset":[5656,5675]},{"key":"parts-list","type":"clause","offset":[5707,5717]},{"key":"material-specification","type":"clause","offset":[5869,5891]},{"key":"airport-planning","type":"clause","offset":[5971,5987]},{"key":"maintenance-facility","type":"clause","offset":[5993,6013]},{"key":"technical-data","type":"definition","offset":[6145,6159]},{"key":"aircraft-recovery","type":"clause","offset":[6304,6321]},{"key":"cargo-loading","type":"clause","offset":[6520,6533]},{"key":"system-manual","type":"definition","offset":[6534,6547]},{"key":"list-of-radioactive-and-hazardous","type":"clause","offset":[6668,6701]},{"key":"animal-transportation","type":"definition","offset":[6766,6787]},{"key":"service-bulletins","type":"clause","offset":[6915,6932]},{"key":"supplier-product-support-agreements","type":"definition","offset":[7015,7050]},{"key":"information-manual","type":"definition","offset":[7146,7164]},{"key":"aircraft-on-ground","type":"definition","offset":[7167,7185]}],"hash":"2cb23e9fe3bf3ff81318e0ed37825fba","id":8},{"snippet":"Refers to manuals that are applicable to a whole group of Airbus customers for a specific aircraft type/model/series. QUANTITY (Qty) Self-explanatory for physical media. DELIVERY (Deliv) Delivery refers to scheduled delivery dates and is expressed in either the number of corresponding days prior to first Aircraft delivery, or nil (0) referring to the Delivery Date of corresponding Aircraft. The number of days indicated will be rounded up to the next regular revision release date. 1 CT1001520_PA_AAL_A320Family_EXECUTION Flight Crew Operating Manual FCOM ON XML C N/A 90 Flight Crew Training Manual FCTM ON XML C N/A 90 FCTM is a supplement to FCOM, a “Pilot’s guide” for use in training and in operations Cabin Crew Operating Manual CCOM ON XML C N/A 90 LR Aircraft: Basic for A340-500/-600 aircraft A330-200/A340-300 : only for aircraft equipped with enhanced cabin (Mod 48819) SA Aircraft: Basic for A318 and for all A319/A320/A321 equipped with new CIDS /FAP CCOM not available for aircraft with old CIDS re-installed (A319 Mod 34898, A320 Mod 34856, A321 Mod 34997 ) Flight Manual FM OFF PDF C * 0 *PDF secure format integrated in the FOCT viewer, used for loading on board aircraft EFB, in agreement with Airworthiness Authorities. SA = Single Aisle: A318/A319/A320/A321 / LR = Long Range: A330/A340 Master Minimum Equipment List MMEL ON XML C N/A 180 Quick Reference Handbook QRH ON XML C N/A 90 Trim Sheet TS OFF Electronic format C 1 0 Transferred to the Buyer by electronic mail (MS Word or PDF or TIFF). Note: additional document provided by the Seller : IATA Airport Handing Manual / AHM sections 515, 516, 560. Weight and Balance Manual WBM ON XML C N/A 0 Performance Engineer’s Programs PEP ON Performance Computation Tool C N/A 90 A collection of aircraft performance software tools in a common interface. Performance Programs Manual PPM OFF CD-P C 1 90 Explains how to use the PEP & contains specific data for engineers, which are not contained in the FCOM AirN@v / Maintenance , including : Aircraft Maintenance Manual - AMM Illustrated Parts Catalog (Airframe)- IPC Illustrated Parts Catalog ( Powerplant )- PIPC* Trouble Shooting Manual - TSM Aircraft Schematics Manual - ASM Aircraft Wiring Lists - AWL Aircraft Wiring Manual- AWM Electrical Standard Practices Manual-ESPM AirN@v / Maintenance ON Advanced Consultation Tool C N/A 90 OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on DVD C 20 90 Recommended basic delivery quantity *PIPC is integrated in the SA aircraft IPC for IAE V2500 A1/A3 Engines and in the LR A340-500/-600 aircraft IPC for XX Xxxxx 500 Engines. For other aircraft and engine types, to be supplied by Propulsion Systems Manufacturer concurrently with the Airframe IPC. AirN@v / Associated Data Consumable Material List – CML Standards Manual - SM Electrical Standard Practices Manual - ESPM Tool and Equipment Manual – TEM (*) AirN@v / Associated Data ON Advanced Consultation Tool G N/A 360 * including Tool and Equipment Manual / Index & Support Equipment Summary data Technical Follow-up TFU ON PDF E 20 90 TFU for trouble shooting & maintenance, to be used with AirN@v Aircraft Maintenance Manual AMM ON PDF C N/A 90 * PDF will be discontinued in 2010 after implementation of the AirN@v / Maintenance Technical Data upgrade programme ON SGML C N/A 90 Available from the Technical Data Download Service on AirbusWorld (Graphics in CGM, compliant with iSpec 2200 ) OFF SGML C 1 90 Effective CD delivery will only take place at the time of explicit request from the Buyer Aircraft Schematics Manual ASM ON PDF C N/A 90 * PDF will be discontinued in 2010 after implementation of the AirN@v / Maintenance Technical Data upgrade programme ON SGML C N/A 90 Available from the Technical Data Download Service on AirbusWorld (Graphics in CGM, compliant with iSpec 2200 ) OFF SGML C 1 90 Effective CD delivery will only take place at the time of explicit request from the Buyer Aircraft Wiring List AWL ON PDF C N/A 90 * PDF will be discontinued in 2010 after implementation of the AirN@v / Maintenance Technical Data upgradeprogramme. ON SGML C N/A 90 Available from the Technical Data Download Service on AirbusWorld (Graphics in CGM, compliant with iSpec 2200 ) OFF SGML C 1 90 Effective CD delivery will only take place at the time of explicit request from the Buyer Aircraft Wiring Manual AWM ON PDF C N/A 90 * PDF will be discontinued in 2010 after implementation of the AirN@v / Maintenance Technical Data upgrade programme ON SGML C N/A 90 Available from the Technical Data Download Service on AirbusWorld (Graphics in CGM, compliant with iSpec 2200 ) OFF SGML C 1 90 Effective CD delivery will only take place at the time of explicit request from the Buyer Consumable Material List CML OFF SGML G 1 180 Effective delivery will only take place at the time of explicit request from the Buyer Ecam System Logic Data ESLD ON PDF E N/A 90 Used for in-depth aircraft trouble shooting. Ref to SIL 31-033 for details. Electrical Load Analysis ELA OFF PDF/MS Word Excel C 1 +30 One ELA supplied for each Aircraft, delivered one month after first Aircraft Delivery PDF File + Office automation format RTF & Excel file delivered on one single CD for ELA updating by the Buyer Electrical Standard Practices Manual ESPM OFF SGML G 1 90 *Effective CD delivery will only take place at the time of explicit request from the Buyer Electrical Standard Practices booklet ESP OFF P2* G 20 90 * Pocke size format booklet, which provides maintenance personnel with quick and easy access for the identification of electrical equipment and the required tooling. Flight Data Recording Parameter Library FDRPL OFF Advanced Consultation Tool on CD E 5 90 Illustrated Parts Catalog (Airframe) IPC ON PDF C N/A 90 * PDF will be discontinued in 2010 after implementation of the AirN@v / Maintenance Technical Data upgrade programme. ON SGML C N/A 90 Available from the Technical Data Download Service on AirbusWorld (Graphics in CGM, compliant with iSpec 2200 ) OFF SGML C 1 Effective CD delivery will only take place at the time of explicit request from the Buyer Illustrated Parts Catalog (Powerplant) PIPC ON PDF C N/A 90 Integrated in the SA aircraft IPC for IAE V2500 A1/A3 Engines . Integrated in the LR A340-500/-600 aircraft IPC for XX Xxxxx 000 Engines. *For other aircraft and engine types, supplied by Propulsion Systems Manufacturer concurrently with the Airframe IPC. CT1001520_PA_AAL_A320Family_EXECUTION AirN@v / Planning , including Maintenance Planning Document – MPD AirN@v/ Planning ON Advanced Consultation Tool E N/A 360 In addition to MPD in AirN@v consultable format, AirN@v / Planning includes additional MPD files in the following downloadable formats: - PDF format - MS XLS ( Excel) format - TSDF / Text Structured Data File format (specific ASCII for MIS and Database upload ) - SGML format for further processing Life Limited Parts information is included in the Airworthiness Limitation Section (ALS) Maintenance Review Board Report – MRBR Airworthiness Limitation Section – ALS MRBR ALS ON PDF E N/A 360 The latest revisions of individual MRB Report and ALS documents are available shortly after approval on AirbusWorld Maintenance & Engineering site, under “ Prepare Maintenance Programme”, “Demonstrate compliance with airworthiness limitations” tab, with aircraft operators being informed through a dedicated OIT. Tool & Equipment Bulletins TEB ON PDF E N/A N/A Tool and Equipment Drawings XXX ON Advanced Consultation Tool E N/A 360 These drawings include the Seller’s and Suppliers’ equipment drawings, except for the Seller’s and Suppliers’ proprietary items AirN@v / Engineering , including: Airworthiness Directives - AD European Airworthiness Directives - EUAD ( incl. French DGAC AD’s) All Operator Telex - AOT Operator Information Telex - OIT Flight Operator Telex - FOT Modification - MOD Modification Proposal - MP Service Bulletin - SB Service Information Letter - SIL Technical Follow-Up - TFU Vendor Service Bulletin - VSB AirN@v/ Engineering ON Advanced Consultation Tool C N/A 90 AirN@v Engineering is an electronic index used for identification of the references and links between the Seller’s and Suppliers’ engineering documents CT1001520_PA_AAL_A320Family_EXECUTION Trouble Shooting Manual TSM ON PDF C N/A 90 * PDF will be discontinued in 2010 after implementation of the AirN@v / Maintenance Technical Data upgrade programme ON SGML C N/A 90 Available from the Technical Data Download Service on AirbusWorld (Graphics in CGM, compliant with iSpec 2200 ) OFF SGML C 1 90 Effective CD delivery will only take place upon the Buyer’s express request. CT1001520_PA_AAL_A320Family_EXECUTION AirN@v / Repair , including: Structural Repair Manual (*) - SRM Non Destructive Testing Manual - NTM AirN@v / Repair ON Advanced Consultation Tool E N/A 90 AirN@v / Repair includes: • For SA aircraft, one specific SRM for each A318, A319, A320, A321, one SA aircraft common NTM, • For LR aircraft, one SRM and NTM for A340-200/-300, one SRM and NTM for A340-500/-600. *Nacelle repair data are integrated in the Airframe SRM for A318 PW6000 and A340-500/-600 XX Xxxxx aircraft. For all other SA and LR aircraft and engine types, the Nacelle SRM will be supplied by the relevant Propulsion System Supplier. Structural Repair Manual SRM ON SGML E N/A *Upon request only. Non Destructive Testing Manual NTM ON SGML E N/A 90 *Upon request only. CT1001520_PA_AAL_A320Family_EXECUTION AirN@v / Workshop, including: Component Maintenance Manual Manufacturer - CMMM Duct Fuel Pipe Repair Manual - DFPRM AirN@v / Workshop ON Advanced Consultation Tool E N/A 180 DFPRM first issue in AirN@v / Workshop planned 2nd half 2009 Component Maintenance Manual Manufacturer CMMM ON SGML E N/A 180 *Upon request only. Fallback solution to AirN@v / Workshop Component Maintenance Manual Vendor CMMV OFF CD-P E * 180 * Vendor Supply in digital PDF format . ON PDF E N/A 180 Available from the “Supplier Technical Documentation On-Line Service” in AirbusWorld Component Documentation Status CDS OFF CD C 1 180 Revised until 180 days after first Aircraft Delivery Component Evolution List CEL ON PDF G N/A — OFF CD-P G 1 — Delivered as follow-on to CDS. CT1001520_PA_AAL_A320Family_EXECUTION Mechanical Drawings, including the Drawing Picture, Parts List / Parts Usage MD ON Advanced Consultation Tool C N/A 0 Seller Installation, Assembly and Detailed part Drawings for Structure & System installations, fitted on the Buyer’s fleet or Aircraft . They cover the Aircraft “as designed”, ie in its original configuration at first Aircraft Delivery. Repair drawings are supplied upon specific Buyer request. Buyer’s queries will be issued in connection with an approved document: SB, SRM or RAS (Repair Assessment Sheet) Mechanical Drawings include: 2D Drawing sheets Parts List / Parts Usage (in PDF). Standards Manual SM ON SGML G N/A 180 Effective delivery will only take place at the time of explicit request from the Buyer. Process and Material Specification PMS ON PDF G N/A 0 CT1001520_PA_AAL_A320Family_EXECUTION Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning - AC Maintenance Facility Planning - MFP AC/MFP ON PDF E N/A 360 Available On-Line in AirbusWorld OFF CD-P E 5 360 Grouped on one single CD Fallback solution to the on-line AC / MFP ATA 100 Index ATI ON PDF E N/A 360 6 Digits ATA 100 Index C@DETS /Technical Data Training Courseware and Software C@DETS ON Advanced Consultation Tool on CD G N/A 360 Technical Data self-tutorial training which provides basic familiarization tailored for Maintenance and Engineering personnel. It is AirN@v Services oriented and available on AirbusWorld for downloading by module as required. Aircraft Recovery Manual ARM ON PDF E N/A 90 Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting Chart ARFC ON PDF E N/A 180 Chart can be downloaded from AirbusWorld either in TIFF or PDF format OFF P1 E 20 180 Full size charts, which are available in poster format (530 x 640 mm) Cargo Loading System Manual CLS ON PDF E N/A 180 OFF CD-P E 1 180 One CLS per delivered Aircraft CT1001520_PA_AAL_A320Family_EXECUTION List of Effective Technical Data LETD ON PDF C N/A 90 The LETD provides, for each Technical Data, information about: - Applicable issue and revision date, - Shipping information with search functions by manual or delivery address criteria, -Tracking of shipments through the Carrier Website. List of Radioactive and Hazardous Elements LRE ON PDF G N/A 90 Live Animal Transportation Calculation Tool LATC ON Advanced Calculation Tool E N/A 90 Available for A340-500/-600 aircraft . Electronic format, which includes a software tool to calculate the loads of various live animals which can be transported in cargo compartments under known environmental conditions Remark : LTM (Live Stock Transportation Manual) replaced by LATC, migration for LR aircraft :Jul 09, for SA aircraft : Oct 09 Service Bulletins SB ON Advanced Consultation Tool C N/A 0 Full SB content and SB search functions are available from AirN@v / Engineering on AirbusWorld OFF CD-P C 1 0 CD available for simplified SBs only Supplier Product Support Agreements 2000 SPSA ON PDF G N/A 360 Contains all SSC’s Supplier Support Conditions and current GCP 2000 Issue 04 Agreements ratified by Airbus Suppliers .. It specifies : - Airbus Support Standards - The individual Suppliers’ contractual Support commitments Transportability Manual TM OFF CD-P G 1 180 CT1001520_PA_AAL_A320Family_EXECUTION Vendor Information Manual + Aircraft On Ground & Repair Guide VIM + AOG & RG ON Advanced Consultation Tool G N/A 360 Combined Vendor Information Manual and Aircraft On Ground & Repair Guide. It supplies information on Supplier Support locations, Repair Stations, stock locations and distributors around the world for Airbus Customers. 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