ELECTRONIC RECORDING. Customer agrees that there are federal and state statutes governing the electronic recording of telephone conversations and that Provider will not be liable for any illegal use of any recording services provided to Customer or its Users. It is Customer’s responsibility to determine if the electronic recordings are legal under applicable federal and state laws and to comply with those laws. Customer will defend, indemnify and hold harmless Provider for any claims, damages, fines, penalties or costs (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees) arising out of Customer’s or its User’s failure to adhere to applicable electronic recording laws.
ELECTRONIC RECORDING. For purposes of this Memorandum of Understanding, Electronic Recording is defined based on the level of automation and structure of the transaction. (See Attachment A for Accepted Levels for Electronic Recording currently supported). The three levels of automation are as follows: Level 1: Submitting organizations transmit scanned image original of ink signed documents to the county. The county completes the recording process in the same way as paper using the imaged copy as the source document. An electronic recording endorsement is returned to the organization in the form of a label or printing process in order for the submitting organization to append that information to the original paper document. Level 2: Submitting organizations transmit scanned images of ink signed documents along with electronic indexing information to the county. The county performs an electronic examination of the imaged documents and indexing data, and then completes the recording process using the imaged copy and electronic indexing information. The electronic version of the recorded document is returned electronically to the submitting organization along with the electronic recording data. Level 3: Submitting organizations transmit documents which have been created, signed and notarized electronically along with the electronic indexing information or a Smart documents which are a single object containing the electronic version of the document in such a way that enables the electronic extraction of data from the object. Smart documents are required to be signed and notarized electronically. Electronic signatures must comply with the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (UETA), K.S.A. 16-1601, et seq. The county performs an electronic examination of the electronic documents and indexing information then completes the recording process using the electronic documents. The Electronic version of the recorded document and electronic recording data is returned and Smart documents are made available to the submitting organization.
ELECTRONIC RECORDING. The parties to this Agreement may electronically record any telephone communications with one another relating to any preliminary or final notices of any Borrowing or any extension and conversion of Loans pursuant to Section 2.6 or 2.
ELECTRONIC RECORDING. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx & Co., Inc. may record your conversations with its employees in the Trading Department and other areas. You consent to such recording.
ELECTRONIC RECORDING. If a dispute arises between Customer and Bank with respect to one or more terms of any Wire Transfer request initiated, amended, or confirmed by telephonic communication, then any electronic recording of the telephonic communication maintained by Bank in the ordinary course of business shall be conclusive as to the terms of the Wire Transfer in dispute.
ELECTRONIC RECORDING. Customer acknowledges and understands that there are federal and state statutes governing the electronic recording of telephone conversations and Veracity will not be liable for any illegal use of the service. Because Customer circumstances vary widely, Customers should carefully review their own circumstances when deciding whether to use the recording features of the service and it is the Customer’s responsibility to determine if the electronic recordings are legal under the federal and state statutes. Veracity is not responsible for any misinterpretation, lack of understanding or lack of knowledge regarding the use of electronic recordings or the use of its products by Customer whether legal or illegal.
ELECTRONIC RECORDING. Customer acknowledges and agrees that there are federal and state statutes governing the electronic recording of telephone conversations and that hellospoke will not be liable for any illegal use of the service by Custom- er or any other User. Because Customer circumstances vary widely, Customer agrees to carefully review its own circumstances when deciding whether to use the recording features of the service and it is Customer’s responsibility to determine if the elec- tronic recordings are legal under applicable federal and state laws. hellospoke is not responsible for any misinterpretation, lack of understanding or lack of knowledge regarding the use of electronic recordings or the use of its products by Customer, whether legal or illegal, and Customer will defend, indemnify, and hold hellospoke harmless from any action, claim, cost, damage, xx- xxxx, expense, fine, liability, and/or penalty arising from or related to alleged or actual breach or violation by Customer or any other User of any applicable electronic recording law. Customer agrees and acknowledges that these obligations and limitations are reasonable and are in addition to and supplementary of other defense, indemnity, hold harmless, and/or liability limitations benefitting hellospoke in this Agreement. Customer agrees that hellospoke may, at its sole discretion, record any call between hel- lospoke and Customer for hellospoke quality control purposes.
ELECTRONIC RECORDING. The Commercial Customer and the Bank agree that they can electronically file and retain all their telephone conversations or data transmissions between them or their agents related to any of the Services.
ELECTRONIC RECORDING. All observations shall be conducted openly. Mechanical or electronic devices shall not be used to listen to or record the procedures of any class without the prior knowledge and consent of the teacher.
ELECTRONIC RECORDING. Aggregation or Comparison of Amounts in Different Currencies; Calculation of Certain Fees.