Focused Evaluation. The Focused Evaluation is used when a teacher is not evaluated using the Comprehensive Evaluation process, and will include evaluation of one of the eight state criteria (student growth impact required). If a non-provisional teacher has scored at Proficient or higher the previous year, they may be moved to Focused Evaluation. The teacher may remain on the Focused Evaluation for five (5) years before returning to the Comprehensive Evaluation. The teacher or the evaluator can initiate a move from the Focused to the Comprehensive Evaluation. A decision to move a teacher from a Focused to a Comprehensive Evaluation must occur by December 15.
Focused Evaluation. 5.9.1 The Focused evaluation will include student growth rubrics of the selected criterion. Selected criterion must be approved by the teacher’s evaluator. If criterion 3, 6, or 8 is selected, evaluators will use those student growth rubrics. If criterion 1, 2, 4, 5 or 7 is selected, the evaluation will include student growth criterion 3 or 6. All classroom teachers must be evaluated at least once every four (4) six (6) years using the comprehensive evaluation.
Focused Evaluation. Non-Classroom Teacher – Is for use by non-classroom teachers who have shown satisfactory performance on the Long Form Evaluation and have a continuing contract. Non-classroom teachers can be on a Focused Evaluation for up to five years before cycling back onto a Long Form Evaluation. They may return to a Focused Evaluation after one year scoring Proficient or Distinguished on a Long Form Evaluation.
Focused Evaluation. The Focused Evaluation is used when a teacher is not evaluated using the Comprehensive Evaluation process, and will include evaluation of one of the eight state criteria. If a non-provisional teacher has scored at Proficient or higher the previous year, they may choose to be evaluated using the Focused Evaluation. The teacher may remain on the Focused Evaluation for three (3) years before returning to the Comprehensive Evaluation. The teacher or the evaluator can initiate a move from the Focused to the Comprehensive Evaluation. A decision to move a teacher from a Focused to a Comprehensive Evaluation must occur within the first ninety (90) days of the school year.
Focused Evaluation. The Focused evaluation is a growth-oriented, teacher/evaluator collaborative process that requires teachers to be evaluated as described below. A teacher must complete a Comprehensive evaluation once every six (6) years. In subsequent years, teachers will be evaluated on a Focused evaluation unless a comprehensive is requested by the teacher or supervisor. Reflecting the new language of WAC 392-191A-120, a summative score is assigned using the summative score of the most recent comprehensive evaluation. This score becomes the focused summative evaluation score for any of the subsequent years following the comprehensive summative evaluation in which the certificated classroom teacher is placed on a focused criterion, a level 4 (Distinguished) score may be awarded by the evaluator.
Focused Evaluation. The Focused Evaluation is a growth-oriented, teacher/evaluator collaborative process that requires teachers to be evaluated on one (1) of the eight (8) state criteria. A teacher must complete a minimum of one Comprehensive Evaluation every six (6) years. In subsequent years the teacher may be evaluated on a Focused Evaluation when this evaluation option has been mutually agreed to by both the teacher and the evaluator.
Focused Evaluation. 1. School districts must ensure that all classroom teachers are observed for the purpose of focused evaluation at least twice each school year in the performance of their assigned duties. As appropriate, the evaluation of the certificated classroom teacher may include the observation of duties that occur outside of the classroom setting. School districts must ensure that all employees who are subject to a focused evaluation are observed for a period of no less than sixty (60) minutes during each school year.
Focused Evaluation. In the years when a comprehensive summative evaluation is not required, classroom teachers who received a comprehensive evaluation performance rating of level 3 or above the previous school year are required to complete a focused evaluation. A focused evaluation includes an assessment of one of the eight criteria selected for a performance rating plus professional growth activities specifically linked to the criteria.
Focused Evaluation. In the years when a comprehensive summative evaluation is not required, teachers who received a comprehensive summative evaluation performance rating of level 3 or above in the previous school year may choose to complete a focused evaluation. The District and the Association agree that it is not desirable for a teacher to be placed on probation from a Focused Evaluation Process. Transfer from the focused to the comprehensive summative evaluation may be at the request of the teacher or at the direction of the teacher’s evaluator. A request or decision to transfer a teacher from a focused to a comprehensive summative evaluation must be communicated, in writing, between the evaluator and the teacher on or before October 31st, unless a later date is mutually agreed to by the evaluator and the teacher.
Focused Evaluation. Section 11.7.32 The focused evaluation of classroom teachers must include at the minimum: