Employee Called as a Witness. Upon reasonable notification, the Employer will grant leave with pay to a witness called by an employee who is a party to the grievance.
Employee Called as a Witness. The Employer shall grant leave without loss of pay to an employee called as a witness by an Arbitration Board and, where operational requirements permit, leave without loss of pay to an employee called as a witness by the Union, provided the dispute involves the Employer. On application, the arbitration board may determine summarily the amount of time required for the attendance of any witness.
Employee Called as a Witness. The Employer will grant leave with pay to an employee called as a witness by an Arbitration Board, in an Alternative Dispute Resolution process, or Conciliation Board hearing; all of which are as defined in the Public Service Labour Relations Act.
Employee Called as a Witness. The Council will grant leave with pay to an employee called as a witness by an Arbitration Board, Public Interest Commission or an Alternative Dispute Resolution Process and, where operational requirements permit, leave with pay to an employee called as a witness by the Institute.
Employee Called as a Witness. Where operational requirements permit, the Employer will grant leave with pay to a witness called by an employee who is a party.
Employee Called as a Witness. The Employer shall grant leave without loss of pay to an employee called as a witness.
Employee Called as a Witness. The Employer will grant leave with pay:
(a) to an employee called as a witness by the FPSLREB, and
(b) where operational requirements permit, to an employee called as a witness by an employee or the Institute.
Employee Called as a Witness. Where operational requirements permit, the Employer shall grant leave with pay to an employee who is called as a witness by an employee who is a party to an adjudication. MEETINGS DURING THE GRIEVANCE PROCESS
Employee Called as a Witness. The Corporation will grant leave with pay to an employee called as a witness by a Conciliation Board and, where operational requirements permit, leave with pay to an employee called as a witness by the Association.
Employee Called as a Witness. Each party shall bear the expenses of its participants and witnesses and for the preparation and presentation of its own case. The fees and expenses of the chair and the hearing room and any other expenses incidental to the arbitration hearing shall be shared equally by the parties.