Compensation Schedule Except as otherwise provided herein, employees shall be compensated within the pay range assigned to the classification of the position in which they are employed and in accordance with the pertinent conditions of employment enumerated in this Agreement. Sec. 503 REGULAR PAY DAY: Employees shall be paid on or about the Friday following the end of the biweekly payroll period.
Employee List No later than five (5) Business Days after the Bank Closing Date, the Assuming Institution shall provide the Receiver with a list of all Failed Bank employees the Assuming Institution will not hire. Unless otherwise agreed, the Assuming Institution shall pay all salaries and payroll costs for all Failed Bank employees until the list is provided to the Receiver. The Assuming Institution shall be responsible for all costs and expenses (i.e., salary, benefits, etc.) associated with all other employees not on that list from and after the date of delivery of the list to the Receiver. The Assuming Institution shall offer to the Failed Bank employees it retains employment benefits comparable to those the Assuming Institution, offers its current employees.
Vacation Schedule 1. Vacation periods shall be fixed by the Employer to suit the requirements of his business, but as far as possible and practicable, vacations will be given during the summer months, and for employees with school-age children, during the school vacations. Vacation periods shall be unbroken unless by mutual consent between Employer and employee, or where it is impractical. Grievances relating to this Section shall be subject to the Adjustment and Arbitration Procedure in this Agreement. 2. Time off, based upon service in the Industry Vacation Plan, may be granted to an employee by mutual agreement between the Employer and the employee. The Employer shall not be required to give time off based upon service under the Industry Vacation Plan. However, if such additional industry vacation time off is granted to an employee, such time off shall be counted as time worked for the purpose of computing the employee's earned vacation benefits on his next anniversary date of employment.
Employee Lists The Controller shall also provide with each payment a list of employees paying membership fees and a list of employees paying service fees. All such lists shall contain the employee's name, employee number, classification, department number and amount deducted.
Secondment Where an Employee is being seconded from the Employer to a position involving the Health Sector of the Broader Public Sector, the terms and conditions of the secondment agreement will be established by agreement of the Employer and the Union.
Transition Plan In the event of termination by the LHIN pursuant to this section, the LHIN and the HSP will develop a Transition Plan. The HSP agrees that it will take all actions, and provide all information, required by the LHIN to facilitate the transition of the HSP’s clients.
Employee Termination A) Regular employees other than those serving a probationary period, shall give twenty-eight (28) calendar days written notice of termination to a representative designated by the Employer with the authority to accept such written notice. B) In addition to the twenty-eight (28) calendar day notice, regular employees in positions above the level of general staff nurse shall inform the Employer of their intention to terminate as soon in advance as possible. C) The period of notice as set forth in (A) above must be for time scheduled to be worked and must not include accrued vacation, unless such vacation has been previously scheduled and approved in accordance with Article 45.03 -
Project Employment A. Permanent project employees have layoff rights. Options will be determined using the procedure outlined in Sections 35.9 and 35.10, above. B. Permanent status employees who left regular classified positions to accept project employment without a break in service have layoff rights within the Employer in which they held permanent status to the job classification they held immediately prior to accepting project employment.
Part-Time Employees Employees who are scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours per workweek.
Employee Notification A copy of any disciplinary action or material related to employee performance which is placed in the personnel file shall be provided to the employee (the employee so noting receipt, or the supervisor noting employee refusal to acknowledge receipt) or sent by certified mail (return receipt requested) to the employee's last address appearing on the Employer's records.