Exit Management Plan Sample Clauses

Exit Management Plan i. The selected bidder shall provide RISL or its nominated agencies with a recommended exit management plan ("Exit Management Plan") which shall deal with at least the following aspects of exit management in relation to the SLA as a whole and in relation to the Project Implementation, the Operation and Management SLA and SOWs. ii. A detailed program of the transfer process that could be used in conjunction with a replacement operator including details of the means to be used to ensure continuing provision of the services throughout the transfer process or until the cessation of the services and of the management structure to be used during the transfer; and iii. Plans for the communication with such of the selected bidder's, staff, suppliers, customers and any related third party as are necessary to avoid any material detrimental impact on RISL operations as a result of undertaking the transfer; and iv. If applicable, proposed arrangements and Plans for provision of contingent support in terms of business continuance and hand holding during the transition period, to RISL or its nominated agencies, and Replacement Operator for a reasonable period, so that the services provided continue and do not come to a halt. v. The Bidder shall re-draft the Exit Management Plan annually after signing of contract to ensure that it is kept relevant and up to date. vi. Each Exit Management Plan shall be presented by the selected bidder to and approved by RISL or its nominated agencies. vii. In the event of termination or expiry of SLA, Project Implementation, Operation and Management SLA or SOWs each party shall comply with the Exit Management Plan. viii. During the exit management period, the selected bidder shall use its best efforts to deliver the services. ix. Payments during the Exit Management period shall be made in accordance with the Terms of Payment Clause. x. It would be the responsibility of the selected bidder to support new operator during the transition period.
Exit Management Plan a) The Partner shall provide the Director, CSB/XXXXX XXXXXX Project with a recommended exit management plan ("Exit Management Plan") which shall deal with at least the following aspects of exit management in relation to the MSA as a whole and in relation to the Project Implementation, and the Operation and Management SLA. i. A detailed program of the transfer process that could be used in conjunction with a Replacement Partner including details of the means to be used to ensure continuing provision of the services throughout the transfer process or until the cessation of the services and of the management structure to be used during the transfer; ii. plans for the communication with such of the Partner's sub contractors, staff, suppliers, customers and any related third party as are necessary to avoid any material detrimental impact on CSB/SUGAM XXXXXX Project's operations as a result of undertaking the transfer; iii. (if applicable) proposed arrangements for the segregation of the Partner's networks from the networks employed by CSB/XXXXX XXXXXX PROJECT and identification of specific security tasks necessary at termination; iv. plans for provision of contingent support to CSB/XXXXX XXXXXX PROJECT, and Replacement Partner for a reasonable period after transfer. v. The Partner shall re-draft the Exit Management Plan annually thereafter to ensure that it is kept relevant and up to date. vi. Each Exit Management Plan shall be presented by the Partner to and approved by the Director, CSB/SUGAM XXXXXX Project or its nominated agencies. vii. The terms of payment as stated in the Terms of Payment Schedule include the costs of the Partner complying with its obligations under this Schedule. viii. In the event of termination or expiry of MSA, Project Implementation, or Operation and Management SLA, each Party shall comply with the Exit Management Plan. ix. During the exit management period, the Partner shall use its best efforts to deliver the services. x. Payments during the Exit Management period shall be made in accordance with the Terms of Payment Schedule. xi. This Exit Management plan shall be furnished in writing to the Director, CSB/SUGAM XXXXXX Project or its nominated agencies within 90 days from the Effective Date of this Agreement.
Exit Management Plan. 7.1. An Exit Management plan shall be furnished by Shelter Management Agency in writing to the DUSIB or its nominated agencies within 90 (ninety) days from the Effective Date, which shall deal with at least the following aspects of exit management in relation to the Agreement as a whole. 7.2. A detailed program of the transfer process that could be used in conjunction with a replacement Shelter Management Agency including details of the means to be used to ensure continuing provision of the services throughout the transfer process or until the cessation of the services and of the management structure to be used during the transfer.
Exit Management Plan. 2.1 Within one year of the Commencement Date the Partner Authorities shall develop an Exit Management Plan. 2.2 The Exit Management Plan will be approved by the Joint Committee with or without amendment and will be reviewed by the Joint Committee at least once every two years for as long as this Agreement shall continue.
Exit Management Plan. 26.1 In the event of termination of this Agreement by either Party for any reason whatsoever, DigiBlu will continue to render the Services for a period of three (3) months, or such period as the Parties may agree in writing, on the same terms and conditions as set out in the Contract Documents (including but not limited to payment of Services as per agreed pricing) and provide such transitional assistance to the Customer as the Customer may reasonably require, should the Customer at its discretion request the same. 26.2 This will enable the Customer to resume performance of the Service internally or transfer the provision of the Service to another service provider without any material degradation of the Services prior to DigiBlu ceasing to provide the Service to the Customer.
Exit Management Plan. The Exit Management Plan shall:
Exit Management Plan. If included as part of any tender process leading to the award of this Contract, within three months of the Start Date or if there has been no tender process and the Fund so requests, within three (3) months of such request, the Service Provider shall develop and agree an exit plan with the Fund, consistent with any Exit Requirements notified to the Service Provider from time to time, which shall ensure continuity of the Services on expiry or earlier termination of this Contract. The Service Provider shall provide the Fund with the first draft of an exit plan within one (1) month of the request. If the parties cannot agree an exit plan in accordance with the timescales set out in this Clause 24.1 (such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed), such failure to agree shall be deemed a dispute to be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedure set out in Clause 55. Once agreed such exit plan shall be the “Exit Management Plan”. The parties shall review and, as appropriate, update the Exit Management Plan on each anniversary of the Start Date of this Contract.
Exit Management Plan. 2.1 The Exit Management Plan shall include (without limitation) the following: 2.1.1 a list, by reference to each part of the Services, of the staff resources and key personnel (if any) used to provide such Services; 2.1.2 a detailed programme for the transfer process for use in conjunction with the Contracting Body or (as the case may be) a Successor Service Provider in the event that the Services (or their equivalent or any part thereof) are to be transferred to the Contracting Body or (as the case may be) a Successor Service Provider including details of: the means to be used to ensure an orderly and prompt transfer of responsibility for providing the relevant Services to the Successor Service Provider while maintaining continuing provision of the Services throughout the transfer process; the process for handing responsibility for any work in progress and/or ongoing liabilities to the Successor Service Provider; the management structure to be employed during transfer; and arrangements for the assignment or novation of contracts of the Service Provider to the Contracting Body or, if it so directs, a Successor Service Provider; 2.1.3 plans for communication with the Service Provider (and the Staff) and the Contracting Body's staff and suppliers and Service Users, to avoid any detrimental impact on the Contracting Body's operations as a result of termination of the Agreement; 2.1.4 rules and procedures which will be adopted by the Service Provider to ensure that it does not make inappropriate use of, or gain an unfair advantage as a result of, any information gained by the Service Provider during any process for the tender of the Services (or their equivalent or any part thereof); and 2.1.5 plans for provision of contingent support to the Contracting Body or a Successor Service Provider for a reasonable period after transfer for the purposes of providing services replacing the Services.
Exit Management Plan. 5.5.1 The HSP should submit a detailed exit management plan and revise it on yearly basis to keep it relevant and up-to-date as specified in the Section 3 of RFP Vol. I. 5.5.2 The HSP should also comply with the exit management plan in case of termination as specified in the clause 8.2 Termination of Contract.
Exit Management Plan.  An Exit Management plan shall be furnished by SI in writing to the Authority within 90 days from the date of signing the Contract, which shall deal with at least the following aspects of exit management in relation to the contract as a whole and in relation to the Project Implementation, and Service Level monitoring. i. A detailed program of the transfer process that could be used in conjunction with a Replacement Service Provider including details of the means to be used to ensure continuing provision of the services throughout the transfer process or until the cessation of the services and of the management structure to be used during the transfer; ii. Plans for provision of contingent support to Project and Replacement Service Provider for a reasonable period after transfer. iii. Exit Management plan in case of normal termination of Contract period iv. Exit Management plan in case of any eventuality due to which Project is terminated before the contract period. v. Exit Management plan in case of termination of SI  Exit Management plan at the minimum adhere to the following: i. Three (3) months of the support to Replacement Service Provider post termination of the Contract ii. Complete handover of the Planning documents, bill of materials, functional requirements specification, technical specifications of all equipment’s, change requests if any, sources codes, wherever applicable, reports, documents and other relevant items to the Replacement Service Provider/ Authority iii. Certificate of Acceptance from authorized representative of Replacement Service Provider issued to SI on successful completion of handover and knowledge transfer  In the event of termination or expiry of the contract, Project Implementation, or Service Level monitoring, both Bidder and Authority shall comply with the Exit Management Plan.  During the exit management period, SI shall use its best efforts to deliver the services.