Explanation of the Sample Clauses

Explanation of the. “reactor anomaly” Within the field theoretical approaches to neutrino flavor oscillations It is shown that for relatively short but macroscopic baselines, there must be a small violation of the classical inverse-square law for the neutrino flux. Numerical results provide an explanation of the long-standing “reactor anomaly”.
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Explanation of the article in detail The components of the agreement’s head section clarify who shall be the Parties to the agreement. They are called the “Provider” and the “Recipient” and are the institutions competent to regulate the subject matter of the agreement. They are the legal persons that bear the rights and duties of the agreement. The signatory on the Provider side will normally be a governmental authority. The competence may however be delegated to a research institution. This depends 336 Xxxxxxxx xxx Xxxxx et al. on the domestic law of the Provider State. In order to identify who is the compe- tent authority to sign an ABS agreement, the researcher should consult the national focal point on ABS of the Provider State. Further clarity can be obtained from the international ABS Clearing-House which shall be established according to Article 14 NP (not operational as of now). Its mission is to provide information on the national focal point and/or the national authority competent for access and benefit-sharing decisions. At the time of the composition of this commentary (December 2014), the Clearing-House is entering the pilot phase. Meanwhile, however, researchers may directly consult the website of the CBD (xxx.xxx.xxx), which provides links to relevant national websites on ABS. On the Recipient side, the signatory will normally be a legal (public or private) entity such as a research organization or an industrial enterprise. The Recipient shall not be the individual researcher but the institution that employs the researcher. This ensures that the agreement survives changes of personnel and that its implementation is surveyed. The principal content of the agreement is the regulation of access to genetic resources (Article 3), their utilization (Article 4) and their transfer to third parties (Article 5.1), the management (Article 6dissemination of knowledge) and transfer to third parties of associated knowledge (Article 5.2), and the sharing of benefits drawn from the utilization. Benefits are regulated in Article 7 (acknowl- edgement of the role of scientists), Article 8 (recording and reporting), Article 9 (sharing of information), Article 10 (scientific collaboration with the Provider State and capacity building), and Article 11 (monetary benefits). A detailed analysis follows under the respective Articles. It is also necessary to define the geographical scope applicable for the Recipi- ent’s collection of genetic resources: the Provider State’s internal wa...
Explanation of the article in detail
Explanation of the article in detail Within the framework of capacity building, the Model Agreement foresees col- laboration between the Recipient and scientists from the Provider State. Since the collaboration is related to the utilization activities and given that the defini- tion of utilization (see Article 2) includes research and development, Article 10 implies that the collaboration may extend to all the utilization activities. The Parties have to indicate the actual level of involvement of the scientists of the Provider State from the sampling activities to the analyzing phase. This is left to the mutually agreed terms of the Model Agreement. However, given the shared research ethos of the Micro B3 Project, it is expected to create the conditions for a strong collaboration between scientists. Moreover, it is important to notice that the Micro B3 Project offers limited possibilities to attend training courses and summer schools on different relevant disciplines. This possibility could also be mentioned in the “specifications” of the Article, if agreed by the Provider and the Recipient.

Related to Explanation of the

  • Explanation (i) The Total Price above includes the booking amount paid by the allottee to the Promoter towards the Apartment;

  • Overview (a) The Employer is committed to maintaining a stable and skilled workforce, recognising its contribution to the operation of the Employer. As such, full time direct and ongoing employment is a guiding principle of this Agreement.

  • Description of the service 9.1.1 Internet banking service implies an ability for the client to manage and receive remotely the following services from the bank by means of using the special Internet-site of the bank xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx:

  • Description of Goods or Services and Additional Terms and Conditions The Contractor shall perform as set forth in Exhibit A. For purposes of this Contract, to perform and the performance in Exhibit A is referred to as “Perform” and the “Performance.”

  • Explanation of Benefits Contractor shall send each Enrollee an Explanation of Benefits to Enrollees in Plans that issue Explanation of Benefits or similar documents as required by Federal and State laws, rules, and regulations. The Explanation of Benefits and other documents shall be in a form that is consistent with industry standards.

  • Description of the Services 1.1 The scope of the service to be rendered is described more fully in the Annexures and Schedules referred to below: ❑ Annexure A – Scope / Specification ❑ Annexure C – Pricing Schedule 2 DELIVERABLES AND COMPLETION DATE The Deliverables, due for completion by and governed by this Schedule 1. In the event that the Service Provider fails to meet the delivery dates as agreed, the following penalties will be imposed:

  • Interview Questions Explanation Why do you want to be a Board member? What specific skills would you bring to the Board? Please give specific examples of your ability in interpersonal relationships and teamwork. What do you see as the role of a Board member? What have you done to prepare yourself for the challenges of being a Board member? Interview questions are at the Board's sole discretion. This list is not exhaustive, but it may help the Board tailor its questions toward finding a candidate who will approach Board membership with a clear understanding of its demands and expectations along with a constructive attitude toward the challenge. The Board may also want to consider allowing an equal amount of time for each interview. Please describe your previous community or non-profit experiences. What areas in the district would you like to see the Board strengthen? See IASB's Recruiting School Board Candidates, available at: xxx.xxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx.xxx A prospective candidate to fill a vacancy may raise other specific issues that the Board will want to cover during an interview. What is your availability to meet the time, training commitments, and other responsibilities required for Board membership? Describe what legacy you would like to leave behind. Conduct interviews with candidates (interviews may occur in closed session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(3)). Interview Plan Explanation In each interview, the Board President will: Introduce Board members to the candidate at the beginning of the interview. Describe the Board's interview process, selection process, and ask the candidate if he or she has questions about the Board's process for filling a vacancy by appointment. Describe the District's philosophy or mission statement. Describe the vacancy for the candidate by reviewing the: (1) qualifications, and (2) general duties and responsibilities of the Board and the Board members, including fiduciary responsibilities, conflict of interest, ethics and gift ban, and general Board member development. Begin asking the interview questions that the Board developed. Ask the candidate whether he or she has any questions for the Board. Thank the candidate and inform the candidate when the Board expects to make a decision and how the candidate will be contacted regarding the Board's decision. The Board President will lead the Board as it interviews prospective candidates. See Board policy 2:110, Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers. The president presides at all meetings. 105 ILCS 5/10-13. The Board may also want to consider allowing an equal amount of time for each interview. Fill vacancy by a vote during an open meeting of the Board before the 60th day (105 ILCS 5/10-10, amended by P.A. 101-67, eff. 1-1-20). Assist the appointed Board member in filing his or her statement of economic interest (5 ILCS 420/4A-105(c). Announce the appointment to District staff and community. Announcement Explanation The Board appointed [appointee's name] to fill the vacancy on the Board. The appointment will be from [date] to [date]. The Board previously established qualifications for the appointee in a careful and thoughtful manner. [Appointee's name] meets these qualifications and has demonstrated the willingness to accept the duties and responsibilities of a Board member. [Appointee's name] brings a clear understanding of the demands and expectations of being a Board member along with a constructive attitude toward the challenge. The contents of the appointment announcement and length of time it is displayed are at the Board's sole discretion. The Board may want to consider announcing the appointment during its meeting and also by posting it in the same places that it posted the vacancy announcement. See Board policy 8:10, Connection with the Community. Administer the Oath of Office and begin orientation. Guidelines Explanation See Board policy 2:80, Board Member Oath and Conduct. Each individual, before taking his or her seat on the Board, must take an oath in substantially the form given in 105 ILCS 5/10-16.5. See Board policy 2:120, Board Member Development, and 2:120-E, Guidelines for Serving as a Mentor to a NewSchool Board Member. Orientation assists new Board members to learn, understand, and practice effective governance principles. See the IASB Foundational Principles of Effective Governance, available at: xxx.xxxx.xxx/xxxxxxxxxx_xxxxx.xxx. Inform IASB of the newly appointed Board member's name and directory information. DATED : December 16, 2019 Ottawa THSD 140

  • Description of the Transfer The details of the transfer and of the personal data are specified in Annex B. The parties agree that Annex B may contain confidential business information which they will not disclose to third parties, except as required by law or in response to a competent regulatory or government agency, or as required under clause I(e). The parties may execute additional annexes to cover additional transfers, which will be submitted to the authority where required. Annex B may, in the alternative, be drafted to cover multiple transfers. ANNEX A

  • Recognition of Previous Experience (a) The Employer will recognize recent related RN experience on the basis of one (1) annual increment for each one (1) year of service up to the maximum of the grid. Part-time service shall be recognized on the basis of fifteen hundred (1500) hours paid in previous employment equals one

  • RECOGNITION OF THE UNION 1. The BCPSEA recognizes the BCTF as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for the negotiation and administration of all terms and conditions of employment of all employees within the bargaining unit for which the BCTF is established as the bargaining agent pursuant to PELRA and subject to the provisions of this Collective Agreement.

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