RECORDING AND REPORTING. 8.1 The Recipient shall maintain records concerning the storage and transfer of the accessed genetic resources and allow access to such records to the Provider or the authority designated by the same.
8.2 The Recipient shall report in writing to the Provider or the authority designated by the same every [insert duration] months, beginning and ending
8.3 With relation to associated genetic knowledge used for proprietary purposes specified under articles 4.3 and 4.4, the Recipient shall, when reporting according to paragraph 2 of this article, also report on any steps taken towards obtaining or implementing intellectual property protection and the selling of products or processes based on this knowledge11.
RECORDING AND REPORTING. Maintain a written record of the Client’s programmes and individual work packages and prepare and submit written and/or verbal reports to the Client at monthly intervals or at such other agreed interval appropriate to the stage of the package. When the Client considers it appropriate, submit additional written and/or verbal reports.
RECORDING AND REPORTING. General provisions Electronic logbook data Technical breakdown or failure affecting the Union vessel’s on-board recording and transmission of electronic reports Regular monitoring of catches Final statement of fees for the tuna-fishing vessels and surface long liners
RECORDING AND REPORTING. 1.8.1 The Service Provider shall ensure that relevant information about the prisoner and their engagement with Learning & Skills activities whilst in custody (as determined through the Service Provider’s Screening assessment processes, the professional engagement with Learners in terms of a Personal Development Plan or learning activities, etc) and information about the degree to which an individual has progressed (literacies and numeracy, skills and employability, etc) is available captured and recorded (through PR2 reporting or briefing), and also through the individualised Personal Development Plan, and within the e-portfolio system. The Service Provider shall ensure that the information captured is accessible and readily available to the Purchaser to support informing SPS Risk Management Team and can be reflected into the Purchaser’s Community Integration Plan (CIP) process prior to individuals being liberated.
1.8.2 The Service Provider shall submit a report including Management Information (MI) on a monthly basis as indicated in Schedule B, section 3.3.
1.8.3 The purpose of the Outcomes Measures framework is to identify, measure and evidence distance travelled through qualitative reviews. The outcome measures anticipated by the Purchaser are outlined in Appendix 4 to this Schedule B.
1.8.4 The Purchaser intends to consult with the Service Provider to ensure agreed range of MI and Outcomes Measures framework achieves the best possible fit and quality of data to support effective management, monitoring and reporting of the Services. The Service Provider shall work with the Purchaser to determine the content and detail of the monthly Management Information (MI) submissions. As such, a monthly report template (including agreed MI and Outcome Measures) will be finalised with the Service Provider prior to the Commencement Date and reporting commence from the first month following the Commencement Date. The parties acknowledge that the nature of where data is held and drawn from may alter during the term of the Contract as the body of prisoner information develops within the e-portfolio system. Notwithstanding this, the specific content, production and reporting against the outcome measures and MI requirements shall be undertaken by Service Provider.
RECORDING AND REPORTING. 8.1 The Recipient shall maintain records concerning the storage and transfer of the accessed genetic resources and allow access to such records to the Provider or the authority designated by the same. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(insert name and address of authority if applicable)
8.2 The Recipient shall report in writing to the Provider or the authority designated by the same every __________ [insert duration] months, beginning ____________ and ending __________, providing details of the progress of utilization. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(insert name and address of authority if applicable)
8.3 With relation to associated genetic knowledge used for proprietary purposes specified under Articles 4.3 and 4.4, the Recipient shall, when reporting according to paragraph 2 of this Article, also report on any steps taken towards obtaining or implementing intellectual property protection and the selling of products or processes based on this knowledge1111.
RECORDING AND REPORTING of Student Progress Communicating and providing constructive and meaningful feedback to students about their learning and behaviour. Accurate and detailed records are to be kept for each student which demonstrates the levels of achievement across all curriculum areas. Record keeping is to be in line with school-wide requirements and should be available on request from appropriately delegated staff. Teachers will be required to provide student progress records in line with school policy When required teachers will report on each students’ progress to parents and/or caregivers Reports should provide clear, accurate and constructive information on student progress and achievement Reporting will involve both written form and interview and may, by arrangement be conducted at any time during the year.
RECORDING AND REPORTING. 8.1 The Recipient shall maintain records concerning the storage and transfer of the accessed genetic resources and allow access to such records to the Provider or the authority designated by the same. _____________________________________ (insert name and address of authority if applicable)
8.2 The Recipient shall report in writing to the Provider or the authority designated by the same every __________ [insert duration] months, beginning ____________ and ending __________, providing details of the progress of utilization. ______________________________________(insert name and address of authority if applicable)
8.3 With relation to associated genetic knowledge used for proprietary purposes specified under articles 4.3 and 4.4, the Recipient shall, when reporting according to paragraph 2 of this article, also report on any steps taken towards obtaining or implementing intellectual property protection and the selling of products or processes based on this knowledge9.
RECORDING AND REPORTING. (1) The Council shall keep separate records for each crop year:
(a) for the purposes of the operation of this Convention, of all commercial purchases by members from other members and non-members and of all imports by members from other members and non-members on terms which render them special transactions; and
(b) of all commercial sales by members to non-members and of all exports by members to non-members on terms which render them special transactions.
(2) The records referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be kept so that records of special transactions are separate from records of commercial transactions.
(3) In order to facilitate the operation of the Advisory Sub-Committee on Market Conditions under Article 16, the Council shall keep records of international market prices for wheat and wheat flour and of transportation costs.
(4) In the case of any wheat which reaches the country of final destination after re-sale in, passage through, or trans-shipment from the ports of, a country other than that in which the wheat originated, members shall to the maximum extent possible make available such information as will enable the purchase or transaction to be entered in the records referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article as a purchase or transaction between the country of origin and the country of final destination. In the case of a re-sale, the provisions of this paragraph shall apply if the wheat originated in the country of origin during the same crop year.
(5) The Council may authorize purchases to be recorded for a crop year if:
(a) the loading period involved is within a reasonable time up to one month, to be decided by the Council, before the beginning or after the end of that crop year; and
(b) the two members concerned so agree.
(6) For the purpose of this Article:
(a) members shall send the Executive Secretary such information concerning the quantities of wheat involved in commercial sales and purchases and special transactions as the Council within its competence may require, including:
(i) in relation to special transactions, such detail of the transactions as will enable them to be classified in accordance with Article 3;
(ii) in respect of wheat, such information as may be available as to the type, class, grade and quality, and the quantities relating thereto.
(iii) in respect of flour, such information as may be available to identify the quality of the flour and the quantities relating to each separate quality;
(b) members...
RECORDING AND REPORTING. 8.1 The Recipient shall maintain records concerning the storage and transfer of the accessed genetic resources and allow access to such records to the Provider or the authority designated by the same. (insert name and address of authority if applicable)
8.2 The Recipient shall report in writing to the Provider or the authority designated by the same every [insert duration] months, beginning and ending (insert name and address of authority if applicable)
8.3 With relation to associated genetic knowledge used for proprietary purposes specified under Articles 4.3 and 4.4, the Recipient shall, when reporting according to paragraph 2 of this Article, also report on any steps taken towards obtaining or implementing intellectual property protection and the selling of products or processes based on this knowledge11.
RECORDING AND REPORTING. The Township of Russell shall:
2.8.1 Record with respect to every dog received by the Township of Xxxxxxx, and provide to the Township of South Stormont, by the 2nd day of December of every year, the following information recording Township of Xxxxxxx xxxxx operations for the calendar year including information provided in Schedule "A": The day and hour of receipt of every stray dog; Identifying information on every stray dog received, including, if known, its neuter status; The license number and/or other identification of every stray dog received; DRAFT The name and address of every owner of every stray dog, if known;
2.8.2 Report forthwith to the Medical Officer of Health, any instances of animals biting humans of which the Township of Xxxxxxx'x pound has knowledge.
2.8.3 Keep treatment and cost records in accordance with the College of Veterinarians of Ontario standards respecting the treatment of all Observation Animals. If requested by the Medical Officer of Health, the Township of Xxxxxxx'x Pound shall provide him/her with copies of treatment and cost records, which records the Medical Officer of Health shall keep confidential to the same extent as the veterinarian providing the records.