External Transfer Service. Our External Transfer Service allows you to transfer funds between your Account(s) and designated account(s) you own at another financial institution (External Account). By using our External Transfer Service, you agree to comply with the following requirements:
External Transfer Service. The External Transfer Service will enable you to make “Transfers,” defined as transfers moving funds to/from your Account at the Bank (“Internal Account”) to/from certain deposit or investment accounts owned by you at other financial institutions (“External Account”).
External Transfer Service. The External Transfer service offered by Bank and its service provider allows you to transfer funds to or from your eligible linked Consumer account and any other Consumer account held by you at another U.S. financial institution – referred to in these terms as “
External Transfer Service. In addition to the Online Banking features listed in Section 2.A above, Bank consumer customers with eligible linked accounts may use the External Transfer service to transfer funds to or from your eligible linked account at Bank and any other Consumer account held by you at another U.S. financial institution.
External Transfer Service. Within Digital Banking you may enroll to transfer funds between your Launch FCU savings & checking accounts and your non-Launch FCU accounts. You must be an owner of the Launch FCU account and the non-Launch FCU account. To verify you are an owner of this external account, micro-deposit verification will be required. If your transfer request is submitted prior to the 3:00pm cut-off time, funds will be debited to your Launch account the day after you submit the request or credited to your Launch account within 3 business days after you submit the request. You acknowledge and agree that Launch Federal Credit Union is relying upon the information you provide in originating an A2A transfer. Any errors in the information, including incorrect or inconsistent account names and numbers or the ABA number or name of the financial institution are my responsibility.
External Transfer Service. The External Transfer Service will enable you to make “Outbound Transfers,” defined as transfers moving funds from your Account at Peoples Bank (“Internal Account”) to certain deposit or investment accounts owned by you at other financial institutions (“External Account”). The External Transfer Service will also enable you to make “Inbound Transfers,” defined as transfers moving funds into an Internal Account from an External Account.
External Transfer Service. The following External Transfer Service Agreement (“Service Agreement”) provides the terms and conditions for you to move funds between Legacy Bank accounts (“Accounts” or “Legacy Bank Accounts”) and validated accounts in your name at another U.S. financial institution (“Third-party Accounts”). In order to provide this External Transfer Service (hereinafter “Service”) we need to verify information available about your Third-party Accounts from other financial institutions’ websites. By using this Service you authorize us to perform the verification, act as your agent to originate a funds transfer from another U.S. financial institution, ensure the funds are good, and distribute them to your Legacy Bank Account.
External Transfer Service. The External Transfer Service provides the Client with the ability to initiate a transfer of funds between accounts held at the Bank and Qualifying Accounts (as defined below) held at other financial institutions. Transactions are limited as set forth in the Designation Form, as the same may be amended or restated from time to time. Transfers from Bank to Qualifying Accounts made after 4:00 p.m. Mountain Time will be processed on the next Business Day. This Service may not be available to all business customers. A “Qualifying Account” is an account of which you are either an owner or an authorized signer designated to conduct transactions on the owner’s behalf. The Bank undertakes no obligation to monitor transactions to determine that they are executed on the owner’s behalf. Any account information and activity regarding Qualifying Accounts at other financial institutions cannot be accessed through the Service. By enrolling in or using the External Transfer Service, you represent that you are an owner of the enrolled external account(s) and are authorized by any other owners of the external account(s) to enroll said account(s) to make external transfers. You authorize the Bank to correct any errors that the Bank identifies in conjunction with the transfer request. You agree to enroll only checking, savings and money market accounts and are aware that not all types of accounts are eligible for external account transfers. Ineligible accounts may include, without limitation, IRAs, certificates of deposit, trusts, custodial accounts, corporate accounts, and other types of accounts. All external account transfers are subject to the rules and regulations of the other financial institution. You agree not to transfer any funds to an external account where the transfer would not be allowed under the rules and regulations of such accounts. As a condition to using the External Transfer Service, you agree that you are solely responsible for the use of such service and that you will use the service in accordance with this Agreement. You agree it is your responsibility to ensure you enter valid and correct external account information. External account transfers sent to invalid or incorrect account numbers may Rev. June 2018 1 not be recoverable and the Bank is not responsible for returning funds due to an unrecoverable external account transfer error. The standard external transfer is limited in amount as set forth in the Designation Form, as the same may be amended o...
External Transfer Service. 4.8.1. The External Transfer Service permits you, through Digital Banking, to electronically transfer money (“External Transfer”) from your linked Account(s) to accounts (“External Account(s)”) at other financial institutions that are located in the United States and have valid ABA routing/transit numbers ("Approved Financial Institution(s)"). An External Transfer moves funds from a linked Account to an External Account at an Approved Financial Institution. You will need to enroll each External Account that you wish to use with
4.8.2. To enroll an External Account in the Service, you will need the routing/transit number and account number of the External Account you wish to enroll, which can be found on a deposit slip or check for that account. You understand and agree that at all times your relationship with each Approved Financial Institution is independent of Bank and your use of the Service. Bank will not be responsible for any acts or omissions by an Approved Financial Institution, including, without limitation, any modification, interruption or discontinuance of any External Account by the Approved Financial Institution. Additionally, all External Transfers are also subject to the rules and regulations governing the relevant External Accounts. You agree not to effect any External Transfers to an External Account that are not allowed under the rules or regulations applicable to such External Account including, without limitation, rules or regulations designed to prevent the transfer of funds in violation of regulations of the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) of the United States Treasury Department.
4.8.3. The External Transfer Service is a Consumer product and is not intended for Businesses. Bank offers Businesses other similar products designed for commercial use (treasury management services). In the event Bank becomes aware that Business accounts are being used to conduct External Transfers utilizing this Service, you agree that Bank has the right to terminate your use of this Service.
4.8.4. You will be charged a fee for each External Transfer you make. The amount of the fee will either be disclosed on our Common Fee Schedule or provided to you at the time you make an External Transfer. We may change this fee from time to time by the procedures outlined in Article IX for amending this Agreement.
4.8.5. The following information pertains to the processing of External Transfers:
.1. You may schedule External Transfers to be initiated on the c...
External Transfer Service. The External Transfer Service is a feature of Fourth Capital's Online Banking. This Service allows you to electronically transfer funds from your personal checking or savings account at Fourth Capital ("Eligible Account") to an enrolled personal checking or savings account that you own at another U.S. financial institution ("External Account"). You can also electronically transfer funds from an External Account to your Eligible Transfer Account at Fourth Capital. If you have Business Accounts under your personal banking Login ID, you will not be eligible for the External Transfer Service.