Extra List. An Extra List will be established and posted Thursday of each week, in each center or building, except for inside jobs, and will be kept to a maximum of ten (10%) percent of the assigned seniority employees in each center by classification. There shall be no Extra List from Thanksgiving week until December 24 of the same year.
Extra List. The Authority agrees to make every reasonable effort to keep a sufficient number of extra employees on the extra list in each division to reasonably assure the regular operators against extra duty, and when it can be shown that this is not being done the Authority agrees to remedy conditions at the earliest possible time.
Extra List. The Employer shall maintain an extra banquet server list which shall contain employees who work on an on-call basis for the Hotel.
Extra List. At terminals where engineers are assigned to service known as "Extra List." the number so assigned shall be kept down to a point where the men will not make less than 21 days per month.
Extra List once all runs have been bid, and have gone into effect, an extra list shall be established to handle work on a day to day, week to week basis. The minimum positions available to work the extra list shall be equal to the available vacation positions available. The extra list shall be established in two (2) parts:
1) Regular full-time extra persons
2) All others covering work
(1) employees will receive the first available piece of work that will work the employee as close to eight (8) hours as possible. Part (1) of the Extra List shall be made up from the top down as follows:
1) Extra employees on their regular work day Part (1) of the Extra List shall only be used until these employees have worked a day's work. Part (2) of the Extra List shall be made up from the top down as follows:
1) Part-time Coach Operators
2) Jumped Coach Operators
3) All other employees in accordance with their group seniority as in Section 17.03. All available work that can be assigned is crewed out by rotation and time out to full-time operators first and then part- time operators. Whatever work is left, if any, will then be assigned to the jumped operators by seniority so long as they called in according to section 26.01 of the CBA. Jumped employees who do not call in according to 26.01 will be placed at the very bottom of the list. Management shall start marking the list at 3:00 p.m. and shall post the list by 3:30 p.m. daily, and shall start marking the list at 8:30a.m. and shall post the list by 9:00a.m. Saturday designating the reports for Sunday and Monday. Management shall continue marking the list at 8:00 a.m. and shall post the list by 8:30 a.m. designating reports for the p.m. for the same day. The extra list marking sheet shall be made available to a proper Union representative upon request. Management shall mark all work that is known open at the start of the marking period, management is not required to change the list during the 1/2 hour marking period for any reason.
Extra List. Section 1: Extra list shall be comprised of those operators not picking runs or pullouts as per Articles 45, 46, 47, and 48.
Extra List. A. Subdivided Extra Lists may be established at points as needed in each seniority district. Employes reverting to the Extra List will designate, in writing, the Extra List of their choice. Employes hired for Extra List work will be assigned to a designated Extra List by Management. Employes may transfer from one Extra List to another at their own expense within their seniority district after giving a written fifteen (15) day advance notice to the proper officer, subject to approval by Management. Refusal shall be in writing, giving bona fide reasons therefor which if unacceptable may be handled as a grievance. Employes leaving an Extra List will have their names removed from that list and added to the list which transferring in seniority order and will not be subject to call for assignments on their former territory thereafter.
B. If and when a Rotating Extra Board in the same territory is exhausted or has no available qualified employes, available Extra List employes will be called for service for which qualified within their territory on a seniority basis. Known vacancies within a two (2) hours starting time period will be filled in seniority preference. If one Extra List becomes exhausted, available employes on adjacent Extra Lists, in the same seniority district, may be called in order of seniority. When such Extra List employes complete their specific assignments on another list or an Extra List employe in that District becomes available, the transferred extra employes will return to their assigned Extra Lists.
C. The Carrier shall establish three (3) call periods of two (2) hours each for each extra list during which time the employes assigned thereto will be subject to calls. Calls may be made during hours outside of the call periods but the Extra List employes will not be considered as missing a call under such circumstances. Call periods shall not be changed without a fifteen (15) day advance written notice to the Extra List employes involved.
D. Extra List employes will return to their Extra List at the completion of their assignment except that those not having forty
Extra List. The Carrier will establish an extra list at Oklahoma City to protect temporary vacancies on the Oklahoma City Branch that currently consists of the following assignments:
1. Shawnee Local
2. Oklahoma City Yard Switcher
3. Oklahoma City El Xxxx XXX
4. Oklahoma City - Wichita Pool The extra list at Chickasha may be required to protect vacancies on the Oklahoma City Branch absent available crews.
Extra List. An Extra List is established each time there is a General Division Pick of runs, which is in January, June and in September. The operator having the greater seniority is first on the Extra List and such list shall begin to rotate and continue in force until the next General Division Pick. Operators losing their runs during Division, Line or Holiday Picks shall be placed on the Extra List according to their seniority standing among those on the Extra List.
Section (1) MTA shall endeavor to maintain an adequate Extra List at each Operating Division. Such list shall be maintained on a rotating basis so as to provide all extra operators with equal opportunities, as far as possible, of obtaining work assignments. The order of “xxxx-up” on the Extra List for the next day’s work assignment shall be as follows:
(a) Extra operators who have shown up during the day, but who have not worked either a run paying eight (8) hours or a total of eight (8) hours of assignments, this includes show-up time;
Extra List. Articles in this section relate only to Employees classified as regular extra list operators