FAMILY VISITATION. 29.01 With the prior approval of the Master, which will not be unreasonably withheld, an Officer may, only while the vessel is in port, bring their spouse and family aboard for a visit, with the exception of children under twelve (12) years of age. Immediately upon coming on board, the Officer and their family members must sign a waiver releasing the Company from all liability and while on board must observe the Company's safety policy. 29.02 Subject to approval of the Company and vessel’s Master, and having adequate lifesaving apparatus onboard, an Officer who has completed ninety (90) days’ service, shall be allowed to have their partner on board for up to thirty (30) days per calendar year. Only Officers who are entitled to a single accommodation are eligible. The Company, at its sole discretion, may restrict the number of partners on board to no more than two (2) at any time. Partners will not interfere with the normal operational of the vessel.
FAMILY VISITATION. An Employee who has completed one (1) full year of service with the Company, may make arrangements to have his spouse (or common law spouse) accompany him on board for a period of up to, but no more than, fifteen (15) days once each calendar year provided the Employee's accommodations are suitable single room). This privilege will only be granted on voyages Canadian waters excluding the Arctic. Requests for such visitation shall be made in writing a minimum of thirty (30) days in advance and shall be granted on a first come first serve basis. These arrangements will be approved for only one (1) unlicensed employee's spouse (or common law spouse) at a time. The spouse (or common law spouse) shall not interfere in any way with the operation of the vessel and shall sign a waiver releasing the Company of all liability for any mishap that may happen while aboard the vessel. With the prior approval of the Captain or Chief Engineer which shall not be unreasonably withheld, an employee may while the vessel port, bring his spouse and family aboard for a visit, with the exception of children under twelve (12) years of age. Prior to their coming on board, the employee must sign a Company waiver releasing the Company of all liability. Schedule of wages including a increase effective June 1996: Basic Hourly Overtime Rate Overtime Rate Wage Rate per hour worked per hour worked ( ) Sat. Sun. in in excess of excess of Able Xxxxxx Ordinary Xxxxxx Mechanical Asst. Chief Cook Second Cook Xxxxxx Xxxx and on June year to percent Additionally if the cost of living index covering the previous twelve (12) month period ending Hay exceeds three percent wage rates shall be increased by fifty percent (50%) of the difference between the actual cost of living index and three percent (3%)
FAMILY VISITATION. 25.0 1 With the prior approval of the Master, which will not be unreasonably withheld, an Officer may, only while the vessel is in port, bring his/her spouse and family aboard for a visit, with the exception of children under twelve ( 12) years of age. Immediately upon coming on board, the Officer and his/her family members must sign a waiver releasing the Company from all liability and while on board must observe the Company's safety policy.
FAMILY VISITATION. (a) An Employee who has completed one (1) full year of service with the Company, may make arrangements to have their spouse (or common law spouse) accompany them on board for a period of up to, but no more than, fifteen (15) days once each calendar year provided the Employee's accommodations are suitable (i.e., single room). This privilege will only be granted on voyages in Canadian waters excluding the Arctic. (b) Requests for such visitation shall be made in writing a minimum of thirty (30) days in advance and shall be granted on a first come first serve basis. These arrangements will be approved for only one (1) unlicensed employee's spouse (or common law spouse) at a time. (c) The employee's spouse (or common law spouse) shall not interfere in any way with the operation of the vessel and shall sign a waiver releasing the Company of all liability for any mishap that may happen while aboard the vessel (d) With the prior approval of the Master or Chief Engineer which shall not be unreasonably withheld, an employee may while the vessel is in port, bring their spouse and family aboard for a visit, with the exception of children under twelve (12) years of age. Prior to their coming on board, the employee must sign a Company waiver releasing the Company of all liability.
FAMILY VISITATION. The Provider shall plan and schedule visits of the child with the family, relatives, and/or others according to the Provider’s treatment plan and with the knowledge and concurrence of the Case Manager of the placing agency. Residential/Group Home Socialization/Recreation: The Provider shall make available socialization and recreational individual and group activities designed to enhance learning, provide cultural enrichment, xxxxxx reintegration into the community, enhance leadership skills, and improve self-esteem. Goals to accomplish these specific outcomes will be identified in Individual Recreation Plans (IRP’s) developed and documented by the Provider and case manager of the placing agency for each child. The activities shall be designed to provide fun and pleasure and may include, but are not limited to, outdoor athletics, field trips, games, camping and crafts. Authorized Absences in an Acute Care Setting: If a child is authorized for a service in an acute care setting or setting in which the child is unable to participate in his/her therapeutic xxxxxx care/residential/Group Home placement, that placement will be held for the child no more than 72 hours without prior written approval from the Buyer. Such absence shall be reported as stipulated in the Contract or this addendum. Should the Buyer agree to continue payment during the absence, such payments shall be made in accordance with a separate written agreement between the Buyer and the Provider. The Agreement to hold the placement will be initiated following the direction of the placing agency to the Buyer. Residential/Group Home Medical/Nursing: Overall medical treatment of the youth is coordinated by the nursing staff. Nursing staff shall provide the scheduling, coordinating, and monitoring of medical treatment, physical examinations, and dental checks. In addition, trained staff shall coordinate and monitor the administration of medications and provide first aid to injured youth. The nursing staff or trained staff person shall conduct regularly scheduled meetings with each youth for the purpose of monitoring the onset of symptoms and reviewing nutritional, hygienic, and other regimens which may affect physical health. All of these services shall be supervised by a medical doctor. Payment through Insurance: The Provider agrees to accept the family’s insurance, or Virginia Medicaid, or Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plan (FAMIS) for payment of services, provided that the Buyer obtai...
FAMILY VISITATION. Ongoing contact, therapy, and visitation are a critical component of an individual’s clinical services and basic human rights. The Provider shall plan and schedule regular and ongoing visits for the youth with the family, relatives and/or others (e.g. xxxxxx parents, adoptive parents, and fictive kin) in accordance with the youth’s treatment plan and IFSP. A. Family visitation shall not be withheld as a behavioral consequence. B. Any reduction or change in visitation must have clinical justification and the approval of the Buyer’s case manager prior to the reduction or change.
FAMILY VISITATION. (a) An employee who has completed one (1) full year of service with the Company, may make arrangements to have his spouse (or common law spouse) accompany him on board for a period of up to but no more than, fifteen (15) days once each calendar year provided the employee’s accommodations are suitable (i.e. single room). All spousal visitations must be completed no later than November 30th of each year. (b) Requests for such visitation shall be made in writing a minimum of thirty
FAMILY VISITATION. If you either support dependent children or have non-dependent children under the age of 18, who live away from the host country, Walgreens will pay for round-trip economy class airfare for them to visit the host location twice per assignment year. If your spouse/partner does not accompany you to the host location, Walgreens will pay for round-trip economy class airfare for them to visit the host location twice per assignment year.
FAMILY VISITATION. An Employee who has one (1) full year of with the Company, may make arrangements to have his spouse (or common law spouse) accompany him on board for a period of up to, but no than, fifteen (15) days once each year provided the Employee's accommodations are suitable single room).This privilege will only be granted on voyages in Canadian excluding the Arctic. Requests for such visitation shall be made in writing a minimum of thirty (30)days in advance and shall be granted on a first come first served basis. Only one (1) unlicensed employee at a time can take advantage of these arrangements. The employee's spouse (or common law spouse) shall not interfere in any way with the operation of the vessel and shall sign a waiver releasing the Company, its administrators and directors of all liability for any mishap that may happen while he (or she) is aboard the The employes must sign such a document releasing the Company, its administrators and directors of any responsibility in this regard. The is responsible for the upkeep of his room while his spouse is aboard. Subject to the approval of the Captain or Chief Engineer, which shalt not be withheld, an employee may while the vessel is in port, bring his (her) spouse and children aboard for a visit, with the of under twelve years of age. Prior to their corning on board, the persons concerned as well as the employee must sign a waiver releasing the Company, its administrators directors of all liability. This will only be granted for the voyages made in Canadian waters, with the exception of the Arctic. The visits described in this Article shall in no way result in any extra remuneration by the Company.
FAMILY VISITATION. The Provider shall plan and schedule visits of the child with the family, relatives, and/or others according to the Provider’s treatment plan and with the knowledge and concurrence of the Case Manager of the placing agency. Residential/Group Home Socialization/Recreation: The Provider shall make available socialization and recreational individual and group activities designed to enhance learning, provide cultural enrichment, xxxxxx Residential/Group Home Medical/Nursing: Overall medical treatment of the youth is coordinated by the nursing staff. Nursing staff shall provide the scheduling, coordinating, and monitoring of medical treatment, physical examinations, and dental checks. In addition, trained staff shall coordinate and monitor the administration of medications and provide first aid to injured youth. The nursing staff or trained staff person shall conduct regularly scheduled meetings with each youth for the purpose of monitoring the onset of symptoms and reviewing nutritional, hygienic, and other regimens which may affect physical health. All of these services shall be supervised by a medical doctor. Payment through Insurance: The Provider agrees to accept the family’s insurance, or Virginia Medicaid, or Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plan (FAMIS) for payment of services, provided that the Buyer obtains permission and signature from the parent or legal guardian of the child. Children’s Service Act (CSA) funds shall not fund services covered by the above form of insurance if that insurance is made available to pay for services. In instances where the child/youth is placed through a parental agreement or an Individual Education Plan (IEP), medical services not covered through insurance or Medicaid is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. When all or any portion of the services rendered by the Provider hereunder are covered by an insurance policy, Medicaid, or FAMIS, the Provider shall submit claims for such service to the insurance company holding such policies. The Buyer shall pay the remaining balance due, if any, within 45 days after the Provider furnishes satisfactory evidence to the Buyer that the payment by the insurance company is the full amount. If the Provider receives Virginia Medicaid or FAMIS payments for services rendered under this Agreement, such payments shall constitute payment in full for these services. Provider Medicaid Services: