FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS. There will be a zero based pooled fund for this schedule. The CCG will be charged on a cost per case basis on a quarterly basis in arrears following completion of the activity. The Public Health department within the local authority will provide: Quarterly performance report detailing the number of IUS fits, reviews and removals by individual provider, the split of the cost (i.e. 100% or 50% CCG depending if also for contraception) Quarterly invoice for the activity in the previous quarter Annual LARC audit summary report for CBS service providers detailing the number of LARC fitters, their qualifications, complication rates and action taken. (Dependent on timely submission of completed audits from CBS providers) These reports will be reported via the quarterly Integrated Finance and Performance meetings which are part of the Integration Executive’s governance arrangements.
FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS. If during the course of monthly monitoring of activity and expenditure, a risk of overspend is identified in any of the Schemes, the Pooled Fund Manager will require a Remedial Action Plan to be produced by the provider and this will be presented to the Integrated Care Partnership within 21 days. The Integrated Care Partnership, where appropriate in consultation with the Health and Well-being Board will then consider whether it needs to agree the action plan in order to reduce expenditure.
FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS. [(1) As in the Agreement with the following changes:
FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS. The finance arrangements of the Host Partner apply. Where there are any issues of concern there is discussion and agreement between finance managers from both Partners. Any projected overspends and use of any under spends needs to be discussed between the Partners and agreed at the JSCG.
FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS. Management of the Pooled Fund A lead finance manager, appointed on behalf of the lead commissioning organisation, as the Pooled Fund Manager will oversee the implementation of spends for each scheme or core funding allocation, in accordance with the approved Business Cases or core funding agreements. Allocations to social care services are protected under the National Conditions, the Finance Manager will be the ASC nominated Pooled Fund Manager. Both Partners Finance teams will monitor spend and produce regular reports for the JSCG and FSG. In addition, performance indicators are established to monitor delivery of the Enhanced Health in Care Homes change scheme and the Luton Falls Pathway to measure the expected benefits. An annual report against the core funding will evidence the qualitative and quantitative impact of the investment into allocated services. The JSCG and FSG will both monitor spend and performance. The JSCG will recommend the jointly agreed allocations to the Health and Wellbeing Board for full approval. Allocation of any under spends are to be discussed and agreed between the Partners at the JSCG and the FSG, with unresolved issues escalated to the Health and Wellbeing Board.
FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS. (1) As in the Agreement with the following changes:
(2) Management of the Pooled Fund Are any amendments required to the Agreement in relation to the management of Pooled Fund? Have the levels of contributions been agreed? How will changes to the levels of contributions be implemented? Have eligibility criteria been established? What are the rules about access to the pooled budget? Does the pooled fund manager require training? Have the pooled fund managers delegated powers been determined? Is there a protocol for disputes?
FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS. The total value of the Better Care Fund in Thurrock is £18,019,000 and the amount of the Better Care Fund described as ‘at risk’ is the performance element of £722,000. If during the course of monthly monitoring of activity and expenditure, a risk of overspend is identified in any of the Schemes, the Pooled Fund Manager will require a Remedial Action Plan to be produced by the provider and this will be presented to the Integrated Commissioning Executive within 21 days. The Integrated Commissioning Executive, where appropriate in consultation with the Health and Well-being Board will then consider whether it needs to agree the action plan in order to reduce expenditure.
FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS. The transfer of funding for individual placements and packages of care (and associated management costs) will not form part of a Pooled Fund. Any financial transfers will be exercised in accordance with the flexibilities provided in this Agreement. Audit arrangements for the delegated sourcing and procurement functions will be the responsibility of the Council and appropriately overseen by the Council’s internal auditors. The Council’s financial systems will be used to record each individual placement and package of care purchased on behalf of the CCG. Activity reports will be provided for the CCG on a monthly basis. Both the CCG and the Council will retain responsibility for their separate invoice and payment methods.
FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS. 2.1 As in the Agreement with the following changes:
2.1.1 Management of the Better Care Pooled Fund
(a) The other Partner shall make monthly payments to the Host Partner
(b) Each month in monthly closedown estimates for over or under performance will be shared for accruals purposes in line with the following closedown timetable:
(i) The relevant Partner to submit pooled budget figures for each Individual Scheme to the Host Partner by the 8th Working Day of the month. The First reconciliation point will be at the end of Q2 (Month 6) to include any over/under performance to date but will not include assessment of performance payment
(ii) The Second reconciliation point will be the end of Q3 (Month 9) with potential to include assessment of performance payment preferred.
(iii) Over performance will be paid separately so as to keep a clear audit trail in line with Standard Financial Instructions and Standing Orders
(iv) Month 11 reporting will incorporate year end estimate on pooled budgets.
(c) The year-end reporting will be shared in line with the following closedown timetable:
(i) The relevant Partner to submit draft figures for each Individual Scheme within the Better Care Pooled Fund to the Host Partner to enable the Host Partner to provide draft figures for the Better Care Pooled Fund by the 3rd Working Day following year end (to meet national accrual deadline)
(ii) The relevant Partner to submit budget Information for each Individual Scheme within the Pooled Fund to the Host Partner to enable the Host Partner to submit budget information for inclusion in the annual accounts by the 10th Working Day following year end (to meet national deadline for submission of draft and audited accounts.)
2.1.2 The Host Partner's Agresso financial system will be used for financial management purposes:
(a) Budget holders will submit forecasts by the 10th Working Day of each month. These will then be reviewed by the appropriate Heads 'of Service and Service Directors by the 15th Working Day of the month.
(b) A budget report will contain:
(i) Financial codes and description of code
(ii) Original, revised and year to date budgets
(iii) Actual spend to date and commitments
(iv) Previous months and current forecasts
(v) Comments
(c) Budget Holders for each Individual Scheme will be detailed in each Scheme Specification and will be required to follow the established working rules and will be bound by the Host Partner's organisation's scheme of delegation.
(d) Where budget hold...