Fire Prevention Division. Prerequisites:
Fire Prevention Division. Employees who are assigned full time to the Fire Prevention Division shall be paid at a rate one step above their regular rate of pay, except employees at the maximum step of the salary range who shall receive 5% above regular rate.
Fire Prevention Division. The normal work week for those employees performing fire prevention services will be a modified compressed work week consisting of thirty-eight (38) hours which shall include a half hour working lunch break; any alteration to the schedule will be by mutual consent. Evening shifts shall be involved when required.
Fire Prevention Division. The normal work week for the Fire Prevention Division is four (4) days per week to hours (core) and any changes thereto will be in accordance current Fire Prevention scheduling practices. It is understood and agreed that the normal work week consists of average. The Chief Fire Prevention Officer will work either a four (4) or five (5) day week, as designated. If a schedule change is required, consultation between the parties will be conducted as per the consultation process in Article The following schedule will apply to the Fire Prevention Division: Employer International of Fire Fighters as the exclusive for all employees of Emergency Services, as defined by the Certificate of the
Fire Prevention Division. Assistant Fire Prevention Officer to Fire Prevention Officer requires completion of one (1) year in the Fire Prevention Division
Fire Prevention Division. The bargaining unit positions in the Fire Prevention Division shall be classified as follows: Fire Prevention Officer All members of the Fire Prevention Division hired internally shall receive the rate of pay of a tenth year Firefighter in accordance with Schedule “A” of the Collective Agreement. Members hired externally shall receive the same rates of pay for Firefighters as set out in accordance with Schedule “A” of the Collective Agreement.
Fire Prevention Division. Assignment Pay: Fire Prevention Inspector I requirements:
Fire Prevention Division assist with inspection or plans review, public education, filing, record keeping
Fire Prevention Division. The Fire Prevention Division will meet, as arranged by the Chief of Fire Prevention, prior to the vacation selection date, to attempt to arrange a mutually acceptable vacation schedule. Should the division not be able to arrange a mutually acceptable vacation schedule, vacation scheduling will be done on a seniority basis. (2013) Each Platoon will be permitted to have one (1) Fire Fighter off when pre-booking vacation/float days for the upcoming year (not including the Officers). If an employee submits to change vacation or lieu days, approval will be based on the operational needs of the department. One Officer will be permitted to be off when pre-booking vacation/float days for the upcoming year. If an employee submits to change vacation or lieu days, approval will be based on the operational needs of the department. (2011)
Fire Prevention Division. Fire Inspector/Investigator I (4th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 25th Year)