Fire Prevention Officer Sample Clauses
Fire Prevention Officer. (a) The written exam shall consist of up to 75 open book and up to 25 closed book multiple choice and fill in the blank questions.
(b) The exams, both oral and written, shall be based solely on, NFPA 1031, Level 1, the Oakville Fire Department’s Fire Prevention Training Manual, the Ontario Fire Code, and the Ontario Building Code.
(c) Oral exam-the assessment board shall ask a series of questions of the candidate. The answers to the above questions must be able to be cross- referenced in the stated materials. The marking scheme shall ensure that no subjectivity exists in the marking of the oral questions, meaning that there is only one appropriate answer to each question asked. As part of the oral examination, a series of relevant photos may be shown in a presentation format to each candidate and prescribed and relevant questions will be asked about each photo. The candidate will be scored as to whether they mentioned all or any of the answers that the selection committee has predetermined to be acceptable
(d) The oral presentation shall be done before an assessment board consisting of the Fire Chief or designate and the Deputy Chiefs.
(e) Applicants must have eight and one half (8½) years of completed service with the Oakville Fire Department unless there is mutual agreement between the parties to this agreement to lower the requirement.
(f) The successful candidate shall be required to complete certification to NFPA 1031 Level II (Fire Inspector), NFPA 1033 (Fire Investigation), NFPA 1035 Level I (Public Educator) and BCIN, General Legal and Fire Protection Certifications.
Fire Prevention Officer. Lieutenant
Fire Prevention Officer. All applicants shall have a minimum of seven (7) years full time employment with the Richmond Hill Fire & Emergency Services with three (3) years experience as a Fire Inspector, 1st Class. Additionally, all applicants must have requested and successfully completed the following courses/workbooks: Legislation 101 Occupational Health and Safety Training NFPA Fire Instructor I Course Company Officer (Workbook) Fire Inspector and Code Enforcement (Workbook) All applicable courses will be offered a minimum of once annually. A firefighter must be at 1st Class to be eligible to apply for any available course. Testing for these promotions shall involve: a written exam - constituting 25% of the total xxxx an oral presentation - constituting 25% of the total xxxx a practical component – constituting 25% of the total xxxx and an interview - constituting 25% of the total xxxx (2013)
Fire Prevention Officer. Overtime opportunities will be limited to assignments within the Fire Marshal’s Bureau. Fire Prevention Officers will not be eligible to work overtime assignments of an operational (Fire/EMS) nature. Fire Prevention Officers will only be eligible for “Fire Prevention” details.
Fire Prevention Officer. All applicants shall have a minimum of seven (7) years full time employment with the Richmond Hill Fire Department with three (3) years experience as a Fire Inspector, 1st Class. Testing for these promotions shall involve a written exam - consisting 50% of the total mark, oral presentation - constituting 25% of the mark and an interview - constituting 25% of the total mark.
Fire Prevention Officer. Note: Nothing in Article or apply to this Promotional Policy unless otherwise specifically stated. When the employer is filling a vacancy for the position of Lieutenant Fire Prevention Officer, employees wishing to be promoted shall be processed as follows (Note: Class Firefighters, Class Fire Prevention Inspectors, and Captain Firefighters are eligible to compete provided that candidates have a combined three (3) year experience at the rank of Class or above): Candidates will participate in a set of examinations which when averaged would count for the minimum mark in each examination must be An Interview Panel consisting of the Chief, Deputy Chief and the Division Captain xxxx conduct an interview with each candidate. The results from the interview will be ranked by the Chief and Deputy and will count for the minimum mark must be Credit for seniority will be calculated based on one (1) point for each full year of departmental service to a maximum of fifteen and one (1) point for every year of service in the Prevention Division, to a maximum of ten (10) points. Total credit for seniority will count for Candidates will be ranked based on the outcome of each of the three (3)sections, Interview pass) Seniority Written, pass in each) If any individual conducting the Competency Evaluation and/or Interview considers that they may be involved in a conflict of interest, or that the potential for a conflict of interest exists, they shall advise the Fire Chief immediately, and abide by the Chiefs direction. If the employee is in doubt they should meet with the Chief for an interpretation. Summary results of the interviews will be available to candidates upon request to the Fire Chief.
Fire Prevention Officer. San Xxxxxx will employ one Fire Prevention Officer who will work under the supervision of the Redwood City Fire Marshal. The San Xxxxxx Fire Prevention Officer, with the assistance of the Redwood City Fire Prevention Bureau, will provide the following specific activities: • Wildland urban interface inspections and enforcement • State and local mandated fire and life safety inspections • Plan Checking • New construction inspections • Builder consultation • Coordination and management of Company Inspection Program • Develop and provide public education services • Fire origin and cause determination and investigation of fires within the City of San Xxxxxx • Inspection, clearance, and issuance of fire permits • Serve as a staff member within the San Xxxxxx Emergency Operations Center during EOC activations and training exercises
Fire Prevention Officer. All applicants shall have a minimum of seven (7) years full time employment with the Richmond Hill Fire Department with three (3) years experience as a Fire Inspector, 1st Class. Additionally, effective December 31, 2010 all applicants must have successfully completed the following courses: • Legislation 101 • Occupational Health and Safety Training • Trainer Facilitator Program • In-House – Effective Supervisor, Company Officer Modules All applicable courses will be offered a minimum of once annually. A fire fighter must be at 1st Class to be eligible to apply for any available course. Testing for these promotions shall involve: a written exam - constituting 25% of the total xxxx an oral presentation - constituting 25% of the total xxxx a practical component – constituting 25% of the total xxxx* and an interview - constituting 25% of the total xxxx *subject to further discussions regarding the practical component (XXX attached)
Fire Prevention Officer. 1815 1820 1825 NFPA Standards and Rules as it applies to inspections, reference, enforcement, and review as it pertains to plans review, building, construction and code enforcement may be conducted by planning/code enforcement staff. The Fire Prevention Officer will be paid according to the attached wage schedule. The Fire Prevention Officer's evaluation will be conducted on his/her anniversary date of hire. The Fire Prevention Officer will be entitled to the same tuition and books reimbursement as provided to other firefighters. The Fire Prevention Officer will work the administrative work schedule -- 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Flextime – 1830 1835 1840 1845 The purpose of flex time is to allow some flexibility in the FPO’s work schedule so that he/she can more effectively meet the demands of his/her job that occur outside normal business hours. Flextime will not be awarded on a strict hour for hour basis; rather, the DC and the FPO will meet after the event to determine how much flextime is appropriate. The FPO will make every attempt to submit a verbal request for flextime off to the DC as soon as possible so that administration can plan for the absence of the FPO. Overtime – Overtime will be paid to the FPO at the rate of 1 and ½ times his/her normal rate of pay. A minimum of 3 hours of overtime will be paid when he/she is called before 7:00 am or after 4:30 pm on a normal working day, or for fire investigations occurring anytime during normally scheduled off duty time. The FPO will be compensated at the OT rate only for actual hours worked on all other call back situations. 1850 1855 1860 Overtime will be paid in the event that the Police Department, Chief, Deputy Chief, or an Acting/Battalion Chief requests that the FPO attend an emergency event outside his normal work schedule. Upon receiving such a request, the FPO will make every attempt to contact the requestor and either resolve the issue over the phone or confirm that it is a situation that requires his attendance. A brief written explanatory report will be submitted to the Deputy Chief along with a request for overtime payment. Upon approval, this will be forwarded to the Office Manager for payroll processing. Should the situation in fact turn out not to warrant the presence of the FPO, this will be included in a brief report specified in #4 and appropriate action will be taken to educate the person who made the errant request. Overtime pay will not be withheld from the FPO ...
Fire Prevention Officer. Captain APPENDIX 2 (cont'd) Page 2